
Taking the fight to the beasts.

The attack of the beasts had come to an end all around the city, and the humans had counted their loss and were treating their injuries.

Now that everything had been taken care of, it was time for the special ops captains to report the situation to the majors.

The 49 captains stood in front of major Reeves, and without a doubt, he noticed the absence of Blake.

'I would have continued with the meeting and punish him later, but from what I know he isn't foolish. So we will wait.' Major Reeves thought.

Major Reeves as well as the 49 captains stood in the same position for the next 25 minutes before Blake finally arrived and took his position.

Without asking any questions or uttering a word, major Reeves gestured and the special ops captains began reporting the outcome of the event that just took place.