
My Stardust Sugar Daddy

Fantasy erotica… bl harem A young man training to be a space pilot has attracted the attention of a famous person and guessed his orientation at first glance. However, he agrees to date him, taking advantage of his generosity and wealth, without realizing that he might fall in love with an extraordinary person…

viola_kukh · LGBT+
48 Chs


She appeared on the captain's bridge right out of thin air a couple of days later, alive and well... but not alone, but accompanied by representatives of Exoterra... huge, tall two-meter aliens, fantastic creatures with wings, the same ones that I have dreamed of in recent years... Men with perfect, well-groomed appearance ideal human beauty, dressed in long, fitted robes, boots with ornaments, caused a shock in reality...

Onboard doctor Onelia jumped up to Rianka, feeling her with her hands and shouting:

"Where have you been, dear? You scared us all with disappearance!"

The captain, with an absent-minded look, as if she was high, appealed:

"We were allowed to settle on Xantari with the syrinxes who own this planet, I already negotiated."

"So it lasted two days? Without our participation?" I spoke in bewilderment.

...Some suspicions crept into my mind: she made an agreement! How?

"Yes... Everything is fine," Rianka answered calmly. "Syrinxes are wonderful, peace-loving folk! Kind and polite. They are significantly ahead of us in development. Advanced in health and longevity. It will be good and pleasant for us to live with them."

...Us with them? Why not separately? - questions arose in my head.

The whole team froze as if in hypnosis, looking at the aliens. It feels like we are all trapped in a 3D simulation of a realistic fantasy.

I peered meticulously at one of the blonds with bright turquoise eyes, filled with his depth of consciousness and high intelligence. Why does he remind me so much of Yarison? The same facial features, only the hair is longer, silver in color, and also... the claws on the fingers are in addition to the wings behind the back! Why is this still necessary? Are these predators?

Well... He is so eerily similar! But he can't be him! This is a completely different personality! What if this is his relative?

He also glared at me and a barely noticeable grin hung on his beautiful carved lips. Crap! He's clearly dug into my brain! He had already penetrated my mind and was reading all the information about me!

"... Denris... welcome," I heard a distinct rustling in my head. "My master has been waiting for you... finally you are with us..."

"What? What kind of master?" indignation flared up in my head. "Were you waiting me? Who are you? Are you also a telepath?"

Everyone suddenly heard his pleasant velvety voice in our language:

" I am Adivaris, Ruler of the capital Illuria. We are pleased with your arrival and will allow you to live in our city for assimilation, but we will take your ship as payment for entering our world."

…It was unexpected: why do they need our ark? So that we couldn't escape on it?

None of those present were even indignant. Everyone stood spellbound, listening to the friendly speeches of the two-meter-tall handsome man.

 And I couldn't get his phrases out of my head: the master was waiting for you... Did he really mean Yarison? He's here? Outpaced our ship and got there earlier? My heart was beating faster at the prospect of meeting him.

I could no longer think about anything else and stopped controlling the current situation. Everything further happened in the fog: we were dropped on the planet without my participation as a navigator, all the people were brought to the city square in the middle of huge skyscrapers of amazing architecture, where many white-winged creatures flocked to look at us.

There were thousands of them! Slender, young, handsome men, over two meters tall, some half naked, and some dressed in elegant floor-length robes just like in my dreams… charming youth with melodious voices began to sing some kind of welcoming hymn in their language.

And where is Yarison among them? I looked in vain for him among the crowd of hefty winged creatures and noticed with horror their strange interest to my person. The men didn't just smile at me warmly, they blew kisses and waved their palms as if they were my old friends.

I heard many voices in my head:

"Desired... radiant... cutie..."

"What's up, baby…"

"Who are you looking for?"

... Isn't my age an issue to you for such open flirting? I'm actually sixty! I'm too old for you! And by the way... why are senior people nowhere to be seen? And there are no women! Is this a gay planet? Here we go!…