
Team knockout exercise (part 2)

According to what professor Gibson had said, students who hadn't gotten a team were automatically paired with themselves.

No one, even the members of those teams was confident in themselves because there was no way a team put together the previous day would outperform those who had been training a long time ago.

The teams were given serial numbers according to the time they were registered. Blake's team was given number 7, while that of Damon was given number 1 since they were the first to register.

"Apart from Damon's team, what other teams are we meant to look out for?" Tessie asked as she looked at the different teams present.

"None." Luciano said.

"Don't you think it is wrong to underestimate our opponents?" Tessie said to Luciano.

"I am only stating a fact." Luciano said indifferently.