
Ticking One Off The Checkbox

I didn't immediately go home right away, still had some persisting commitments that prevented me from just calling it a day. Some more pressing than others. I left the waffle house and took a quick stroll around the block, when I came around full circle again, I moved onto the next block and circled that one instead.

Got my strength back after all, why not right? Not like I had anything else to better spend all this young adult stamina on anyway. I'm a man of deep thinking, and right then I wanted to think on those commitments.

I know I said I'd go with her, I know I said that it would be no problem, a date's just a date… we're only doing this to rid of us of this devil-cupid contract that's got us bound to each other, this was all being done strictly in the namesake of my survival. 

Purely professional.