
My Stardust Sugar Daddy

Fantasy erotica… bl harem A young man training to be a space pilot has attracted the attention of a famous person and guessed his orientation at first glance. However, he agrees to date him, taking advantage of his generosity and wealth, without realizing that he might fall in love with an extraordinary person…

viola_kukh · LGBT+
48 Chs


As I understand it, Syrinxes are very sensitive empaths and feel spontaneous liking very keenly. I found it difficult to get rid of his harassment. The more we communicated, the stronger the attraction that arose with every glance and sigh began to act, and in my chest I felt his fiery heart beating, hot blood pulsating in every vein... 

I glanced over his slim body, covered with a long patterned tunic, in the slits of which smooth slender legs were visible, and I undressed him mentally. What an obsession! What a libertine I have become! But it's not my fault! They made me like this...

His spell was in an act… Then I wanted to hug him, breathe in his scent, bury my face in his luxurious lilac hair, intertwine our legs and cover him with kisses. This handsome young man is created for love pleasures; everything about him seems perfect. He was also not very tall by their standards, below 180. Just a gift! And he? Probably he wanted me too? I had to check…

Zarmina was distracted by a knock on the door and went out to exchange words with her neighbor... and the top of his foot had already touched my ankle, accompanied by the inviting gaze of bright purple eyes and a sensually parted mouth, from which the tip of a narrow lilac tongue appeared, sliding along the lower edge of the upper lip.

"I'm feeling sleepy," my languid voice sounded in response to his open signs. "Can I lie down somewhere for an hour, apparently we have a significant time difference."

"Sure, of course..." Imarinis jumped up readily, smiling contentedly. "I'll take you to the guest bedroom."

...Has he realized that I liked he? Without doubt…

I immediately undressed in front of the bed, feeling his gaze on my back.

"Are your wings growing? How nice!"

...My wings! They hatched just recently and caused a lot of unbearable pain on my back. Healer Ormus helped relieve the pain and asked for sex for his service.

No problem! I'm a public lover... and I'm gradually turning into a bird and will be able to fly in ten years, until they grow to a flying state...

"A gift from the magic of the syrinxes!" I flirtatiously turned to Imarinis, who was absorbing naked me with his gaze.

He approached and carefully smoothed the chaotically protruding white feathers on the tiny shoots on my back.

"Will you allow me to relax you so you can sleep soundly?"

Imarinis slid his warm palm down to my buttocks, stroking them gently.

"Do you like me?" I continued to flirt.

"It's quite obvious, since I'm still here... and you undressed in front of me..."

"How can you relax me?"

"Like this!"

... He fell towards me from behind, grabbed me by the waist and slid his silken lips along my neck, enveloping me in the spicy aroma of his body and wrapping me in gentle gray wings. His palms carefully passed from the chest to the hips several times.

"Fine? Will you sleep well now?" he whispered into my ear with hot breath.

"This is all?" I turned around disappointed.

"Do you want more? With joy... But my wife is nearby. She won't like our get-together. I'm going to get into a scandal."

I jumped away from him in irritation and dived under the covers on the bed.

"Are you that faithful to her?"

"Well… No... I meet guys secretly from her," Imarinis said in a low voice.

"Your morals are very different from the Xantarians. Orgies are common there, women, men - all together... doesn't Zarmina come from the capital?"

"She's not a fan of this, and we have an agreement with her: if she caught me cheating with a guy, she'll immediately divorce me."

"Is she so dear to you?"

"I've been trying to get her for so long... and not every man has a princess wife. This is a special status, you know?"

"Oh, it's a pity... I thought you wanted me, but you're afraid of the wrath of your wife..."

...And why did I behave like this? Such a bitch! The guy is trying to be faithful, but he was not good with it, and I'm also egging him on...

"I want..." he squeezed out with a grimace of regret on his face. "But not now... only at night... when she falls asleep."

"Okay... come back later, and I'll get some sleep by then."

Who would doubt that he would come and cover me with his passion, purring with pleasure, kissing everywhere, leaving me with a lot of hickeys and scratches, and I got a kick out of receiving my favorite oral sex, which Tiren greatly comforted me on the space ship.

And what kind of hysterics will Gedeon throw at me when he sees someone else's traces of passion on my body when I return home? Now, he is probably furious, scouring all over Illuria, trying to figure out who took me away for pleasure. He'll yell and then fuck me all night... I didn't expect anything else from him.

Zarmina guessed everything... it was visible in her eyes in the morning, but there was no evidence, I smiled innocently, and Imarinis blushed and hid his eyes. Poor guy! Can't hide his embarrassment. He's fallen in love, or what?

I was soon called to the palace to visit the Queen, but upon entering the throne room, I discovered His presence, instead of Kamily. 

He, a huge black-winged brunette in armored clothing, stood at the window illuminated by the midday sun, looking into the distance.

"Did you have a good rest, Eurol?"

I looked around, thinking that the Owner was addressing someone behind my back.

"You still haven't remembered your sacred name, my precious one? Eurol is the name I gave you a long time ago."

"Did you...fuck me then? After my coronation?" I found something to ask, frowning unkindly.

...I have been waiting for this moment for a long time to express everything…