
Common enemy

After giving a tight warning to Leah and the sword, the Reaper returned and Azzy found himself at the same spot as he was standing before.

"Did you once again possess my body without asking me?" Azzy was annoyed at the Reaper.

Maybe, it's because of the increase of closeness during the past year, Azzy was no longer as polite as before. Unlike with others, Azzy won't keep it in his heart and often complains directly whenever the Reaper does something that displeases him.

Right now, the same thing happened.

He was listening to an interesting story and suddenly, his body was taken over without his permission.

The Reaper simply replied that it's for the sake of protecting his host's innocence.

Azzy didn't understand what he was implying but at the very least, he realized that whatever Reaper did, it was for his sake.
