
My Stardust Sugar Daddy

Fantasy erotica… bl harem A young man training to be a space pilot has attracted the attention of a famous person and guessed his orientation at first glance. However, he agrees to date him, taking advantage of his generosity and wealth, without realizing that he might fall in love with an extraordinary person…

viola_kukh · LGBT+
48 Chs


…What have I done!? The Xantharian society, having learned about the appearance of my official favorite, began to intensively attack me with new offers about having dates with me. Gedeon heard my lamentations and offered solutions from his position:

"You need to acquire a harem in order to keep away those who want to fall at your feet."

"What kind of harem? You are crazy?"

"What terrible thing did I suggest? Every prince is supposed to have a harem: these can be mortal girls and boys, and not just winged ones. You don't have to use them for their intended purpose. So to divert the attention, you will get a retinue of pretty creatures who live nearby and please you."

"What? I don't need to please me! Won't they annoy you with their constant presence?"

"Of course they will... but it's not a problem to drive them away from you when I want to be alone with you."

"And where can I get them?"

"There are plenty of young men among the syrinxes, choose as many as you like, but for the girls you need to go to the villages and offer them a luxurious life… Actually… I'm not happy from the fact that mortals will settle in our tower. They give off extra unattractive odors and they also need to be fed like pets. Fuss so much! Better invite the winged boys. I will help you choose them for you according to your taste. You like blondes, right?"

Here I lost my temper:

"I don't like anyone! Why don't you have such a harem yourself?"

"Who said I don't? There are several of my ardent admirers, sweet young men, obedient... only they live with their fathers."

"And you sleep with them?" I was taken aback by Gedeon's confessions.

"Of course... where should I put my energy? Do you remember how you advised me to find pleasure partners? You alone are not able to cope with my needs... besides, you complain that I want you too often... you push me away... So what should I do?"

... What a temperament my young hubby had! He constantly went out on the side, fucked someone, at the same time spent every night with me, and was also jealous of everyone... But what did I expect? Everything was normal - polyamory... what complaints can there be?

However, I spoke out:

"You know... this is too much! Are you going to settle your lovers here? To offer them to me? What a disgrace!"

"No... I won't share mine... choose according to your taste and appetite. So which ones do you like best?"

"None!" I muttered offendedly.

"Someone like Imarinis? There are very few such luxurious ones with natural colored hair in Illuria… And there are always simpler ones... You don't need to sleep with them... just pretending… Tomorrow I will bring you a few... you choose!"

Unfortunately, Gedeon fulfilled his promise and dragged three handsome long-haired blonds, 180-ish tall, to my reception hall. They looked at me in fear, batting their lush eyelashes and nervously twitching their wings, pressing them to their backs.

"On knees!" Gedeon commanded them imperiously.

They obeyed, bowing their heads, and I had to lift each one by the chin and examine their graceful faces like goods. Smooth white-pink skin shining with pearlescent sparkles and expressive big eyes with thick dark eyelashes, thin white hair... like dolls alive... On my home planet, they could be supermodels...

It must have been humiliating... but the young men showed no signs of insult, as if this was the way it should be, and looked into my eyes with adoration.

"How old are they anyway?" I whispered angrily to my hubby, noticing their obvious immaturity.

"Don't worry... they are over twenty..."

"Why are they looking ... too young?"

"Syrinxes look like this for a long time... they mature much later. What are you thinking? Choose!"

"They are… like … similar each other... But no any shorter?"

"What difference does it make to you? Syrinxes are all tall, you know it perfectly well."

I left for myself one named Vaers, a young man with soft snow-white curls and pale blue eyes, who most reminded me of Tiren, who died on the ship. The same mannerism and innocent look. He would be rather my son than a concubine... so cute! I touched his hair with my palm, according to the tradition of taking a favorite under my wing.

Vaers did not hide his joy, breaking into a smile and looking around triumphantly at the other young men.

Thus my harem began to gather. And why did I agree to this?

"Sir, what can I do for you?" That phrase infuriated me the most.

"Nothing... let's meditate for an hour."

... Collecting prana from space, for those who do not eat physical food, is an everyday mandatory process in the lotus position, with your chin up and your palms open on both sides. Or you can instead take the energy from your lover during sex, then this will de-energize him and he will fall into an uninterrupted sleep for a day.

Love is a delicacy here... but I don't want to do that to my concubine. It's better to calmly meditate on the garden terrace under the subtle ringing of bells in a light draft without any fuss... Vaers obediently sat down next to me, absorbing the energy, like at a family table.

The young man walked around me in circles for several days, waiting for an invitation to bed and obsessively offering me a massage.

 His mood dropped greatly when he noticed my ignorance.

"Your Highness... - came his plaintive voice. - Why did you choose me if you don't like me?"

"I do like you…" my sluggish answer did not calm him down at all and he continued to pester me.