
My SI Stash #98 - Unique by Imbalance (DxD)

-If you liked Imbalance's "Inter-Dimensional Wizard" you'll probably like this one too~ SI into DxD as a Kitsune!

Sypnosis: Daichi died. In a conflux of magic, chance, and perhaps a bit of divine intervention, he finds himself waking up once more in a universe he believed to be fantasy. With his newfound body and metaknowledge of the timeline Daichi sets course for munchkinland. The land of milk and honey (covered titties) awaits him! He just needs to make sure nobody can take what is his in the process

Rated: M

Words: 27K

Posted on: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13495344/1/Unique (Imbalance)

PS: If you're not able to copy/paste the link, you have everything in here to find it, by simply searching the author and the story title. It sucks that you can't copy links on mobile (´ー`)

-I'll be putting the chapter ones of all the fanfics mentioned, to give you guys a sample if you wan't more please do go to the website and support the author! (And maybe even convince them to start uploading chapters in here as well!)

Chapter 0-1


He died. It's a quiet thing, to die while sleeping. No tragic accident, no murder, no stupid mistakes or suicide. He simply fell asleep, his body died, and his spirit left. Medically, it would be labeled as heart failure as a result of long term cardiac disease, after his family or coworkers noticed and reported he was missing.

Not to say he was in pain or suffered. It truly was a peaceful, quiet passing. His family and friends were aware of his situation. They would be sad and grieve, and he would miss them, but as he looked down on his peacefully resting corpse, he knew they would ultimately be fine, and therefore, so would he, though that didn't stop him from letting out a heavy sigh as he floated around his room.

Or at least a metaphysical sigh, seeing as he couldn't actually breathe or move air any longer.

With nothing left to do but calmly wait for whatever happens after death, which was already surprising enough as he thought about it; the fact that there was actually something after death, he decided to reflect on who he was as a person.

He grew up in a loving middle class home, never wanting for anything, though that's not to say he was spoiled. He was raised by a single mother, with one little sister, both of whom he loved dearly. He lived his life as he wanted, pursuing happiness and fulfillment over money and fame, and while he never felt that he had found his true calling, he lived well enough.

If he had to guess, he held a positive karmic balance, though he was definitely no Ghandi. He loved animals, animals loved him, he was a huge nerd, and he read voraciously. He treated everyone he met at least neutrally, and was always true to who he was as a person, never compromising his morals or ideals.

He graduated university with an engineering degree, made some decent money, left it all to his little sister, and died.

The summary of his obituary would read:

James Everett – an incredibly smart asshole who lived, laughed, and loved. He will be missed dearly.

Next to which a picture of his mid-thirties scruffy grin would be printed in black and white. If it was color, you'd have seen his hazel eyes and neatly kept short brown hair.

And then he started crying, which was weird, since his metaphysical tears simply evaporated once they fell off his face, which again, was weird, since he appeared more as a floating white wisp and had no face, or even eyes to cry from. Mentally he chuckled dryly, even in death he deflected pain with humor.

Because ultimately, he didn't want to die. He never got married, he never fell in love, he never would get to see and do so very many different things, and that, no matter how much he thought he had prepared himself for the inevitable eventuality, hurt.

Which was precisely when the process for his afterlife began.

It appears honestly accepting everything was the kickstarter to his next destination, as once he admitted how he truly felt he was jerked from his room, pulled up through his roof, above his city, through the clouds, all the way until he hung above the shining blue gem of his beautiful planet Earth where he briefly stopped for a moment and was allowed to appreciate the splendor of his world as it turned and spun through space.

Then the pull resumed, and he was tugged further.

He saw the Milky Way, and was allowed to watch it rotate as stars spun themselves into and out of existence. Then the pull began again and he witnessed clusters of galaxies zoom past until he hovered at what he believed was the edge of his universe, and watched the intricate web of infinity dance and pulse.

Time meant nothing to him during the entirety of this process, and he basked in the presence of the universe, of life and death, soaking up as much as he could, as much as he would be allowed. He never wanted it to end, but all things must eventually cease, and so too did this. He was momentarily depressed as the pull returned, though he could tell whoever was behind it understood his feelings, and was gracious enough to slowly pull him from the grasp of his universe.

It was only once he had fully left the grip of his old home, that his perspective once again shifted. He gazed down upon his universe as he knew it, and saw it in its entirety from beyond the wall. A glowing marble of incredible potential, separated from other, similar marbles by the barest of margins. They spread in every direction imaginable, and some unimaginable, beyond his comprehension as he witnessed an unknown number of marbles overlap, some occasionally bouncing out of their shivering, layered mass, while others bounced in.

It was at this point he had to shut out his consciousness, as whatever had been guiding him thus far could or would no longer extend its protection to his mind; and he felt the scale, the impossibility of the scope threaten to crush him. So he closed himself off from his surroundings, retreating into the depths of his soul to protect himself, and there he stayed. He clung to his internal ego; to his memories, and experiences, the foundation and structure of what made him who he was, where he floated, embraced in warmth, embraced in the darkness, for an unknown amount of time.

And then the darkness left.

Every clash of steel, every burst of magic, sent tremors through the entirety of the underworld. Seven beings, gods, devils, angels, the strongest members of each coalition worked in concert against one entity. A single man, his form fully covered in blood red armor, the shape reminiscent of one of the pinnacle monsters of their world.


His armor sang, causing every member of the strike team to grimace. Every moment that passed, their odds of survival decreased dramatically. One of their comrades spoke up as the squad prepared their next assault.

"We must end this with the next strike. If he boosts again, we will lose."

The others nodded in acknowledgment.

"I will take the hit," he continued. "Strike him down the moment the opening presents itself." Another round of nods followed as the group spread out, the crimson dragon, Sekiryuutei, floated seemingly unconcerned as he watched his attackers prepare themselves.

Their initial ambush failed, only managing to transport him to a desolate section of the underworld, the first strike having been avoided. The following combat had been devastating, the wasteland below now covered in craters, canyons, and glass.

The next assault was over within less than a blink of an eye. The forms of the seven blurred, a crimson gauntlet pierced through the stomach of their ally, golden blood dripped from the tips of the claws, falling to the earth in the same instant nine ultimate attacks landed on the red scale armor.

The combination of energies briefly mixed together, trapping the pair within a vortex of color that slowly collapsed, imploding in the next instant. The shockwave from their combined assault shook the underworld one final time.

A single blackened figure fell from the air, swiftly caught by one of their fellows. A dose of Phoenix tears, true tears of the mythological beast, was administered to what was essentially a corpse. Their gambit paid off, the only remains of their enemy being a gauntlet of red, a green gem set within the dorsal side of the gear. The item itself was slowly dissipating into the ether, returning to the system set in place by a dead god. The previously destroyed figure grunted in thanks to their companion.

"Let us all hope the next Red Dragon Emperor requires less of a sacrifice should the worst come to pass." A crimson haired devil spoke. Nods of agreement passed around the group as they collectively sighed.

"Thank you, Inari. All of us are in your debt for pulling out your trump card. We would have suffered much heavier losses had we delayed any longer." Sirzechs Lucifer spoke once more. Inari sighed in displeasure.

"I can only pull that stunt off once a millennia. The favors I'll be calling in down the line will not be cheap." His characteristic fox tail swished behind him to punctuate the statement. The group smiled as a whole, part in relief and part in chagrin.

As the group spoke, watching the gauntlet of their enemy fade, a separate event was occurring just below them. It was an insignificant thing after the clash that had just taken place, but nevertheless drew the attention of the one at the center of the group.

"It appears I have some additional business to attend to," Inari spoke as he peered at the earth beneath them. A somewhat surprised and contemplative look passed over his face. The group floated down as a whole, stepping upon shards of obsidian glass as they witnessed a somewhat unusual sight for the current day and age.

A golden drop of blood seemed to congeal briefly before flowing into a single shard of polished black glass. A reaction occurred, the glass undulating in an uncharacteristic fashion until it expanded rapidly into the shape of a small kit curled in on itself as though asleep. Its fur was the deepest shade of black, glossy and fine, reminiscent of the material from which it spawned.

"It appears you're a father once more, Inari," a man with an eyepatch chuckled in good humor. "I can already tell with the shade of his fur, he'll be rolling in gloriously big tits in his future." The others rolled their eyes at his words, though an unnoticed smirk passed the man's lips as a flash of power flitted behind his sole eye. Inari snorted in response.

"Indeed. I will be staying until my new spawn awakens. The rest of you are more than welcome to accompany me, though I understand if other matters require your attention."

The group as a whole exchanged glances before bursting into laughter.

"Inari, this is the perfect excuse to extend our stay, away from all of our normal duties and paperwork. Come, come, I happen to have a bottle of Atlantian whiskey that I've been holding onto for a special occasion. Let's all have a drink while we wait for the new little fox to awaken." A bottle of ancient history popped into existence within the hands of Odin followed by seven glasses that quickly found themselves filled.

"A toast," one of the angels, Michael, stated. "To victory, and the future."

He woke to the clink of glasses, eyes blinking rapidly as he witnessed Sirzechs Lucifer, Serfall Leviathan, Inari Okami, Odin Borson, the seraphs Michael and Gabriel, and fallen angel Azazel toasting and taking a sip of something.

His first emotion was complete and utter confusion, quickly matched in intensity by sheer terror as he cowered beneath the gazes of some of this world's strongest entities, all standing around and watching him as they enjoyed their spirits.

It hadn't even been a conscious interpretation of the situation. His mind simply matched faces to names in his memory and instantly triggered his fight or flight response as scenes of destruction played out in his mind's eye. The man with the aspects of a fox leaned over and gently picked him up, staring into his eyes the whole time.

"There, there, child. You're a rather interesting spawn, aren't you?" He asked rhetorically. It was a curiosity to find a newly born Yokai with the level of intelligence and understanding that this one had. His hands gently stroked soft fur in a soothing manner, only confusing the young canid further as his head whipped around trying to keep everyone in his sight at once. The man hummed in contemplation.

"Yes… Interesting indeed. Young one, I name you Daichi. You can think of me as your father, little kitsune." A gentle smile graced his features for a moment.

"I'll take you somewhere you can grow at your own pace, sleep now, child." A finger gently tapped the kit on its forehead. Drowsiness seemed to layer itself over his mind. As he struggled against drifting back to the abyss, the young kitsune heard an additional snippet of conversation.

"Ina-tan! Levi-tan will help, but only if Levi-tan gets to cuddled little Daichi!" Serafall stated, hearts in her eyes at the adorable young fox. Gabriel followed up barely a moment after.

"I will as well, Inari," a similar expression on her face as she stared at the glossy sheen of the incredibly soft fur.

His eyes closed soon after, missing the remainder of the conversation. Odin shared a look with Azazel, as if to say 'I told you so!' The pair grinned lewdly. A new player had joined the game. Sirzechs lightly chuckled.

"Inari, did you purposefully make his name a pun?" The group turned to him questioningly.

"What?" An incredulous look crossed his face. "You're telling me you didn't name a Yako kitsune Great Earth on purpose?" Inari's eye twitched as a frown marred his normally congenial features.

"Sirzechs, I hate you for this. That pun is terrible." Odin guffawed off to the side. "It's Great Wisdom! I'm never going to be able to forget this now! A kitsune of the earth with the name Great Earth! Damnit!"


Yo, this is one of the fanfictions I've been piddling with. I'll be tossing all of them up. They're across several different fandoms, so take your pick and hit me with some constructive feedback. It's likely most of my work can be considered Self Insert fictions in some capacity. If you hate SI fics, I recommend you read something else. If you're just going to be bitching about the story direction or what you want to see, gonna be honest here and straight up tell you I don't particularly care. These are my stories playing with other people's universes, so your wishes and desires for how I play in my playground mean nothing to me.

Unless you own the original content. Then I might care.

Chapter 1

Daichi woke once more only to find himself surrounded by trees that towered over him. As a baby fox, this was to be expected, yet even as small as he was, he could tell that these trees were still massive and ancient.

Memories slowly trickled back in as he took stock of his surroundings.

He recalled being in the darkness for so long, simply being pulled along. Then the tugging had stopped for a time, a time where he simply floated in the abyss of his own consciousness. He had no way of knowing how much time had passed, but there was a marked difference in length when he finally felt something new.

A sucking sensation pulled him along this time. It was brief in comparison to his previous trip, and feeling soon returned to him in a burst of sensation. It was a completely unique experience, one he was having trouble putting to words in his own mind. It was as if his soul and… something else were smooshed together.

No, that's not right. He thought to himself. More like… a warmth permeated my very being. Like a warm bath for my soul. Then the pulling and stretching occurred. It wasn't painful, he recalled. Simply uncomfortable.

Then he opened his new eyes to find colossal beings of immense power from straight out of a world he believed to be fantasy standing around him sipping alcohol.

There's a lot to digest there. He sat on his… haunches. Another thing to contemplate, but in a moment. Running through his memories once more, he came to several conclusions.

Reincarnation was real, the Christian God was most definitely alive, and he was now an animal. The last two definitely required more thought than the first. Daichi moved forward through the trees, hopping onto and over large roots as he mindlessly surveyed his surroundings in search of a landmark or potential home. His natural instincts seemed to be assisting locomotion and observation, since four legged travel was a new experience, along with all of the new sights, sounds, and smells assaulting his mind. Learning how to walk and cope with everything all at once would have been immensely overwhelming. Small blessings.

His first moments in this world were a slap in the face of character existence, so there was no debate for the world he found himself within; DxD. There were worse places he could have been dropped, that's for sure. However, the fact that the big man upstairs had stuffed him into this world was confusing. The best theory he had at the moment was his Godly Avatar was what had perished during the Great War, and as such he now had limited influence within this sphere, at least for a time. It was all he could come up with for now, so he ran with the idea and dismissed it as tentatively solved. Unless it wasn't the Christian God, and was another multi-universal entity that deposited his soul in this particular place. Circular thoughts, discussion tabled for now.

The issue of being an animal was a much more prevalent and distressing problem. One that required an immediate assessment.

He was a fox. If his memory of his first moments were accurate, specifically he was a kitsune. A Yokai. That firmly placed him in the Eastern world since his mythology was either Chinese or Japanese, and since Inari was present at his… birth? Birth.

Daichi decided it was a safe bet that he was Japanese, and most likely now located in Japan. He doubted his father? would be willing to let a newly formed kitsune out of his jurisdiction. From what he knew, most Yokai likely weren't spawned of the gods anymore in this universe either, which made him somewhat of a special case. With a tentative grasp on the Why, Who, and Where, Daichi was left with the What and When of his situation.

He stumbled, the sudden lack of roots and trees blocking his path sending him sprawling. Apparently he still had some work to do on the whole movement thing. It was fine, he'd conquer that just as he planned to conquer everything else in this world.

Stop a moment. Blink. That thought-slash-urge was strange.

A flash of white in the corner of his eye caught his attention. A rabbit, slightly larger than himself sat perched not too far away from him. He had stumbled out into what appeared to be a massive field, though he could still see the great trees towering in the distance.

Daichi sniffed the air, hesitant to leave the shadow of the forest at his back. It was definitely a rabbit. Prey. Looked like a rabbit, smelled like a rabbit, tastes like a rabbit. He blinked again. The What needed some serious thought, and soon, but first, the horned treat in front of him demanded his attention.

Horned treat. Horned rabbits.

Inari placed him in the starter zone of this world. What. The. Fuck. How does something like this even exist? Wait. Stop.

He wasn't complaining, but this was… he wasn't sure what this was anymore. Fuck it. Food now, find a den after, What and When soon after that. To-Do list made. Stealth mode, engage.

Daichi crept around the edge of the field, sticking to the shadows of the trees while sliding over roots and fallen leaves, his belly pressed to the ground as he stalked his prey. He was the hunter in this moment. Death on silent paws. The horned rabbit never saw it coming.

Daichi was nearly on top of the beast when he struck, teeth gnashing as he ripped a massive gouge out of the throat of his adversary. Blood sprayed across the grass around them, the rabbit turning to flee but only making it a single hop before collapsing and falling still. A brief surge lifted his spirit as he watched the rabbits eyes glass over.

Daichi sniffed at the blood in the air. His instincts must have been helping his human side cope with what he was dealing with as he buried his maw into the soft flesh of his meal. It was delicious. The warm blood, the tender meat, the satisfying crunch of bone. His human mind would have almost assuredly rebelled against this meal entirely. Even now he felt some part of his mind laced with the tiniest amount of disgust and loathing.

That was fine. He wouldn't be in this form forever.

Appetite satiated, Daichi returned to the trees. He had spotted a very conveniently located burrow beneath one of the behemoths as he had been stalking his dinner. With some careful sniffing about and attentive listening, it was determined to be abandoned, and with great satisfaction Daichi claimed it for himself.

He needed to answer the What and When as best he could for now. Then perhaps afterwards he would search for a water source. One had to be nearby if there were creatures living among the grasses.

He began his observations of himself. Black fur, vicious impulses, confirmed kitsune. Recalling what he knew of Japanese mythology took a few moments, but he eventually managed. Differentiating between Chinese and Japanese fox spirits was important.

From what he recalled, there were two types of fox spirit Yokai, the Zenko, or heavenly foxes, like Yasaka and Kunou, and the Yako, the earthly foxes. There was an important distinction between the two beyond their titles. Zenko were benevolent spirits, evident by the kind and soft nature of the mother-daughter pair in the DxD series. The Yako were the reverse side of the kitsune coin.

While not inherently malicious or evil, Yako had the predisposition to be mischievous and vicious if provoked or uneducated. Daichi's human past would help balance his Yako urges, so this wasn't overly concerning for him. Beyond a kitsune's nature was the next most important fact: how they accrued power.

There were two ways for a kitsune to ascend. The first was the long, patient way. Daichi labeled this as the incredibly inefficient path to power, especially with the preponderance of enemies available in this world, even during "peace time".

The long route to ascension was the result of a century or millennia of passive power and experience growth. A kitsune gained a tail every hundred years of life, regardless of their activities. Each tail was an exponential power boost, and if it didn't take such a long wait period, might have been considered cheating by most other species in the world. As it was, however, a century was more than enough for any entity to surpass the power gifted by gaining a tail this way.

The shorter route was the traditional path most beings took. Training, fighting, and killing. Training enhanced natural energy expenditure and consumption, expediting the expansion of the soul to enable it to house more power. Fighting, particularly to the death, even further enhanced the speed of natural energy transfer, while killing provided the greatest boost to power, directly siphoning a portion of the slain foe's natural energy.

His Yako side seemed to present this knowledge as an obvious matter of course, something similar to ancestral memories. It was why his spirit was briefly buoyed after slaying the horned rabbit. This was his future path, of this there was no doubt. He could attain his kyuubi form, his nine tails form, within two decades as long as he had an abundance of strong enemies to face. Enemies would be his ultimate bottleneck for progression, though if he was still pre-canon that could be solved rather easily.

Tenko, ten tails, was a different story. Nine tails were already borderline Satan class entities, sitting at the apex of Ultimate class devils. Ten tails firmly pushed them into Satan class, and potentially beyond. There was a reason it was called 'ascending'. It was also the tail that held different requirements to attain, requirements that were unknown for both his prior world knowledge and current ancestral memories.

In China, where the mythology of kitsune originated, the numbers three and nine held a special significance to their beliefs. Tails three, six, and nine were milestones of progress, providing an even larger boost than the rest. This paled in comparison to ten tales. In ancient China, nine was viewed as the pinnacle number. Nine is a multiple of three, a sacred number, but nine is also the apex of numbers before everything returned to zero.

In returning to zero, a kitsune surpassed the apex, ascending beyond the mundane. In essence, they became gods. A walking force of nature, which was more than literal when senjutsu was taken into account. Combine senjutsu with youjutsu, kasha, and touki, it becomes a bit more evident as to the reason why a ten tails kitsune was so unbelievably powerful. It was also the reason why ten tails were almost entirely unheard of in any universe.

Nine tails were already unbelievably powerful. Yasaka was essentially in a class all her own, which never really added up for Daichi. She was on the cusp of godhood, yet tolerated, or was even attracted to Issei. Daichi hoped it was only this world's porn logic, or twisted writer's schemes as to why certain events took place. Daichi would be doing plenty of experiments later to potentially bend and break the porn laws of this universe. That moron of a main character didn't deserve the myriad of spectacular women that threw themselves at him. He almost felt bad for his plans to cockblock the majority of Issei's harem.


He wouldn't completely ruin the kid's dream of course, but no man deserved to have thirty plus women at his beck and call. That's abuse of power and shitty writing rolled into a single package. He wasn't jealous, that wasn't a factor. Not at all. They were his anyway.

Ah. Yako side again. It kept cropping up with possessive impulses and thoughts of domination. Resting his head on his paws, Daichi took a moment to actually analyze his feelings on these new urges, but quickly shrugged. It was an obvious conclusion.

He planned to stand at the top of this world anyway. Indulging his instincts in the process simply made his future endeavors smoother. If he acquired plenty of beautiful women in the process, well, he was a red-blooded male in a world of perfect tits and loose sexual morals.

Thoughts of world domination and a harem of beautiful women were lofty goals to set, but he needed to take the next step to make those goals a reality. The first had already been taken, all that remained was to continue on the path. With that thought he stood and padded out of his new home.

He had monsters to slay.

Follow me on twitter~ @N177013

(Suggest me new fics, anime, manga)


aweirdweebcreators' thoughts