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Author note Abbie Rogers Civilan camp

Terri Daniels helped me on this and This camp and This in honor of camp founder herself Abbie Rogers

"In the 1950s, Abbie Roger's best friend had a daughter who had disabilities named Donna Rhian. Abbie saw that, during those days, many people with disabilities were not included in camps and other fun events, so she started the camp. It started in 1961 .She asked the Civitans to help pay for camp- they said yes and still are the sponsors. The camp was first at camp tiak, the Boy Scout camp, in tents""state by Terri Daniels

Then, when camp iti kana was built (we will have to look up when) the camp moved there because they had bathrooms, cabins, and a pool.

We add to the camp most every year building something new!

"The camp grounds belong to the Girl Scouts, but we rent the camp each year.. Camp has been going nearly 60 years- and we believe camp will continue and grow!. I've been at camp for over 30 years. Camp has changed as the nation as changed."

Camp was small before Kay, Chris, and I came. Abbie had to start small and grow the camp. Then people started donating a lot to camp- so we've been able to build and grow camp.

'Technology changed camp a lot too. Because of texting, website, Facebook, and Instagram, we are able to carry our message to large crowds . Oh .Brett Favre's daughter and John Rhys Plumlee with his sisters is one of famous people who been at camp ''before . Said by Terri Daniele herself .Her son Ryan Daniels been Go to camp for Long time ago too and He was even my consular for one year at that camp also . My Birthday always on week Of Abbie Rogers Civitan Camp when I go .Oh cabins name belong to boys Tall Timbers ,Dogwoods .Areas belong to girls is Lakeview ,Lodge ,and Paradise Lost .Camp is always on Third week Of July and My Birthday is July 14.This camp get a lot of applicants and people every year .Consular go into training to get ready for camp every year

Hi Slade!

Cowboys and Indians was the first theme- several years, actually

Chris and Betsy decide the theme- .This year 2021 camp theme would

Yes- some people have broken rules and been sent home from camp- but I don't think anyone with disabilities has been mistreated since I've been a director.

If someone makes a mistake we talk with them and tell them the rules- if it's a big mistake or they acted in a dangerous way we have to sent them home


So Our story Begins in 2013 When I started going to Abbie Rogers Civitan Camp..At First I was unsure About Camp and then suddenly I fell love with it Because Camp was cool and very fun .I meet a lot of. Cool +awesome people at that camp .That is only year I was In Dogwood area I think ..I moved to native village and I been stay in that area Since that year .Somewhere in 2014 or 2015 Ryan Daniels was My consular and we have fun together with rest of camp.He often joking with me Called me Nerd and Loser +other stuffs like that ..He was fun be around and Helping me a lot with rest of camp members too . .


So in Our Area known as Native village or Naked Village We called it Our area compete with other areas for Abbie Awards.We act like Rivals most of week

.One of our Ways to do that Is through our Chants .Our areas chant Parody Like Fresh Prince of Belair,Two Princes By Spin Doctors +Other songs .Other areas or village have other songs too Like Phin.We have different Theme for each day .We screamed naked Village at top of our lungs in hope To Win .Other areas screamed Their Areas names too In hope to Win too .On Friday's We singed Lean on me By Bill Withers..Some People said at camp Curse of Slade start This feud between all of boys areas and we don't know what start Girls areas feud . .We Even do Practiced Jokes on each Others at camp. Like one night My camp Friend Will and I Did this Prank Where I pretending to Throw up While Will get In Hammock Because Othee Consulars Was use it to sleep or take nap Another time in 2018 at Pavilion dance Ryan And His camper Brently been annoying me How great dogwood is So I get cold drink from Canteen and pour brently with his wheelchair.Ryan said why you pour drink on all over your camper" said Ryan Daniels Jokely and then he came back and pour drink on me .Also I poured drink On John rhys plumlee on that same night and He do it back to me .


In 2017 Mack Pickering Came in The Picture and We have Growing Bond with each other like I did with everyone else at camp.Mack Encourage me to take new steps Like get me on horse and pool with help of Staircase in pool .Other People Like Charles Livingston encourages me to go tubing with him In 2019.After I got sea sick With Nathan Mars In 2018.


In 2018 We started Go To Camping With Daniel Firth and Lauren Firth at CampSite on Wednesday which after Our talent show on Wednesday night ..They know Abbie Rogers from their church Before she died and They was fun to be around .Daniel Firth was part Of Tall Timbers .We telling Ghost Stories around Campfire and we have fun too..We eating s'mores too while We telling ghost stories +listen to music ..At Midnight we went to night hike and saw interesting creatures like bugs and Armadillos +other interesting animals too ..Oh my Friend Big Al Eat Cricket During night hike and he said He Will do this for My Consular After we got back We saw turtles layingit's eggs ..In Morning we eat something Before we go and someone give me shower in morning at campsite before we go to our first Activities .Girls start Go to camping at campsite on Thursday nights also.


We have different Activities at camp such at our talent show .Our Talent Show offer different talents from disabled people including from me .I telling jokes and do different talents like My Nsync Dance at Our talent show .I Play Bingo at Camp pool party and I drink Slushies from Stand While everyone go to swimming with other disabled people and they give us Presents If Disabled people including me to win .


During Hot summer days at camp Someone bring fan and put it in cabins to let us cool off .I usually take moives to camp with other people did that too .We watch Good Burger +Jurassic World Fallen Kingdom *Shrek +Upside with Kevin Hart +other great of moives .Everyone Would Enjoy them .


In conclusion because we not have camp this year I started birthday fundraiser on Facebook for This orazgatoln and I succeeded rasied 350 of my goal 200 for Camp and it will go to help with camp to continue and live on for future generations to see and enjoy of rest of their lives




In 2019.At our talent show I Took shirt off me on stage of a lot of people During someone was doing SexyBack Song +It was embarrassed.Everyone was laugh at me and it was Joke at camp for rest of week All because I thought Stephen Mcinnis was telling me to take my shirt off me but He actually Told me good job .Someone help put my shirt back on me .Later on that night I Share with everyone about that incident what really happen at campsite.

At night we singing Kumbaya while holding hands together .After that we trying beat other cabins areas by We screamed to up of our lungs ''Naked Village "

.and other cabins areas do that too.We even have Funerals at camp for people involed with camp .First funeral at camp was for Papadale In 2018 .He was old sweet man who taking me on rides to camp activities.

We burned his ashes under our tree that camp planted it and we water it every year .We take care of it.One year as I remember Ryan Daniels and I chasing Flock Canadian Geese Off until They flying away and They did Oh Camp love music and It set the tone for camp. One Time in 2018 Big al And I have dance Battle to Micheal Jackson at Art and Crafts and We have good time Oh camp last a Week Sunday -Friday's every year for adults and youth week


John Rhys plumlee not at camp In 2019 because ole miss and In fact I saw him at Hattiesburg night of shine before he go to ole miss .I miss him so much but her sisters was at camp and it was fun to be around them with rest of camp too Oh . Hattiesburg 2019 Night of shine was last time I got see John Rhys Plumlee acaully.One of his sister was at 2020 Hattiesburg Night Of Shine At Temple Baptist Church.Oh We watch Hitch with other great stuffs like that at camp .have a great story about John Rhys plumlee that happen to me one year at camp Abbie Rogers .While We was playing 🏈 one year at camp He Throw a pass to me backwards and I catch it then throw back to him .He jump and catch football..Oh we play bingo while we have pool party on Tuesday.It was fin and a lot of people win prizes including me if they get bingo


To celebrate Mack Pickering Birthday in 2017 At night at Native village in our cabin area We singing Drake and Josh theme song because Mack told me That was his favorite Nickelodeon Show With candle in zebra cake

We have a idea for Our band freedom striker killer band one day in 2019 on Snapchat .Our band creator Steve coming up for we. should have a band at first time after we make up a story about band.Our band Stephen Mcinnis for his real name .Stephen Mcinnis owner 601steve which record studio or label Male Music and We have Partnership with 601Steve for our band Sake..After We choosing many band names like loaded diaper .and freedom fighters band .Since all of their names was taken we decided call it Freedom striker killer band.We performed at 2020 Night Of Shine with Only I Can imagine by Mecryme ,We are champions +Under pressure by Queen .We hoping perform there and our camp again next year. Our band genre going be country


One year at camp Consulars was watching Greases and they love that Flim With John Travilo.


Oh my Mamma did Facebook fundraiser for Camp Abbie Rogers Civilan camp and she rasied 175 for camp

Oh one yesr


Disclaimer No one buried at camp confirmed by Terri Daniel but We water or keep planting a tree if anyone died at camp . Papadale is buried at his church in sunrall Ms

Micheal garner said My major in about a college was special education, I was at Ellisville State school for 3 semesters and volunteered there and special Olympics about a hundred . years ago!! And I've been going to Civitan camp since I was a kid so I might have run across them at one of those places like bosewell and etc .

this is our new movie instragram account and please like +follow +support it please for me . This movie another inspiration is ratatouille but it for older audiences +13 and up but young kids could watch this movie if they choose or want to do that. Inspiring story about raccoon who change his ways to help a chef to win masterchef competition.all credits goes to Brody Banks And father Stu for idea. that.all credit to @pixar and Walt Disney for giving us this movie idea. https://instagram.com/raccoonferristhe?igshid=OGQ5ZDc2ODk2ZA== this is our movie instagram account and please follow it +support it please for me .I named raccoon that name after Ferris buller day off.