
My Stardust Sugar Daddy

Fantasy erotica… bl harem A young man training to be a space pilot has attracted the attention of a famous person and guessed his orientation at first glance. However, he agrees to date him, taking advantage of his generosity and wealth, without realizing that he might fall in love with an extraordinary person…

viola_kukh · LGBT+
48 Chs


"Your face..., eyes, appearance - are too attractive and expressive. All this screams about your extraordinary past and noble origin. I will help you find a clairvoyant who will tell your story recorded in space. I have a lot of guests, someone will unearth the truth, but most likely not for free..."

"How to pay?" Aruel got excited.

"How!? Your body of course! There is no doubt that you will be desired..."

"Then... no need... I will continue to live in ignorance."

"Are you that squeamish?"

"I can't help but feel... it's disgusting, and in general I haven't fallen in love with anyone... I don't know how to court, and I don't want to..."

...Ah...and I definitely fell in love with his beautiful purity...and stunning image... I too often invited him to my chambers for philosophical conversations... mostly I told him a lot about myself, complained about my fate... I used his shoulder to cry on, and he listened patiently with a sympathetic smile... We walked together through the blooming greenhouses that occupied several floors of the royal tower until sunset and the shine of the first stars in the blue sky... Romance and the community of lost souls brought us closer together so that others began to be jealous.

"My prince likes this infants' teacher so much!? - Vaers grumbled quietly, going to bed and cuddling up to me. - Well, isn't he a boring bore?"

"It's comfy to be with him and he's not slutty, like most syrinxes, I like his softness, restraint..."

"Do you want him? He's not experienced... I can help warm him up for you..."

"Vaers... what kind of offer? We have a romantic frenzy, that's all... You can see how good-looking Aruel is... It happens sometimes... just friendship. I don't need his body at all... You know me well...

"But... You're in love with him... obviously. You look at him with such tenderness... I'm jealous!"

"There's no need to be jealous... With us it's closer just to sympathy..."

Gedeon did not express his dissatisfaction openly, watching our meetings with a mysterious smile, which confirmed my guess - we were brought together specifically to improve my mood. It really became much more pleasant for me to live in captivity. Why is it so important for my Owner that I be pleased—difficult to comprehend, given that I rejected Him?

Soon Aruel began to come to me on his own initiative, apparently he was already completely fed up with his loneliness since he became attached to me so quickly.

"Why are you sad today?" I asked my soul friend, who began to shyly look away from me.

"Really? — the handsome man shook his head, smiling bashfully. - On the contrary, I am so happy to be your favorite... I'm not the only one, right?"

"A-ah... that's it! Yes... you are not alone, there is also Imarinis... He came from the planet Zaria for my sake."

"Is he an experienced lover?"

"Yes... and very affectionate... it happened by chance... our connection... it's all his lilac hair and eyes. He charmed me. The Zarian young syrinx is not only handsome but also has wonderful charisma, and we developed mutual feelings... He and I seem to be alike in a certain sense..."

Aruel blinked his eyes tensely and whispered excitedly:

"Lilac hair? Does this happen?"

"It happens, very rarely... but according to Gedeon, on Zaria, where he was born, there are a lot of guys with colored hair, and that's how natural hair grows... Blue, green and other rainbow shades. Like birds of paradise. They are divinely awesome."

"It's funny... for some reason I've been dreaming about one guy for many years, with long streams of lilac hair, a well-developed, stately figure, taller than me. We hugged tenderly in my lucid dreams… he kissed me passionately."

"This is definitely not Imarinis, he is a little taller than me and his hair is not that long. Most likely you dreamed of his cousin - Lariel."

"Do you know him?"

"I saw him up close... a stunningly handsome man. I suppose he had some plans for me, since he showed up here at the palace without an invitation, but I was not allowed to communicate with him... this is the first husband of the Overlord and he is very dissolute, I think he is not suitable for you as a friend..."

"So... he seduced me like an incubus? He came into my lucid dreams and disturbed me? Was he having fun like that?" - Aruel was puzzled.

"No idea... Does this really bother you? Don't pay attention to him, send him away, since you are not interested in intimate relationships..."

"Do you often see... Imarinis?"

... Well... he carefully continued asking questions about my intimate life... interested in me meant ... he wanted more…

"I see you much more often then him... Do you want to meet him?"

"What? No... Sorry for the personal questions and for pestering you..."

"Everything is fine! I'm very glad to be with you, Aruel. It's so good and sincere feeling..."

I pulled his hand, squeezing it and slipping my fingers through his palm. His eyes flashed brightly like those of an excited admirer, which I had not noticed before and it meant one thing, he was trying to suppress the feelings that suddenly pierced his heart and was fighting with them. I didn't point this out to him, I pretended that I didn't notice anything, because I need a clean relationship with him first of all.

Aruel pretended to be cold for a long time, but on one of the romantic nights in the fragrant garden, when it got dark and we silently admired the flashing bright blue stars, sitting side by side on a bench, he carefully wrapped his fingertips around my waist. In response, I laid my head on his shoulder and he breathed noisily, hugging me a little tighter. The fingers of his other hand lightly slid along my thigh with a barely noticeable stroking. The poor fellow, with rapid breathing, held himself back as best he could until the hot air from his nose tickled my ear... and now his cheek was already pressed against mine... Such a magical moment, when an attractive creature wants intimacy with me, I want to experience again and again... and with me this happened more than once... his silk lips touched mine...