
First day

That's my alarm telling me to get ready for your first day at new school.

And I am not excited as much as he is .

I hate being new student . Everyone gonna look at me, stare at me, gonna judge me. I don't wanna wake up.

But I had to knowing my mom. If I don't get ready in few minutes​ she will launch herself into my room and stay here until I get ready . Our family never believe in personal space 😂😂😂.

So here I am after bath looking at my self in mirror I don't look like skinny nerd gay . Or bit feminine gay.

I got bit muscle not like yesterday hunk. But still

My bestfriend sam used to say that I got really sexy figure . Curvy body that any guy wanna get under him 🤗🤗.

I am light brownish like indian guys because my mom is half Indian .With Curly hair.

In short note I am hell sexy .

So after wasting enough time on my look I decided to pack for my school . So being new student and at new school i wasn't packing much . So I started heading down for breakfast.

For today my dad was gonna drop us at school. So me and my brother Alex both of us was waiting for him outside our home. Well atleast My brother was excited about it.

After like 15 or 20 min of riding we are here at our new school. Ther are lots of kids heading inside or talking to each other. I spotted chearleaders , few geeks , nerdy, sport guys, few with musical instruments, and normal.

But as I started to move towards main gate I saw someone driving and stopped just next to sport guys well atleast the car was fancy and look expensive I don't know name but it's cool.

So back to person who was driving he was out of car and smiling at his friends.

He was the Greek god I saw yesterday near our house.

Boy he was looking smashing hottttt. I just wanted to jump right there and grab him🤗🤗🤗

And I think I got boner 🤣🤣...