
My slave, My property

Paul_Morgan_4957 · แฟนตาซี
19 Chs

I hate you Danika

My Slave My Property


Paul Morgan

Rated 18

When she was done, Lucien withdrew the cup and tried to get up but she clunged to him, her dazed eyes staring at his. "So cold..."

"You're cold?" He asked with a furrowed brow, knowing that the room is not cold at all.

"Your...eyes....they're so cold..." She whispered.

Lucien said nothing, knowing that the woman isn't herself. She was heavily induced on pills and potions, and they have side effects.

He knows that she won't remember any of these in the morning. And so, he just stared at her.

It's the first time he allowed himself to stare at her so upclose. The first time he allowed himself to really look at her.

To see Danika....not Cone's Daughter.

She's beautiful. The knowledge went to his cold heart and whispered on it. Beautiful and so pure-looking.

Like a woman who never saw the rough side of their world. Like a princess.

She has a bow mouth, sharp pointed nose that took in sharp breaths, and deep blue eyes that stared up at him in a daze. Her beauty rivaled many.

For the first time, his raging demons saw her as Danika, not Cone's daughter. He saw her as princess Danika, instead of Slave Danika.

It is a bad idea looking upon her like that. But this is midnight. And she's not herself.

And he's not himself too.

"Why....do....you..have eyes so...cold?" She whispered, blinking sleepily.

He didn't say anything for so long, just letting his eyes take in her features. And then, "They have seen more than any human should ever see."

She took shallow breaths, her eyes dilated. "Can they....ever be...warm again?"



"They've been cold for so long." he looked away, "They've forgotten what it's like to be warm."

"That's....very....sad...." She raised a trembling hand and ran it down the scar, her hand tracing it.

"Where does....it end? The scar...?" She asked, seeing the way the line went past his neck and disappeared into his robe.

"It goes far." He said simply.


"They did."

"Do they...still...hurt?"


She took a ragged breath. "When....she...tortured me...she....said she...wants to roast...my p-privates. Said...after all, my f-father did it...to the king. Is it true?" She whispered drowsily.

He froze there. Why would Vetta tell her that? She knows how sensitive that subject is for him.

The pain of that very day came back to him. The most excruciating feeling of them all, he was sure he'd almost died. Cone had looked upon him, laughing in excitement.

Roasting her privates?

He would feel so much aversion for her, he would hate her, he would keep hurting her. But, he can never do that to her. He doesn't know why but the thought is not one he entertains.

He allowed his eyes to caress her face examiningly. She would die under such torture. No two ways about it.

"Is...it...true?" She whispered again.

Lucien doesn't want her knowing any of his weakness at all. But he also knows that she won't remember this tomorrow.


"Must have...hurt...like hell..."

"It hurt worst than hell."

"I'm so...sorry...."

"I don't need your pity."

"My back....hurts..." She cried out, her head pounding.

"Your back will heal. Faster too." He looked away from her, "You're lucky for that."

"Yours....they didn't...heal s-so fast?"

"No. Never had that luxury."

"I can still remember....that day...." She whispered, her face sad. "Your torture s-session."

He tried to close his mind to it, but one thing about all the memories and pains he's been through is that none of them can be pushed away as if they never happened.

He remembered that day vividly. "It's the first day I saw you. Cone's daughter. Even held in chains, I wanted to tear you apart and make you bleed."

"First time...I saw you too.... Prince Lucien...the enslaved prince I've heard about all my life, but has....never seen. I saw the...rage in your eyes...when I looked into them....when you stared at...me."

She'd overseen his torture session that day. She stood at the corner like a regal proud princess, while the guards whipped him with all their power.

She stood staring when they tied him up and forced him to eat like a dog. On his knees. She'd been watching when they cut him open with a knife on his shoulder, while he bled.

That day was the first time he was tortured and he didn't feel the pain of the torture.

He channeled all the pain into hate as he stared at the Princess of Mombana. He'd hated her so much and he fed that hatred for four solid excruciating years.

That was the day he vowed that he'll have the princess as his slave one day.

"Oh....Colder...." She sounded sad and sleepy. Her voice dragged him out of the bitter memory.

"Are you cold?" He groaned in a hard voice.

"Your eyes....they got colder...." She swallowed, "...filled with so much hate."

He can't bear to stare at her face for long because no matter how he tries....he must still see her. Cone's daughter. "I hate you, Danika."

Her lips twitched and she blinked ever so slowly. "I know....My King."

He looked away.

She placed a hand to his chest. "There are scars here too... Internal scars. Here....they seem bigger there...in your heart."

"They are."

"Can they....ever heal?"


"That's sad..."

He laid her back on the bed and pulled away. He got up. "Go back to sleep." he said curtly, "You'll be fine on the morrow."

Through her dazed eyes, she watched him leave.

She watched him walk like a panther as he went to the table and dropped the water back. A huge wounded panther.

She watched him climb the bed and lay down on it. She felt a burn to her chest all of a sudden. Why does her heart hurts to watch him?

As she drifted back to sleep, she wondered if she is bruised there too.

🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀Danika woke up the next morning,disoriented. Her body heavy, her surrounding completely unfamiliar.

She opened her eyes and can't recognize where she is. This wealthy luxurious place can only mean one place....

No...no way.

She sat up and her eyes widened. She is really in the King's Chambers! She slept here!

"Oh heavens, oh heavens, oh heavens, oh heavens! What did I do!?" She whispered to herself in sheer horror.

She peeked up...up...up...to the top of the bed and let out a deep breath of relief. He isn't there. The king isn't here.

As she got of from the bed, the event of yesterday came crashing into her head. Being taking from her room....being flogged...she fainted...

With the return of the memory came the recognition of the dull pain coming from her back. The pain wasn't as much as it was yesterday....as much as she expected it to be.

She tiptoed to the nearest mirror and stared at her back. A map of green leaves and whitish concoctions.

She's been treated. Treated thoroughly.

She felt better. So much better for someone who almost died.

The memory of the rest of yesterday was a blur. Sally had saved her, Danika was very sure. She knew she was at the blink of death, yesterday and the mistress was ready to kill her.

She stared at the tent she'd laid in, and she still can't believe that she'd slept in the King's chambers. THE KING'S CHAMBERS!

"You're awake."

The deep familiar baritone, had her turning towards the library just in time to see him getting out of it.

Her kneels lowered on their own accords to the floor, her head lowered too. "Master." She whispered.

King Lucien stood at the door of the library, leaning back against it. "Rise."

She stood, her head lowered. When she heard footsteps of him walking towards his writing desk, she allowed herself to stare at him. How exactly she get here yesterday?

"I'm really sorry about s-sleeping here and---"

"You wouldn't sleep here if I wasn't aware of it, Danika." He interrupted curtly without staring at her.

"Oh..." She was at loss of word.

"How are you feeling?"

"I feel...better." She answered truthfully.

"Good. Because you're going back to your normal activities today. That includes working the mines, doing laundries, cutting grasses and all the external works."

"Yes, master." She whispered without hesitation, pushing the dread and hurt from her mind.

You're a slave, Danika. You're no longer a princess.

He finally looked up and their eyes met.

Immediately, bits and pieces of the memories of last night came rushing full force to Danika. She remembered a bit.

Being in his arms....running her hands on his face....on his chest....talking openly to him...

She can't remember what they talked about. But he'd allowed her.

He'd allowed her. He'd taken her into his arms and he allowed her. He even answered her questions. For the first time, she'd really looked him in the face up close.....and he allowed her.

He'd allowed it because he thought she wouldn't remember, after all, she'd been heavily doused in pills and portions.

She wiped the expression of knowledge from her eyes. He doesn't need to know that she has the knowledge of their private moment in her head. She'll try her best too to remember their conversation.

Their eyes held for so long, before he lowered his eyes to the sealed scroll in front of him. "Get out. Tell Baski that I summon her presence here."

"Yes, master." She turned and walked out of his chambers.

With each step she took, she couldn't help but remember the night before. The memories...

She'd had always thought that whenever she looks him up close in the face, she would see the monster he is. The monster that has tortured her, and inflicted a lot of pain on her body.

She didn't see a monster last night. She saw a heavily scarred wounded man.


Baski entered the King's chambers and found him being dressed in his royal court garment.

"My king. You summoned me..." She said immediately, her head lowered.

King Lucien said nothing while two royal seamstresses dressed him up. Baski kept quiet, already used to her King's nature and talklessness.

The king is very sensitive to the scars in his body, and because of that, just these twin seamstresses....Mora and Dora, always dressed him.

Not the royal dressers or the maids or the servants. Just them, or Chad or Vetta or even her Baski.

"You can go." He groaned.

The seamstresses bowed and scurried out of the room. His royal garments hasn't been done properly. Some buttons hasn't been closed.

He stared at Baski.

The older woman walked closer and started working the buttons in silent. After the buttons followed the cape of his garment.

When he spoke, his words were curt and straight to the point.

"Make sure she doesn't work for so many days to come, Baski. Send out orders to the maids, slaves, servants and slave trainers both in the palace and in the mine sights, that all of them should stay out of her way. I find out she worked, the person responsible will be punished."

To be continued

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