
My Stardust Sugar Daddy

Fantasy erotica… bl harem A young man training to be a space pilot has attracted the attention of a famous person and guessed his orientation at first glance. However, he agrees to date him, taking advantage of his generosity and wealth, without realizing that he might fall in love with an extraordinary person…

viola_kukh · LGBT+
48 Chs


... I felt His smell - saturated, woody and nutty, with notes of ozone... The Owner himself appeared before his blind captive... He grabbed me carefully from the back... ran over my shoulders... Sharp claws gently slid over my naked skin to my abs, crotch and thighs. His soft lips passed along my neck, his hot breath tickled my ear...

Then, I couldn't tell anyone, not even my friend Jamien, what happened to me next. I can call it a nightmare because I couldn't do anything about my helplessness, half-conscious in someone's arms, or falling into a dark abyss of endless bliss...

He played with me like with a pet... a beloved pet: he gently stroked me, sighing languidly, as if he was enjoying, kissed me everywhere, slid the tips of his long fingers, clinging to me from the back. I could hear the rustle of his wings, the edges of the feathers of which touched my hips, feel the dimensions of his large muscular body, the naked reliefs of which touched my torso with cool, smooth skin.

I recalled Yarison... he would never do this to me. 

Who was squeezing me? 

The same Master who promised to take care of me? It's quite possible... 

He didn't say a word, without giving away his identity, with his hot breath trembling near my ear, continuing to enjoy my body with a quiet purr... 

It even became hilarious... And why does he need me? What kind of nonsense? Such cuties - curvy princesses are here for complete pleasure... Use them with your charms! But no, this pervert needed me - a short old man from another planet, rejuvenated by mutation. So-so choice for lovemaking... Ridiculous!

Despite the paralysis, my body did not lose sensitivity at all, and physical arousal after the imposed foreplay plunged me felt in rapid breathing. This turned him on even more and I felt it with my back, which he pressed against from behind. My fears that he was undoubtedly going to fuck me were confirmed. He carefully penetrated me from behind, throwing me onto my abdomen, running his clawed fingers over my palms. It would be better if he killed me than such humiliation. I rejected someone I once loved only because I didn't want to be under his dominance! And here, without asking my consent, someone shamelessly fucked me! What right did he have to do this?

No matter how bitter it was to admit it, the rapist turned out to be a pro and my legs almost immediately began to tremble with bliss because of his skillful movements. He knew perfectly well how to act to make his partner feel unbearably good. If I had a voice, I would have screamed with pleasure, but I had to bury my face in the bed with a ridiculous moo, convulsively squeezing the bedspread with barely moving fingers, experiencing the brightest ecstasy in my life... such that stars fell from my eyes... Damnation! I got an awesome thrill with someone unknown in such uncontrollable circumstances!

The winged one picked me up, turned me towards himself and pressed me to his massive body, kissed me hard on the lips, thrusting his long tongue into his mouth as if he was going to swallow me alive, emitting purring sounds of pleasure. My throat and insides felt like they were burning with liquid fire. This poisonous substance from his saliva not only subjugates the victim's mind, but also gives an inexpressible ecstasy. In complete blindness, multi-colored phantasmagoric pictures began to play in my inner vision.

...Euphoria... so blissful... I was suspended with my consciousness floating in the rainbow space... How long did it last? Hard to say.

He had no intention of revealing his identity and left the place of passion almost as soon as he finished... What was that?

I regained my vision after about an hour, lying high intoxicated under a blanket carefully draped over me. Someone came into the room and I saw that handsome Gedeon, the Queen's husband.

"Are you okay?" he asked unexpectedly sympathetically, with an cheerful expression on his face.

"Who was here an hour ago?" my indignant voice cut through.

"I don't know... I talked with your comrades, got to know each other. What happened to you? You fell asleep? Can I help you somehow?"

...He's not pretending to be sympathetic, is he? How could he not know what was happening here? It couldn't be him... his body was much slimmer... and his palms were smaller… obviously I was played by someone more massive.

I didn't want to share with him what happened.

"Mnn… I fell asleep... I guess. I had a nightmare... I was paralyzed and my vision disappeared."

"Well... still a consequence of the mutation… this possible... Should I walk you home? My name is Gedeon."

He extended his dark skin hand to me with black claws and I was finally convinced by feeling it that it was not he who had touched me an hour ago. So responsive... does he really care?


"I know your name, my wife is fascinated by you..."

"What? I'm an old man. How can such a young beauty be fascinated by me?"

His joke cheered me up.

"Old!? Really?" Gedeon blurted out fervently. "But I see a young handsome man with a pleasant aura..."

"Aura? What are you talking about?"

I realized that I could not immediately get to my feet after the execution that I had endured and continued to sit, trembling wrapped in a blanket.

"Well, stay here for the night if you feel weak," Gedeon suggested with a sincere smile. "I won't interfere, rest."

What a sweetheart he is in communication, it turned out. A dazzling bright smile against the dark skin and those amazing cornflower blue eyes. He left, closing the door behind him. He really had no idea what they were doing to me here? Although for them such relationships should be the norm. Even if he knew, he would not understand my complaints. How humiliated I felt! I got fucked by huge winged man! Something happened that I always avoided... But there weren't even tears to cry, after all, I'm a mature enough person with a strong psyche not to suffer so much.