
My Stardust Sugar Daddy

Fantasy erotica… bl harem A young man training to be a space pilot has attracted the attention of a famous person and guessed his orientation at first glance. However, he agrees to date him, taking advantage of his generosity and wealth, without realizing that he might fall in love with an extraordinary person…

viola_kukh · LGBT+
48 Chs


"Well, who would doubt it…" - Imarinis muttered displeasedly. - "You know… my marriage is cracking at the seams even without your influence. Zarmina's ex-husband pursues me openly and this greatly irritates her. He often visits when she is not at home and tries to seduce me. I think that in this way he takes revenge on her for divorcing him. She makes scenes for me that she will leave me if Tarmio..."

"Tarmio?"- I perked up. — "Pink-eyed brutal man? This libertine? So send him away! What problems?"

"So I can't drive him away, he's stronger than me... I would like to stay in your chambers, hide from him for a while..."

Imarinis suddenly began to cry, doubled over and cowered.

"So what happened?" - I hastened to console my favorite.

"He already did it... raped me..."

"What!? Like this!?"

"He came to visit when Zarmina was away... He began to exquisitely caress me, I was confused, and then he crushed me under him... I don't want to see him anymore."

I began to calm him down with sympathetic hugs.

"Of course... stay here... I hope Gedeon will allow it."

Out of gratitude, Imarinis began to kiss my hands and hung in my embrace for a long time, shedding tears. The poor fellow with his dazzling beauty cannot escape the attention of strong men. I didn't think he was so vulnerable, perhaps... he pressured me into pity in order to stay… What a cunning guy! So attached to me! Ready to do anything just to be next to me.

Aruel froze in his tracks, seeing a outgiving and unpleasant scene for him: a handsome, elegant, gray-winged guy selflessly caresses me... but he did not leave the room and approached us, trying his best to hide his embarrassment.

"Meet Imarinis, my dear..." — I said.

After my words, they both stared at each other, meticulously moving their gazes with admixtures of annoyance and jealousy. They were both equally perfect in face and figure.

…What could I do, my favorites met and both of them would have to somehow put up with this situation?

"I'm... Aruel..." - came a depressed voice.

None of them were going to give up and I found myself in the middle between these two, who continued to strike each other with piercing glances. Both tried to find any flaws in their opponent that did not exist.

"Imarinis will live with us for now," - I began to make excuses in front of Aruel, who sat down next to me, pressing his hip to my thigh with an intense gaze. — "He is fleeing from Tarmio, or rather from his passion..."

"And why save yourself from this?" — Aruel said meaningfully, continuing to look straight into the expressive lilac eyes of Imarinis. - "If someone loves you that much, that's wonderful. Passion doesn't come around very often..."

...It was strange to hear such words from a modest person who always ran away from his active fans to other planets and did not accept anyone's feelings. Although... what's surprising? Aruel did not like the presence of the clingy handsome man in my life and he began to express his opinion not in favor of Imarinis, who asked him:

"Have you seen this Tarmio? I have no doubt that you wouldn't let him get close to you!"

"So scary?"

"No... but he's brutal... big muscles and wide bones... very strong, you know? But I have different tastes... and I like to dominate!" - Imarinis lamented and gave me an adoring gaze.

"Yes, it's obvious..." - Aruel muttered jealously with dark smirk.

His mood was greatly spoiled when he realised he would have to share me with another guy, who was also so gorgeous and sweet.

Aruel had already firmly established himself in the royal tower, not wanting to leave me, while continuing to care about the babies, and even he went to sleep with us on the large bed, finally submitting to Gedeon's demands to periodically have sex with him in exchange for intimacy with me. What fortitude to endure all this for my sake!

The naive Imarinis, remembering that Gedeon rejected him during his life on Zaria, was not worried that the same fate awaited him.

My voluptuous hubby accepted Imarinis's relocation under my wing with a malicious grin and naturally began to pester him within a few days.

"Gotcha!" - Gedeon suddenly grabbed his Zarian uncle and lifted him into his arms, spinning in place.

"Let go!" - Imarinis kicked by legs helplessly in the muscular embrace of his nephew.

"Ha-ha... Will you be mine?" - Gedeon asked with a roaring laugh, continuing to squeeze him.

"What? Why?"

"This is the price for living here! You did not know? I demand this for everyone..."

"But I... I don't understand... you always treated me badly... threatened me... it seemed that you hated me, although I didn't do anything bad!"

"And when was it? Five years ago? I was a teenager then... scared of you, my naughty uncle and now I'm an adult! And you are my dear little one... so cute! And how can I hate you? Guess what I'll do to you now?"

"No… no! I am not that naughty at all! Stop doing that!"

"Huh… yeah… don't deny it… it's hopeless."