
My Stardust Sugar Daddy

Fantasy erotica… bl harem A young man training to be a space pilot has attracted the attention of a famous person and guessed his orientation at first glance. However, he agrees to date him, taking advantage of his generosity and wealth, without realizing that he might fall in love with an extraordinary person…

viola_kukh · LGBT+
48 Chs


I could imagine that Esmionis would become interested in me after this meeting and begin to intensively seek attention. Aruel went into retreat for several days, and the cunning clairvoyant turned on his unearthly charm at full power, asking for an appointment with me under the guise of helping in revealing my personal essence.

"I'm incredibly glad that your highness allowed me to be so close," - his velvety voice whispered affectionately when we were alone.

He took my hands and pressed his lips to mine with a gentle kiss, enjoying it. Esmionis was in no hurry to use his tongue all the way to my throat, and I began to peer intensely into his half-closed shining eyes.

"Sly guy..." - I pulled away from him reproachfully. - "You already know something about me! Why are you kissing then?"

"Ha-ha," - Esmionis cheered, not letting go of my hands. - "You got me! Yes... I studied you for a long time, Eurol, and really dreamed of tenderness with you. This is your price for disclosure!"

"And what? Is it really such a pleasure to kiss me?"

"Something that cannot be described! The nature of your essence is such that if you are created specifically for making love. Your energy, entering someone else's body, fills the heart with special ecstasy experiences..."

"That doesn't sound very good for my self-esteem. I'm not some kind of food."

"However... Eurol, it's true, you have the ability to imbue with inspiration at the energy level. And the one who touches you tastes wondrous energies. This is difficult for you to understand, but we, the syrinxes, all have this perception."

"And who created me?" — I said irritably at such strange-sounding compliments.

"I can only imagine by whom, since your creator is orders of magnitude superior to my essence..."

"Again, some tricks to manipulate me..."

"I'm not lying to you, prince," - Esmionis looked offended. - "I'm sincere with you! I'm telling you the truth as it is... this is the root of your problems. You are seen as energy food, to your regret, but don't get depressed because of this... enjoy life with us. Still good, right? You are surrounded by affection and love..."

.... Really I am food for them... I heard this from other beings who had close contact with me: I am literally tasty for them... this did not make me feel any better... in this case, syrinxes are energy vampires...

I continued the conversation:

"I believe that you and Gedeon are lovers, since you are next to me now..."

"I won't deny... I was lucky to seduce him, not everyone succeeds. The main thing is to find common ground between souls. And I'm not a manipulator or a rapist at all, I'm looking for an honest relationship: you for me, I for you, it's simple..."

"Barter: information for bliss?"

"Exactly! And what's wrong with that?"

"So… How did I end up captured by the Overlord?"

"Oh well… my conclusion... You were taken away a long time ago because of extraordinary qualities that you are not aware of. This is the picture before my mind's eye..."

Esmionis concentrated, closed his eyes, raised his head and continued:

"A small planet... Kraos is called...."

"My motherland?"

"No... you are like a guest there… arrived by accident... This is such a deserted area with rare plants and small fluttering creatures... You are the same as you are now, a fragile young man with long gray hair... studying something, observing the flora and fauna... Like a curious... captivated by one word... There was an attack from the sky some monsters on ships, everything around began to explode, you rushed from side to side, not knowing where to hide... then a sharp change of scenery and you find yourself in a large palace with a rich interior..."

"Is this a kidnapping? Did the Overlord set up this monster mess to scare me?"

"No... He came at the call to eliminate the intruders... as a protector. Destroyed their ships instantly into dust... and saw you... - Esmionis drawled tensely. - He immediately took you to himself... to his Realm, as payment for helping the owner of this planet..."

"Is that so? Am I payment for military services? And who is this owner of Kraos?"

"The Deity... a handsome blond man with bright green eyes... was very upset by your seizure. I see how he was trying to negotiate with the Overlord about your return and everything was useless..."

... Yarion? Looks like that…

"How did I end up on this Kraos? How long did I stay there?"

Esmionis fell silent and after a pause answered:

"It's difficult to explain how you got there... probably through a portal... if it's unclear where... this is not your home planet. You and this blond had a love relationship..."

...What a strange story...in fact, Yarion and I have known each other for a long time, and the Overlord interfered in our relationship...