
My senior brother is truly very steady and reliable

In the ancient era before the War of the Gods, Li Changshou was reborn. He became a humble Qi-refiner with no extraordinary fate or destined calamities. He harbored only one aspiration – to achieve immortality through cultivation. To survive in the brutal primordial world, he meticulously avoided karma, turning enemies into dust with every kill. He strategized before taking action and steered clear of unnecessary risks. Holding hidden cards, practicing evasion techniques, mastering alchemical poisons, and wielding divine arts, he remained as unmoving as an old dog. When he moved, it was as if the heavens themselves trembled, and when he departed, he did so silently. Originally planning to peacefully cultivate and become an immortal in the mountains, Li Changshou's life took an unexpected turn when, one year, his master, in a moment of profound contemplation, unexpectedly brought back... a junior sister for him.

SY_SDB · ตะวันออก
145 Chs

Chapter 91: The Paper Army Strikes!

Chapter 91: The Paper Army Strikes!

Today, the breeze in the Palace of Heavenly Favor suddenly got a bit rowdy...

Why is someone sobbing next to me?

Under a tree in the corner of the palace courtyard, a young Taoist in a blue robe furrowed his brow slightly.

As he meditated, he saw a vague scene suddenly appearing in his mind:

A short Taoist, about five or six feet tall, was bending over and sobbing, accompanied by a decent-looking female disciple, both wearing sorrowful expressions...

The young Taoist smiled bitterly and let out a sigh.

"Teacher, you're at it again. You don't want to go out, and the disciples want to focus on their cultivation."

They should be worshiping the teacher's portrait; I don't have a portrait or sculpture circulating in the world.

The teacher's realm is truly mysterious, directly 'sliding' causality onto his disciple...

"But, to actually disturb the teacher, who usually never leaves and doesn't care about anything, you all are quite something..."

He chuckled lightly, then slowly stood up.

Calculating with his fingers, he followed the guidance the teacher had given him, feeling a slight understanding in his heart, and murmured softly:

"So, there's an external enemy causing trouble for the Door of Transcendence, and the Door of Transcendence is suffering...

My school, the People's Teaching of Dao, hasn't actively caused trouble, but someone wants to use my school to provoke discord among the Three Teachings?

Hmph, this is something I must deal with.

Last time at the Moon Deity Temple, I disrupted the marriage fate of a little one from the Door of Transcendence; this time, helping the Door of Transcendence can be considered resolving this karma."

As the young Taoist spoke, seemingly casually taking a step, his figure appeared outside the Palace of Heavenly Favor;

After a few more steps, he arrived at the Western Gate, his figure drifting without being noticed by the guarding celestial soldiers...

In a short while, this young man had left the Nine Heavens, overlooking the vast and magnificent Primordial Land from high above.

The Door of Transcendence is passed down by Senior Daoist Due, so it would be good to bring Senior Due along to deal with this matter. This way, the karma I incur will be lessened.

There's another troublesome matter...

Although Senior Due is only a named disciple of the teacher and had only listened to the teacher's teachings several times, before I entered the school, I should call him Senior Brother.

But I am the teacher's only direct disciple, he is named, and he should address me as Senior Brother...

How should I address him?"

This young Taoist suddenly felt conflicted, his figure drifting towards the border between the three continents of West Ox Bitter Island, North Kulu Island, and Central Divine Island—the Kunlun Mountain.

After flying for a while, Kunlun Mountain was already in sight. This reliable Grandmaster of Xuan Du quickly realized another problem.

"Senior Due, which cave on Kunlun Mountain was he practicing in again?"

The Grandmaster of Xuan Du calculated with his fingers for a moment, then nodded.

"Fortunately, the Door of Transcendence has a long lifespan, and this disaster seems to be predetermined. There's no need to rush over...

Let's find Senior Due first to prevent any mishandling of this matter, and avoid the teacher reprimanding us..."

He sighed softly, and his figure disappeared from Kunlun Mountain, bypassing the vicinity of Jade Void Palace, searching for the venerable patriarch of the Door of Transcendence.

Moments ago, at the Door of Transcendence...

It worked!

The Holy Lord's response, cough, the portrait of the Holy Lord responded!

It's indeed the dialogue that's problematic!

Jiuwu was excited for a moment, and even Qinxuanya breathed a sigh of relief...

Li Changshou, however, was not pleased, but rather reflecting inwardly.

Previously, he had been somewhat negligent. Although he entrusted Elder Wanlinjun to give Jiuwu a secret letter, he overlooked many details, as well as the essence of the People's Teaching.

Jiuwu repeatedly cried out just now. Regardless of whether the Holy Lord could perceive it, even if he did, it would be difficult for him to spare them a glance...

Jiuwu's plea, upon careful analysis, was actually a plea for the People's Teaching Master to come and assist them before the sect was annihilated.

This was the Door of Transcendence actively increasing karma for the People's Teaching Master.

As Li Changshou came to his senses, he promptly found a second 'crying messenger' to remedy the situation, making Qinxuanya pay attention to details such as emotions and the title of the Holy Lord.

First, they clarified that they were from the lineage of True Man Due, thereby improving their relationship. Finally, they recited the Doctrine of Non-action, allowing the Holy Lord to verify that they were indeed the lineage successors of the People's Teaching.

This made it seem like an external enemy was forcibly disturbing the Door of Transcendence, thus increasing karma for the People's Teaching Master.

The Holy Lord's portrait immediately responded!

However, the Daoist rhyme on the Holy Lord's portrait quickly converged, indicating that the Holy Lord or some other expert from the People's Teaching had already learned of this matter.

Whether they would intervene, when they would intervene, was still unknown.

Li Changshou quickly analyzed in his mind...

The likelihood of a People's Teaching expert appearing next should be as high as seventy percent; however, whether they could arrive in time for support was uncertain.

We cannot rely on external support;

What we can do in terms of 'calling the thigh' has already been done, so there's no need to spend more mental energy.

To be safe, we must stick to the established plan.

If the building really collapses, we should...

still run.

Li Changshou then passed a message to Qinxuanya, "This matter is settled. Please refrain from mentioning my involvement to others."

Qinxuanya nodded gently, appearing to have something to say but hesitated.

Meanwhile, Li Changshou's divine sense had left the place, focusing on controlling the paper puppets...

Having delayed for a while in the Hall of Hundred Factions, the battle in the southwest and northwest was in full swing.

The two sides fought from the outer periphery of the mountain gate to the skies above several peaks in the middle section of the Door Mountain.

The disciples of the Door of Transcendence kept retreating, with most of the celestial and true immortals injured, and dozens of true immortals had already fallen, but luckily, only two celestial immortals were lost at this moment.

On the other hand, although the mosquito puppets became more ferocious, they had also suffered considerable losses.

Solely under Elder Wanlinjun's hands, three celestial realm demon beasts had been slain!

In terms of achievements, the one following closely behind was the Daoist Master Forget Love, who had killed a celestial from a human clan and a demon clan, ranking second.

Several celestial realm elders also had their own gains...

However, the overall situation was still not optimistic.

At this moment, Elder Wanlinjun seemed to have returned to the battle of thousands of years ago, full of vigor, always confronting the enemy alone!

However, this old man felt secretly depressed...

Previously, with Li Changshou's guidance, so many demon beasts were buried at once, it felt effortless, just using a few more poisonous pills...

But now, in this direct confrontation, the effectiveness of poisonous pills, poisonous techniques, and poisonous spells seemed to be greatly reduced...

It feels quite strenuous, with a taste of thankless effort.

It's never as satisfying as teaming up with Longevity to ambush the enemy in the shadows.

Sure enough, Longevity's insight into 'poison' isn't just unique; its future potential is immeasurable.

As Elder Wan calculates this in his mind, his attacks become more ferocious.

He's made up his mind now; if this battle can protect the sect, he'll pass on his most prized poison techniques to Longevity as a reward for this internal warning.

Suddenly, Elder Wan feels a breeze disturbing his ear and hears a familiar voice...

"Elder Wan, it's me, Longevity. Please don't get too caught up in the fight. Keep a part of your mind focused on observing the battle to the south. It's best if both sides retreat to Broken Sky Peak together. We can later use the array there to defend against the enemy, reducing casualties within the sect."

Elder Wan nods silently, observing the situation around him. He realizes he's somewhat isolated, not because he charged too aggressively, but because his fellow sect members are retreating too hastily.

Longevity's voice echoes again, "Elder, don't worry about me. I'll join the disciples later and enter the underground array. You focus on your safety."

Hearing this, Elder Wan's eyes narrow slightly, a hint of cold smile appearing on his lips.

The few demons who were resisting Elder Wan feel a panic in their minds and quickly retreat, but Elder Wan also steps back, keeping closer to his own fellow immortals.

His earlier action was purely due to Longevity's current safety, a feeling of satisfaction in his heart...

With this small detail resolved, Longevity continues to observe the situation covertly.

At this moment, the battle in two locations has reached just a few peaks away from Broken Sky Peak.

Longevity's spiritual sense catches several injured elder immortals from the sect hurrying toward the Hall of Hundred Wonders.

It seems they want the disciples to leave first...

Next, Broken Sky Peak will become the battlefield.

Although there's a defensive array, many disciples have shallow cultivation. A slight mistake could result in rivers of blood flowing in the Hall of Hundred Wonders...

Under the orders of the senior elders, disciples with insufficient cultivation are asked to leave temporarily. These injured elder immortals will be responsible for protecting them later.

Longevity considers for a moment and then instructs Ling E to blend into the crowd of disciples and leave with her 'true self' and master later.

Ling E immediately nods in understanding and continues to hide in a crevice, patiently waiting for the majority of disciples from the sect to appear.

As for Longevity's true self at this moment...

It had already found a hiding place two months ago and had cleverly concealed itself there, avoiding any proactive movements.

After a while, a pit leading downward appears in a corner of the Hall of Hundred Wonders.

Under the urging of several elders and Ling Xuanyu, Jiu Wu, batches of young disciples rush into this downward tunnel, flying hurriedly towards the underground.

As batches of disciples arrive at the underground array, Ling E seizes the opportunity to walk out of the corner with 'Longevity' and joins the crowd of disciples...

The process goes smoothly, and Ling E earns another merit.

When Ling Xuan Yu arrives and sees Longevity and Ling E, she heaves a sigh of relief.

Holding a control array token, she activates the underground array.

At the bottom of this underground cavern, a complex array with a diameter of hundreds of feet appears, and there seems to be a sound of dragons roaring below the array...

An elder from the Hall of Hundred Wonders shouts, "Quick, fifty people at a time, enter the array!

Xuan Yu, you and Elder Ge lead the way ahead! The landing point of the array is in a valley to the east!"

Ling Xuan Yu immediately takes command and leads the nearest batch of disciples into the array.

Their figures sink slightly, then disappear in a flash!

The main veins of the earth are equivalent to the 'capillaries' of Pangu the Great;

And the Earth Pulse Shifting Array allows Qi Refiners to move along the veins of the earth in the direction of both positive and negative poles, accomplishing long-distance shifts.

Disciples of the Daoist Temple did not panic; in fact, many disciples voluntarily fell behind, allowing those with shallower cultivation to go forward first...

The entire evacuation proceeds in an orderly manner, with Ling E also being looked after by many senior brothers from other peaks. The third batch is transported away.

Longevity lets a strand of spiritual sense accompany Ling Xuan Yu, while he himself has no worries.

With most of the younger generation evacuated, the Daoist Temple disciples have retreated to the vicinity of Broken Sky Peak.

At this moment, the battle line has been drawn, and the main peak's array has not yet been activated;

The Daoist Temple disciples appear exhausted, and the mosquito puppets have shifted their focus entirely to several great celestial experts from the Daoist Temple!

The timing Longevity has been waiting for is now!

"The Paper Army attacks!"

Near Broken Sky Peak, in the two river valleys between several peaks, four paper figures quietly emerge, half-burrowing out of the earth.

From their sleeves and seams, small white paper figures swiftly leap out, and then the four paper figures quickly sink back into the ground.

Twenty paper figures on each side of the north and south valleys quickly spread out near the four paper figures...

This quantity is already the limit Longevity can control simultaneously through the relay of paper figures while simultaneously controlling the original paper figures, and it's impossible to sustain it for long...

Forty paper figures turn into forty 'immortal soldiers' wearing light blue armor.

They have different faces, weak strength, and their defenses are truly papery. Each of them carries a simple magic bow on their back and holds a somewhat special 'arrow' in their hand.

These longbows only have some basic restrictions and can't be called treasures at all.

They quickly sweep towards the forests ahead and reach the concealed locations previously arranged by Longevity, where they draw their bows to full tension.

Upon the arrows, complex patterns light up!

[Silent Poison Arrows]: A disposable self-developed magic tool that can cast a large amount of poison powder with wide range and high accuracy, indiscriminately and instantly!

"Killing enemies doesn't necessarily require magical treasures; it's about leveraging a certain advantage to the fullest. Hone your body, and even a brick can defeat a master."


In the dark corners, Longevity snaps his fingers, and the bowstrings of forty longbows tremble simultaneously!

The weapon arrows, swift and soundless, shoot from behind the enemy troops toward the densest area of mosquito puppets...