
My SI Stash #67 - Turning An Action Comedy Into A Harem Comedy by Chastity (FairyTail)

-Held myself back for a while with originals so that more SI fics can stack up, Chastity kinda making me miss Sophia tho... This OPMC is quite neat but not enough to fill the void/

Synopsis: ???

Rated: M

Words: 38K

Posted on: https://forum.questionablequesting.com/threads/turning-an-action-comedy-into-a-harem-comedy-fairy-tail-si-commission.13266/ (Chastity)

PS: If you're not able to copy/paste the link, you have everything in here to find it, by simply searching the author and the story title. It sucks that you can't copy links on mobile (´ー`)*

-I'll be putting the chapter ones of all the fanfics/originals mentioned, to give you guys a sample if you wan't more please do go to the website and support the author! (And maybe even convince them to start uploading chapters in here as well!)

Chapter 1

Lucy Heartfilia naturally turned to the door as it opened, an unfamiliar figure standing in it. No, two figures, she realized, after a moment - one was tall and handsome, wearing a pair of sunglasses, while at his side was a petite young woman with blue hair and a beauty mark. He'd drawn everyone's attention, in fact, as he swung the door open in a manner that could somehow only be described as 'badass'. Combined with his visibly muscular build, his confident stride, she had to admit she felt her heart beat a little faster.

She'd only been in the guild for a couple days, so she didn't recognize the guy at all. "Natsu, who's that?" She asked, pointing at the man in question. He was so incredibly handsome - was the girl with him his girlfriend? She hoped not.

"Huh? How should I know?" Natsu asked, blinking as he glanced over at the guy.

"You're a member of the guild!"

"Well, he's not," Natsu said, then went right back to eating fire as if the guy didn't concern him at all.

"Hello!" He declared the words, loud enough that everybody in the hall turned to listen to him. "I am the great and powerful wizard, Lee! I wish to provide this guild with my membership!"

She'd never heard of any wizards named Lee, and judging by how other guild members were looking at him, it seemed like he was just a blowhard rather than her being ignorant. She sighed a bit at that. He had such a handsome face, after all.

"Hey, what're you saying about being great and powerful?" Natsu said, suddenly perking up.

"I'm saying I'm the great Lee. You're the Salamander, Natsu Dragneel, correct? I challenge you." He drew a sword, pointing it at Natsu. She didn't want to watch what was about to happen, but she couldn't bring herself to look away. "Let us exchange blows."

"Alright, let's go," Natsu agreed, standing up and just rushing at him. Lee swung his body to one side to try to avoid Natsu's haymaker punch, coated in fire, but it didn't work - he managed to make a slender cut in Natsu's shirt before being cast off to one side, but that was all. He was tossed bodily right into the wall, and she let out a sigh.

Then he stood up, seeming completely unharmed. Even his sunglasses didn't have a speck of dust on them. "Was that your best shot?" Lee asked, a cocky smirk on his lips.

"Hell no! I'm gonna show you a real blow!" Natsu charged at Lee, another exchange of blows creating a cacophony as the man was pushed back but seemed utterly unharmed.

"He doesn't even like fighting that much," said the blue-haired girl as she plopped down next to Lucy. "He just has that kind of personality."

"That kind of personality?" Lucy asked. She was curious about the girl, too... apparently Lee wasn't all talk, if he could fight Natsu like this.

"He has to make a big show about everything. The moment he learned how to use a sword, he made us run all the way here to the Fairy Tail Guild so he could join."

"Wait... he's only just learned how to use a sword?" Lucy said, looking back at the scene. Natsu wasn't really injured, but there were some nicks here and there, while Lee seemed completely fine, not even breathing heavily as he stared down Natsu. "Then how's he fighting Natsu so well?" She remembered seeing Natsu take on those guys on the boat, or Macao when he was possessed by the Vulcan, but she couldn't understand what she was seeing.

"He's using magic. He's basically a level 99 wizard with infinite mana."

"Infinite... mana?" She just shook her head, turning back to the scene of the fight, which by this point had destroyed a couple tables.

"I was eating here!" Gray shouted angrily, standing up and taking off his shirt in one single fluid motion. "Natsu, what are you doing?"

"Hey, he challenged me. You want to blame somebody, blame him!"

"That is true," Lee agreed amicably. "I would gladly meet you with my blade as well, Gray."

"Wha- asking for a two-on-one?" Natsu demanded. "We aren't even done fighting yet, you can't go acting like I need to tag somebody in, especially not him!"

"You've not managed to leave even the slightest wound on my body-" Gray promptly flash-froze him, capturing him entirely in ice while he was distracted.

"Great. Now I can have some-" Gray started, but was interrupted as the ice seemed to simply disappear into nothing.

"As I was saying," Lee said, clearing his throat. "I think I've demonstrated a level of ability worthy of joining the Guild, but if you wish to continue fighting me, I'll take on all challengers."

"Alright, this guy's way too cocky for his own good," Gray said. "You might have managed that once, but let's see how many times you can pull it off."

"Infinite times. I have the power of a goddess behind me."

Lucy couldn't help but turn her glance to the blue-haired girl sitting down next to her. She wouldn't have described the girl as a goddess, but sometimes guys called their girlfriends that, didn't they? "So... who's the goddess?"

"Oh. Her name is Susie, she's the Goddess of Sloth, she made me and Lee both come here. To Earthland, I mean, not Fiore, or Fairy Tail."

Ooookay, Lucy thought. "And what's your name?"

"Oh, I'm Konata," the girl said, straightening up. "Nice to meet you, Lucy."

"I'm L- Wait, how did you know my name?" She squinted at the girl. Konata was petite and cute, like a baby sister. "You just got here, didn't you?"

"It's a mystery~" she said, wiggling her fingers mysteriously, then flopping forward onto the table and closing her eyes.

"Wha- you can't just go to sleep!" She shook the unconscious girl, but, as it turned out, though, that was exactly what Konata could do.

* * *

It took twenty minutes for Gray and Natsu to finally get tired of fighting Lee. "This is boring! You're barely even hitting us!" Natsu whined.

"It's a waste of time," Gray said, as he took off his pants and sat down, seeming not even to realize he'd done the former.

"Fight me for real!"

"I was. I came here hoping to hone my offensive abilities as a member of the Fairy Tail Guild. I've only been able to fight with a sword for a very short period of time - not much longer than my journey to Magnolia took." He sheathed his sword. He cast his gaze across the wreckage he, Natsu, and Gray had wreaked in the guild hall, then simply walked into it, his hands reaching out. Chairs rearranged themselves, broken legs snapped back together cleanly, even spilled food was put right back where it had been. "Ah..." He said, his gaze turning towards Lucy, a certain smile on his lips.

She couldn't see his eyes behind his glasses, but she could certainly feel her cheeks warming up as he approached, his casual footsteps heading over towards her as Natsu demanded to know what kind of magic that was. "Prepare yourself," Konata mumbled in her sleep, making Lucy scowl down at her. She was just pretending to be asleep, wasn't she?

"You're truly a beautiful flower," he said, his fingers gently reaching out and running along the line of her jaw, making her breath catch in her throat as her eyes widened. His finger trailed slowly down the curve of her neck, and she could feel her heart pounding out of her chest. He was so forward, but, it wasn't as if he wasn't attractive, and apparently he was a powerful wizard, too, and-

She felt suddenly strange, and she blinked rapidly, coming back to reality to find that her bra was in Lee's hand. "White. The color of purity," he said, humming as he looked at it.

"What the hell?! Give that back!" Lucy immediately grabbed her chair and began trying to hit him with it - he simply dodged backwards with a few quick steps, leaving her to swing at open air.

"Such a beautiful lady surely hasn't forgotten her manners, has she? What's the magic word?"

Lucy definitely had not forgotten the magic words. She removed one of her keys from its chain and pointed it directly at the air. "Open the Gate of the Golden Bull! Taurus!" There, in front of her, materialized a gargantuan minotaur-man, white and black light cloak of fur.

Then he turned his gaze over to Lucy, his eyes widening, his tail becoming excited. "Lucy-san, you're not wearing a bra today? What a rare treat! Moooo!"

"I'm not wearing a bra because that guy stole it! Get it back!" She didn't know what this guy thought he was doing, but-

He just tossed the bra directly at Taurus, who dropped his axe as he caught it. She expected him to step up and attack Taurus while he was vulnerable, but he didn't do any such thing. Why? "Moo! I'm holding the same bra that holds Lucy-san's udders! Moo!"

"Give me that back!" Lucy demanded of Taurus, feeling a burning red color in her cheeks. She hurriedly nabbed it from him, then paused as she considered how exactly to put a bra on without taking off her top. "Hey, everybody, turn away!"

Nobody did. If anything, more people turned to look at her. Lee spoke up. "Perhaps you would like to use the lavatory, if it's privacy you wish for."

H-huh? Why was he the one offering her help like this? And why did she feel appreciative when he was obviously the one responsible for her being in this position in the first place? "Thanks," she mumbled, before heading to the bathroom to get properly dressed. She was most of the way through pulling back on her top when she realized there was no logical way he should have been able to pull off her bra like that. She was all ready to rush out to angrily point her finger at him, but instead, as she stomped back out of the bathroom, she ran directly into his torso.

His very muscular, fit torso, she learned, as her nose smushed right into his sternum. "A-ah! Pervert!" She cried, her cheeks glowing.

"I am not the one who buried their face in the other party's chest," he pointed out, with such calm and eloquence that it became impossible to argue the point. He eyed her up behind his dark sunglasses, but the way his gaze moved excited her rather than annoying her. "Let me make up for that little prank by treating you to a wondrous meal. I happen to be a decent cook."

A homecooked meal? From a handsome guy? Wait, this guy was a total pervert, wasn't he? A hot pervert, though... well... she could give him a shot. Taurus had given her experience putting up with a little perversion in guys. Did stealing her bra while she was wearing it really qualify as 'little'? "It had better be fantastic," she said, huffing and crossing her arms.

He just wore an enigmatic smile. "Of course, it will be."

* * *

"Shooo good," Lucy sighed, as she munched down on the deliciously cooked and seasoned beef that Lee had served up.

"He's only been cooking for like two weeks," Konata said.

"Nuh way," Lucy said, shaking her head, her mouth still half-full, as it had been more or less continuously since she'd taken her first bite of this absolutely delicious food.

"She speaks the truth. The goddess Susie also chose to bless me with an inhuman talent at learning quickly."

"She gave you a loht of talentsh, huh," Lucy slurred out around her food, more mocking than serious.

"Indeed. These talents also become stronger the less clothes I wear."

"I shee." The words actually got processed properly by her brain a moment later, and she did a double-take. "Wait, what?" She said, swallowing what was in her mouth and not putting anything fresh in since the first time she'd spoken.

"I decided to dress slightly more conservatively for my introduction, but-" He started stripping, just like that Gray guy.

Lucy should have brought up her hand to cover up the sight of him, but she didn't. Instead, she stared openly as he disrobed, peeling off layers, removing bits, until he was wearing little more than a vest and a pair of shorts. Apparently the sleeves of his top were meant to come off. She stared openly at his bare chest, admiring the muscles and abs for a moment, a certain heat coming to his cheeks.

"You're staring, pervert," Konata offered, jolting her out of it.

"I wasn't staring!" Lucy protested quickly, raising her hands defensively. Konata's look seemed as if it was digging into the deepest darkest depths of her soul, and not finding that it liked what it saw there. "I wasn't, I wasn't!"

"You were," Konata said, taking a bite of her own food as if to emphasize that the argument was over.

"Don't worry - I'm not bothered by being stared at by such a beautiful young lady as yourself," Lee said, with an exaggerated bow that almost made his nose collide with his food as he spoke.

"I wasn't staring!" Lucy protested again.

"Then you may freely begin whenever you please," he told her. His hand reached out to cup her cheek suddenly, his thumb teasing subtly at her lower lip. She could feel her heart racing once again. She should be bothered by this, shouldn't she? He was being so... incredibly... forward. He pulled his thumb away from her chin, licking a tiny bit of sauce off the tip. "Delicious," he noted, before returning his attention back to his own food.

Wha- he couldn't do something like that just to get a bit of sauce! Wait, especially in front of a little kid. "Hey! There's a child here," she said, pointing to Konata.

"I'm older than you," Konata said.

"Wha-" Lucy could only sputter at the nonsense of such a claim. "No you aren't!"

"I'm eighteen. You're seventeen. Therefore, I am older than you."

"There's no way you're- wait, how did you know how old I was?"

Konata pretended to slump forward onto the table and fall asleep, but firstly, she obviously avoided her food, and secondly, Lucy wasn't falling for that trick twice.

"First off, you're obviously not sleeping! Second off, you're definitely not eighteen!"

"I'm eighteen, and, I'm a master of a special form of magic that makes it easy to avoid unwanted conversations."

"Oh yeah? I'd like to see that form of magic," she said, reaching out for Konata - only for the girl to suddenly disappear, in her place a truly massive sword spinning around for a moment on her chair like a top before clattering down, leaning against the edge of the table and shoving the sword back in the process. "What the heck? Where'd she go?" She lifted up the table. That had to be some kind of teleportation-replacement magic, right? She'd never heard of anybody using magic that turned you into a sword.

"If you truly wish to continue your conversation with Konata, simply grasp that sword by the hilt," Lee informed her.

Lucy grabbed the sword without hesitation. It was heavy, though not quite as much as its ridiculous size suggested. As she hefted it up with some exertion, a voice seemed to echo in her head, rather than aloud. "Doo-dee-doo, I'm a sword, I'm not thinking anything, doo-dee-doo." It was Konata's voice.

Wait. The sword really was Konata? "Nope, nope, the sword isn't anything, I'm being silly. I should put down the sword and go back to staring at Lee's chest since Konata is gone and impossible to talk to." The sword was definitely Konata. "What a silly idea, the sword definitely isn't Konata. I don't know what I was thinking."

"Look, you can't fool me!" Lucy shouted at the sword. "I'm going to get answers out of you!" She shook the sword in her hand as if she was thrashing the blue-haired girl. It wobbled threateningly over her, but she was too mad.

"I'm so silly, yelling at a sword, I must look really ridiculous to Lee, who is super hot and I totally want to kiss and make out with."

Lucy decided to ignore those words and barrel on ahead. "Now tell me, how did you know my name and how old I was? Were you hired by my father or something?!" She demanded, sharply.

"That's because-" suddenly, Konata reappeared in Lucy's hands, her legs dangling over the ground as she was held up in the air. Lucy didn't let go of her, even though she weighed quite a bit. "Um. I'm... psychic. I can see the future." She waggled her fingers unconvincingly. "It's a mysterious power."

"Like I'm buying that!"

"It is true. Before she came to Earthland, Konata was an ardent student of this world, and many others."

"Oh yeah?" Lucy was skeptical. She was supposed to be from another world? Come on.

"Yeah, that sounds right," Konata agreed. "I was the top student in my class in my studies. I could hardly wait to leave the school to study more. I would stay up all night studying and then fall asleep in class and get yelled at by the teacher."

It felt like Konata was mocking her somehow with that explanation, like there was some secondary meaning to her words that Lucy didn't quite grasp. "Then tell me something that you'd only know if that were true."

"Umm." Konata tilted her head to one side. "I don't want to spoil things, though... that ruins the story. There's a reason it either doesn't happen or gets skipped over, you know?"

"That sounds like an excuse!" Lucy began to angrily wag the girl back and forth in her grasp. Konata seemed completely unconcerned by it, even as her blue hair whipped around her face. "Also stupid! Why not spoil things?"

"Umm. Hmm. You just joined the guild, didn't you?" She squirmed in her grasp. "Oh. No, that already happened, wait." She twiddled her finger in the air. "You're going to get a really good deal on a place to live in Magnolia."

"I already did that!" Lucy ground out, her expression fierce.

"You're going... to get the Gate of the Lion Key soon. Next. Oh, and Aquarius will never be happy with you so I don't know why you keep summoning her, even though she attacks you every time."

"Gkk!" Lucy dropped Konata down. "Fine, if you don't want to tell me the truth, I guess I can't make you. But I'm keeping my eye on you. Both of you!"

"You were already keeping your eye on Lee," Konata said, in a way that made it obvious that she meant it in the lewd way. "You shouldn't play so many H-games, they rot your brain."

"There are no H-games in this world," Lee said, making Konata groan and collapse to the ground in feigned agony.

Lucy had no idea what the heck an H-game was, but she did know that Konata had just opened herself up, and she was going to finally verbally one-up her. "I guess your brain's already rotted, if you love H-games that much!" She pointed down at Konata's prone form on the ground, wearing a grin of glee as she finally got in one decent lick on the girl.

"It has been," Konata said, nodding in agreement and rising from the ground. "I'm completely ruined by them. Beyond repair, in fact."

Gah! Konata had managed to effortlessly parry her verbal barb! "Lucy," Lee said, suddenly standing up. "Are you finished eating?"

She glanced down at her food, remembering how good it tasted - but also, she'd eaten a lot already, and the pause in eating had given her the chance to get the presence of mind to not just continuously consume like a glutton. She didn't want to get fat! "Yeah!"

"Excellent. Then, would you care to retire to my bedroom?" He said it with such a completely straight face, yet her cheeks immediately got hot, and she could feel the crimson tingle stretch out to her ears, her eyes widening.

"W-what?" She stammered out.

"Would you care to retire to my bedroom, so that the two of us can make love?"

"What the- no! This is like, a first date at most, and really, you were just making it up to me for stealing your bra!"

"Ah, that's true. By the way, here's your bra," he said, offering it up to her, making her suddenly incredibly aware of the fact that he had, somehow, stolen her bra all over again, without her noticing. "You will probably want to wear it going home."

"I'd like to wear it during meals and conversations too!" Lucy said, snapping it back from him and stomping over to the bathroom. When he produced her bra, it had somehow felt more like playful flirting than anything else, and she wound up feeling more embarrassed for not playing along than losing her bra. She really did have no idea how he had such dextrous fingers to slip her bra out without her noticing it, though a certain perverse part of her mind suggested that such finger-talent might be useful in other ways. That just meant she was burning bright red when she finally left his place and offered her goodbyes.

* * *

As Konata figured it, Lucy was fairly generic. A C+ character at most. She obviously served the purpose of playing the straight man outsider protagonist in the main story. In real interactions, that wasn't quite so material, and Lucy mostly made a great person to tease, given her over the top reactions and the fact that, at any time, Konata could just adopt the form of a giant sword and she wouldn't be able to do much of anything to her.

"Let us make love, Konata," came Lee's voice from behind her, wrapping her in his powerful, muscular arms. She relaxed against him for a moment, closing her eyes as he held her close. He was almost like a dashing prince from an otome game, except for the fact that he was an incorrigible pervert.

"Well, you talked me into it, I guess," she said, and he hefted her up easily, carrying her into the bedroom. He actually managed to disrobe her on the way, without really shifting her body at all, a truly ridiculous, even comical, talent. Actually, it was comical, wasn't it? This was the world of Fairy Tail, action comedy shonen, she mused, as she was laid out on the bed beneath him.

He pulled off his gear quickly, leaving the light top and shorts uncovered, his hard dick bouncing in the open air. He didn't take off his sunglasses, though. He never did. When she asked, he just said they made him look cooler, which, was true enough.

He gripped her thighs and just pushed inside her, not even warming her up first, but she found that it didn't matter at all. The feeling of his length brushing up against her inner walls, twitching and throbbing and threatening to explode at any moment, was wonderful. He had this very particular way of rolling his hips when he was inside her that made her feel like she was about to come on just the first thrust - add in the sudden arrival of his thumb at her clit, gently teasing the sensitive nub, and she was already flushed and panting within a minute of penetration.

"You feel simply wondrous, Konata," he said, his other hand gently running up her body, finding her breast and softly teasing it with his finger and thumb, gently rolling around it and making her feel even more sensitive. He leaned down over her, meeting her lips with his, hungrily stealing a kiss from her waiting mouth as he started to earnestly thrust inside her.

Her own hands reached up for him, gently wrapping around his back as they made out, his tongue teasing her own and flicking at her palate intermittently. It felt great, making her pant and gasp, her legs kicking occasionally at the air behind him as he took her in that position, his larger, stronger body seeming a delight to have looming over her, her pleasure intensifying until she came - all within a minute of him sticking his cock inside her. He was truly ridiculously good at sex, an unfair OP ability if ever there was one.

He had functionally infinite endurance, thanks to his infinite mana and time manipulation magic, constantly reverting his body back to prime form whenever he needed to catch his breath from exertion. He was soon just looming over her, playing with her breasts, teasing her clit, making her writhe in ecstasy as he fucked into her, making her come over and over again, so frequently and often she could offer little response to how good he was doing it, other than the occasional, "Eh," "This is kinda, weak," and "I dunno, maybe you should try harder."

The fact that she was obviously faking it didn't seem to keep him from becoming more enthusiastic each time it happened, so she happily enjoyed the experience of getting fucked long and hard by the handsome man she'd been brought to this world alongside. With how often they did it, and how good she was getting at it, it was sometimes hard for her to believe she'd still been a virgin on showing up. Also because she'd played a truly prodigious amount of H-games, as any young teenager with access would.

He finally came inside her after around thirty minutes, and she let out a long sigh as she felt him release. Her whole body sagged on the bed beneath him, skin lightly slick with sweat, and she lidded her eyes, all ready to go to sleep now that he was done-

Then he used his magic on her, and she snapped back to full consciousness, her body as energetic and clean as it had been before the sex had even started. She was a little surprised, but only a little - he'd done this a couple times before. "Are you excited because of Lucy?"

"She's a beautiful woman, but so are you," he told her, caressing her cheek. "I was simply enjoying the sweet pleasure of taking a woman in our own bed, where no one can interrupt us." He paused, pulling out of her, reaching down for his cock and making all her juices vanish from it instantly, his bare length twitching in the air. "I've been focusing on your pleasure so far, Konata; don't you think it's time you return the favor?"

Bah! He just wanted her to suck him off. She could tell that, but... he was handsome, and he had made her come like a hundred times. She guessed she could do it, for his sake. She rose up on the bed, leaning forward towards his erect penis, opening her mouth wide and simply taking it inside her mouth. She'd never done it before, so she wound up just bobbing up and down the top half of his cock, sure that her gag reflex wouldn't let him go any deeper.

His fingers gently caressed her hair, and he gave her this wonderfully warm smile that made her feel genuinely appreciated as she started to lick his length. He sighed, settling down to sit, and started to offer her compliments... in his own way. "Your beauty mark really brings out your face as you swallow my length into your mouth. The stretching of your lips, your hollowed cheeks, your lewd face is incredibly gorgeous and sensual." She did smile a little. Even if he was kind of a weirdo, he could bring back the dead and heal any wound, so, coming on this isekai fantasy adventure wasn't such a bad thing. "I also enjoy seeing your butt in this position - you have a tendency to slightly sway it, back and forth, as though aroused merely by being down there."

Her cheeks glowed at that, warmth flooding her, but she only intensified her blowjob. He was complimenting her, after all, calling her sexy and cute and all those other things, as she worked her way up and down his cock. Her tongue bobbed, and she sucked and slurped, working hard to bring him off - something that didn't actually take that much longer to get the desired effect, and he groaned as he unloaded in her mouth, his sticky cum filling her mouth. She swallowed eagerly, and he pulled out of her mouth with a long sigh, as if completely and utterly satiated.

He continued to pet her even then, and she enjoyed the soft caress of his fingers through her hair, as he trailed about and teased it. His dick continued to absently twitch in front of her, as if silently requesting a round three. Her jaw was a bit sore, even if he could fix it instantly, and thirty minutes was plenty enough sex, though. "You forgot to actually join the guild, Lee," she pointed out. "You just got in a fight with Gray and Natsu." She shook her head as his eyes widened. "You got completely distracted by Lucy."

"I was distracted by the pleasure of her, and your, company, as well as the tenuous possibility of spending time with both of you, in carnal delights," he explained, treating the fact that he'd been angling for a threesome as if it was just some boring matter. She rolled her eyes at his antics.

"If you don't join the guild, you won't be able to have sex with Erza," she reminded him. She couldn't have gotten him to get dressed ("dressed") quicker if she'd turned into a demon and started threatening to eat him. It wasn't one minute later when he was rushing out the door, and she was following after him. She should join the guild too, after all.

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