
My Stardust Sugar Daddy

Fantasy erotica… bl harem A young man training to be a space pilot has attracted the attention of a famous person and guessed his orientation at first glance. However, he agrees to date him, taking advantage of his generosity and wealth, without realizing that he might fall in love with an extraordinary person…

viola_kukh · LGBT+
48 Chs


 I was going to intervene and stand up for my lovely favorite, but I noticed in his eyes not fear and despair, but delight... and the corners of his lips curved into a mischievous smile... well, of course, he had long dreamed of a connection with Gedeon, but only to dominate on top, and not to be bottom.

 Imarinis no longer made a sound of protest, obeying the irrepressible libido of the hot brunette, who had him spread out on the bed, and gave himself up to him in front of my eyes. What a family! No rules, complete debauchery!

I went with Aruel to one of the rooms away from them for quiet meditation.

 "It turns out... Imarinis is in love with Gedeon," - he noted sarcastically, sitting down opposite me.

 "Are you… happy about this?"

 "Mmm... no... I'm just surprised... They used to live in the same city and only now entered into an intimate relationship... as I understood from their conversation. And what was stopping them?"

 "I don't know… I think this was also a surprise for Imarinis... But you will have a rest from Gedeon, who often use you... It's not easy to endure all this for my sake?"

 "Everything is fine..." - Aruel hastily replied. - "He's not bad at all... although I'm not happy about being his toy. I like living with you, in your family... Please accept me into your harem. Officially."

 "Do you really want this that much?"

 "Yes, my prince! ... I feel so good with you, Elio. And I don't particularly care about the reasons why I ended up in the realm of syrinxes."

 We could not imagine that soon the Zarian king Lariel would come to us with a wingless golden-haired man, surprisingly similar in appearance to Aruel, who rushed forward with a threatening hiss, covering me with his body and spreading his wings. My faithful favorite tried his best to protect me from being kidnapped and pulled me close to him, grabbing me by the waist.

 "Prince Eurol... sorry for the intrusion," - Lariel hastily apologized. - "It's not so easy to get an appointment with you... Gedeon is very busy at the moment, and King Eriolan and I decided to take advantage of this opportunity."

 Aruel froze in amazement, looking at the uninvited guests one by one, and I, struck by his resemblance to a person unfamiliar to me, could not utter a word.

 "Ray... Ray," - the handsome golden-haired man rustled unsteadily with an excited breath. - Do you remember me? From your past life?"

He showed a drawing that depicts me and him holding hands together in luxurious clothes and a signature in an unknown language. The same King with whom I had a relationship in a past life?

 "Why do you look so much like Aruel?" — I found something to ask, darting my gaze between the three men. - "Are you related?"

 "Not exactly," - Eriolan answered in a trembling voice, not taking his admiring gaze off me. - "Ray... I missed you a lot, more than a hundred years have passed since our last meeting on my planet Irmay."

 "We had a relationship?"

 "Very close... you disappeared so suddenly along with Yarion... I suffered a lot all these years that you left me and didn't even say goodbye..."

 "Sorry... I don't remember the details... about us, because I was reincarnated into another body. I…"

 The words froze in my throat from embarrassment. I had no idea what to do in this situation. The golden-haired man with touching adoration in his crystal blue eyes, which I had experienced more than once, was hoping for a positive reaction from me to our meeting.

 "I know, Eurol, that you don't remember our relationship, but still I wanted to see you so much, and I see that you still met the captive deity Aruel... whom you mentioned earlier..."

 "What?" - Aruel lost his temper in confusion. - "Where did you, a resident of another world, get such information about me? And you are not a syrinx, but a human... so frighteningly similar to me. Prince, did you know about me? What is going on?"

"You were captured in this kingdom a long time ago, as far as I understand from Ray's words," - Eriolan explained. - "Your ego was cleansed, you lost all your memories... And I am just a copy of you, created thousands of years ago... by order of Rohen..."

 "What? For what?" - Ariel blurted out indignantly.

 "The Overlord was in love with you, but you did not accept his feelings... and he ordered your copy from one Logos - my Creator. Now I am the legal husband of Rohen... as planned..."

 All this information did not have time to shock us, when Gedeon appeared with an alarmed look and burst out:

 "What the hell! Lariel! What are you doing? Again, without asking, you invaded into my family!"

 Without uttering a word in his defense, the Zarian King instantly disappeared and took Eriolan with him by the waist, who had managed to let go of a drawing with a scene from my past life from his hand.

Gedeon fixed his gaze on the piece of paper, picking it up from the floor by gesture and hovering in thought, reading the information as a clairvoyant.

"Hmm… King Eriolan from the planet Irmay... cutie... Hah! Eurol... and another one of your fans... whose heart you poisoned... how sweet! You were a sweet couple... Why does he look so much like Aruel?"

 It was inappropriate sarcasm from his jealous side and I didn't make excuses for what happened... I pretended that I didn't care.

 "Do you remember him?" - I heard his question in a dull tone.

 With a poker face, I resolutely shook my head and sat down in a relaxing position to continue the meditation under his words:

 "But I vaguely recalled... We knew each other before I was reborn twenty years ago and very closely... and he's still pining for you... Eurol? What did you say to him?"

 "Nothing as a consolation! You came and disrupted our peaceful conversation! What kind of manners? Aruel and I would be interested in communicating with the Kings of other planets! As if I don't have the right as a royal?"

 "Because it's prohibited!" - Gedeon growled reproachfully. - "It's with these two that you personally are forbidden to communicate! Just like with Yarion!"

 "What bad can happen? Well, I'll talk to other handsome guys and what's wrong?"

 "The charms of my adoptive father Lariel are very strong! You'll fall in love with him, but I don't need that!"

 I exclaimed with mocking laughter:

 "Well, here we go again! I have nothing to do? Fall in love with everyone! And why would he need me?"

 "Are you asking this question again after researching your essence?" — Gedeon calmed down and sat down next to us in the lotus position for relaxation. - "We need to assign another super guard to you to ward off any intruders when I'm not around."

 "Security guard?" - I was indignant. - "What if he starts harassing me or my favorites?"

 "Don't worry... I'll select a warrior who doesn't need love affairs..."

 "Are there such things?" - Aruel asked with concern.

 Gedeon only grunted in response meaningfully.