
Time to end this.

With no other option than to stop charging, Blake raised his hands and blocked with the amount of flame burst he managed to charge.


When both flame bursts came in contact with each other, they exploded instantly with the impact pushing him more than ten steps away.

"Blocking it head-on was dumb but damn I am that strong?" It was after he blocked the flame burst with his hands did, he realized how stupid his action was.

Unlike the normal flame that carried little force and burning effects, the flame burst spell was compressed flames that exploded when they came in contact with any other thing. It was way more superior in strength and speed, but its only downside was that it needed more time to compress the flames when compared to a simple fireball.

If not for the fireballs and half prepared flame burst reducing the impact, his bones would have been shattered. Blake's hands had totally gone numb and had burn marks all over them.