
My SI Stash #13 - How to Dragon by Xahn (Multicross)

-Da client aka da commissioner just wants a waifu yoinker type of MC, W/

Synopsis: ???

Rated: M

Words: 40K

Posted on: https://forum.questionablequesting.com/threads/how-to-dragon-waifu-catalog-multi-cross-commission.12722/ (Xahn)

PS: If you're not able to copy/paste the link, you have everything in here to find it, by simply searching the author and the story title. It sucks that you can't copy links on mobile (´ー`)

-I'll be putting the chapter ones of all the fanfics/originals mentioned, to give you guys a sample if you wan't more please do go to the website and support the author! (And maybe even convince them to start uploading chapters in here as well!)

Chapter 1.0-1.2 (exceptional)

You know, this wasn't how I expected my Saturday to go… Maybe Crazy Uncle Bob wasn't so crazy after all… I thought to myself as I tumbled through the air. Zero Gravity was hard to navigate. At least my cell was brightly lit, and no Aliens had come to stick a probe up my ass yet.

Granted, not many people expect to bump into two Greys in a trench coat and fedora on their way home from work. And I do mean two Greys and one trench coat. Little bastards were standing on top of each other, like those old comics of kids trying to sneak into an R-rated movie. How no one saw them, or reacted to them I don't know. Their human disguise was so bad… The fedora barely fit the top aliens head, and the second aliens head poked out of the center of the coat.

"Come with us, if you want to cum." The bottom alien said.


"Too late." the top one said, lifting an arm and pointing what looked like a toy raygun at me. He pulled the trigger and well…


I woke up, floating upside down, in a brightly lit cell. If i was lucky these would be the Aliens Uncle Bob always talked about. "The best matchmakers in the entire galaxy," he would say, "if a little weird." The entire family would roll their eyes whenever he got going, but he had a really hot wife. Pale skinned with a mess of wild dark hair, and a bright cheerful personality that somehow managed not to clash with her gothic aesthetic.

A Grey in a white jumpsuit walked into my field of view. From my perspective he was walking across the ceiling. "I did not realize your species enjoyed zero gravity." It said to me in surprisingly good English. "No. I am just psychic. We communicate telepathically if we don't speak the same language." Huh, neat. "It is."

Out loud, I said. "We don't actually like being weightless, but I woke up like this and have no idea how to get down."

"I see…" the alien walked up to my cell door. And started poking buttons. "Stupid Po'el-Roh'Grz. Can't be bothered to do his job and reset the gravity." Suddenly there was gravity in my cell again, and I smashed head first into the ground.


"Oops. Sorry." The damn alien didn't sound apologetic at all. "No worries," the Grey said to me, "something like a minor concussion won't negatively impact your performance."

"Performance?" I slurred from the floor, still laying in a crumpled heap with my legs in the air.

"Oh yes." The alien tried to smile, revealing a mouth full of far too many needle-like teeth. "You meet Steele Inc.'s strictest hiring standards."

"Steele Inc.?"

"Yes, we are the Multiverse's largest purveyor of Pornography.

"Hiring standards?"

"No one will miss you, now that you're gone."

"Gee. Thanks."

"Don't worry, play your cards right and you'll never even want to go back to your old life. And if, for some dumb reason you still do, you can eventually buy out your contract and return. No idea why anyone does that, but it happens." it pushed another button, and the cell door slid open, "for now you have your first meeting with management."

It took me a few tries to stand up, but eventually I managed to get up and follow the Alien down the twisting metal hallways. When we finally arrived I was absolutely exhausted. I collapsed into a strange floating metal chair, while I waited for the Grey's boss. Helped myself to some of the more recognizable foods on the table in front of me too.

After a few minutes of gorging myself on refreshments (Hey! I hadn't eaten in at least 18 hours alright? Work was busy, alright?) a grey in a sharp business suit walked in through the far door. "Good evening." It greeted me, "I'm sorry about the delay, it was the last day before retirement of the capture team, they decided to goof around instead of doing their job properly. They just stunned you and tossed you in a cell, instead of giving you the rundown." It sat in a much smaller chair across from the table. "The job we have for you is pretty basic. And right up your alley I believe."

"All I know is you guys make porn, and kidnapped me for something."

"You're not wrong." It slid a fancy futuristic looking tablet across the table to me. "Our client requested we produce a special show for them." there was a clicking sound, and a hologram was projected out of the tablet. The air in front of me was field with over a dozen beautiful women. It took me a moment to recognize them but…

"Wait a minute…"

"You recognize them, correct? Our client wishes for someone to claim as many of these girls as possible. Before someone else claims them for himself."

"That's the female cast of Highschool DxD. Just not Anime."

"That is correct. Our Client has a burning hatred for Hyoudou Issei, and wants to see him cry tears of agony with every girl you claim."

"Well, I never liked the little shit anyway… but uh… how am I supposed to do that. As much as the little perv pisses me off, I'm me. And he has a Dragon for an arm."

Another click and the hologram changed to a list, a long, long list, full of options. "Some of your choices have been locked in due to the Clients request. But you should have...Two hundred and fifty five credits left to purchase upgrades for yourself. Or, if you'd rather have others do your work for you, you can turn to section 2 and pick a few Women to serve you."

"Holy Shit." I swore, looking through the lists, "that's a lot of hot fictional women."

"I personally don't see the appeal." The Grey said, "but humans appreciate them."

I made a mental note of some of the hotter one's I'd like and with a little fumbling managed to open up Section 0 of the document, the one that had all the presets, and their explanations. "This doesn't look too bad." I said, "I get a nice house, a place of business, and the option to be sent to different worlds after I complete a job, if I don't have enough credits to buy out my contract."

"That is correct."

"What's this No bindings thing mean?"

"If you turn to section 1 you'll see the options for bindings. However, our Client specifically requested for you to make the woman throw themselves at you. Like they did to Issei. He used… more colorful language. But the sentiment was the same."

"Damn… some of those look really fun…"

"Well, yes, but you do get a discount on all purchased women."

"There is that." I flipped to the next section, the one with personal upgrades in them. "Wait… I can become a dragon?"

"Or a devi…"

"Taking that," I cut the Grey off, "and the upgrade. Gonna show that annoying Perv how to be a real Dragon. Wish I had more points to spend… those other upgrades look really tempting."

"Well… you do get paid extra credits for 'capturing' women. Normally this is done with the stamp binding. But for you, you either need to have them swear undying love for you, or kidnap them and lock them in the basement of your 'Sweet Home.'"

"Let me guess, the Client prefers the first option?"


"Hmm… I scrolled through the personal upgrades until I was one under the Dragon branch that caught my eye. "This is a binding that's not grayed out, is that a bug?"

"Hmm… no, that's a Dragon specific binding. And considering it needs to placed by asserting your dominance, preferably during a sex act, I don't think it counters the Clients request. Give me a moment to message them." The Grey pulled a plain looking smartphone out of his pocket and started talking to the person on the other end in a language I didn't recognize. "He says as long as the mark is easily visible, and it's during penetrative sex he has no problems with you using that binding. He also started cackling when I told him you decided to become a better dragon than Issei."

"Neat." And purchased! The rest of my points were spent on some basic upgrades. Like the ability to fight, a fancy self driving SUV, cleaner sex, and a boost to my massaging capabilities, and cooking skills. And I still had 20 points left over. Maybe I should grab a girl to help me on my quest? "He has no problems with me starting with a girl does he?

"As long as it's not one from the world we're sending you to."

"Sweet." I scrolled through the seemingly endless list of girls available until… "Holy Shit, is that Nana Shimura? Or Shimura Nana I guess, If I'm heading to weebland."

The Grey chuckled, "Yes it is, and yes you are."

"Sold!" Amazonian Flying Brick with a transferable power? Even if I wasn't planning to take One for All from her, the fact that she had it at all… "so… do I have to work to win her over? Or does she not count towards the no bindings rule?"

"No Bindings means no Bindings. You'll have to bite her if you want any sort of control."

"Drat. I'll think of something."

"I'm sure you will. If you're done with the purchases click accept. I would si…" I hammered the accept button as fast as I could, and immediately collapsed. "..it down first…" the Grey sighed, while I thrashed around on the floor in excruciating pain, as my body changed. "Once the transformation is complete You will have a day to acclimate to your changes before we send you down." I could only whimper in reply, "You will be starting your first year at Kuoh Academy shortly. I believe we've penciled in two weeks of prep time for you before school starts."

"Fankth." I try to say though a mouthful of the expensive looking carpet. He said something into an intercom and four new Greys in jumpsuits come in. Each one grabbed me by a limb, and together they dragged me out of the office, and down into what looked like a high ceilinged gym.

Once they left, and I was finally able to get up, I realized I was swimming in my clothes. I lost a foot and over half my body weight. I wandered around the room for a minute until I found a mirror on the far wall. I stopped and gawked. I really looked like a fourteen year old kid. I was pretty scrawny, and had shabby blue hair, and matching eyes. "Holy Shit. I look like kid Ryu." I laughed, before remembering that much like the Protagonists of Breath of Fire, I too could turn into a Dragon. "Looks like I have a new name then." I nodded to myself, before standing in the center of the large open space in front of the mirror. "Now… lets see how I look as a dragon."

… I don't want to talk about the next five minutes. Suffice to say I approached the transformation form the wrong angle, and spent far to long striking poses, and shouting dumb shit. Turns out all I had to do was clench every muscle in my body at once and want to transform. There was quite a bit of shouting mind you, sprouting wings and having bones shift around wasn't actually fun. With the stage one transformation complete I looked in the mirror. I had to wonder, where the dragon forms based off of my subconscious? Because the Breath of Fire had always been a favorite of mine, and the half dragon form looked like Myrmidon, or the Meditate form, from four. With wings on my back, digitigrade legs, clawed hands. Extremities covered in black scales that shimmered with faint gold flecks. A pair of curved horns sprouted out of my temples, and jutted forward ready to impale something if I headbutted them. Hair was still blue though. And I was still pretty scrawny, even if I had gotten bigger. About fifty percent larger if I had to guess.

Now. to go all the way up to the true dragon form I had bought.

… …

At least my screams of pain came out as badass roars. Sonnuvabitch that stung. Dragon form was big, but kind of gangly. Like a lizard puppy with hands and feet too big for the rest of the body. Same for the head. But… other than that it was very cool. The same black and gold scales, with golden talons on all of my fingers and toes. A long lizard like tail, with a spear shaped bladed tip. My broad head had two pair of horns a shorter pair the arced forward, and a longer broader pair that swept back

There were no wings though. Just massive forearms with a ridge that ran from my wrist all the way past my elbow and up past my head when I was on all fours. Maybe I was too young? Hopefully they'd grow in…

At the thought of the wings I felt energy course through me. I could see it, glowing blue between my scales. The ridge on my forearm split open and a dozen wings of energy spilled out, six on each arm. They thrummed and I lifted off the ground I cackled, with glee and did a backflip. Moving was as natural as thinking.

Unfortunately play time came to an end as Greys began streaming into the gym with all sorts of goodies, from fancy looking cell phones, to a fancy looking SUV painted to match my dragon form. They poked and prodded me for hours. Quizzing me on random things to see how the knowledge implants (which I hadn't even noticed) were working. By the time they were satisfied the changes they made were correct, my time was up, and I was unceremoniously booted through a portal and into a fancy looking bedroom. That had one very, very, angry looking Shimura Nana tied to the bed...

Chapter 1.1

"Yeah. Not dealing with you now." I turned around and walked out of the bedroom, shutting the door behind me. It further muffled her angry screams. I wonder what the chains were made of. And the house. Nana should have been able to pull the wall off and beat me to death with it.

I wandered around the mansion. My new home for however long it took me to buy out my contract, if I ever decided too, that is. Honestly this was a pretty good deal. If I was lucky, (or you know, paid credits for the option) I could end up in some really sweet settings. Pick up some really sweet women.

… …

Does plotting to kidnap and dominate formerly fictional women make me a bad person? Eh… something to deal with another time. Maybe I'll find a hot psychologist type to help me later. For now I had a mansion to explore. Hmm… Warm wood paneling, floor to ceiling windows, hardwood floors covered by bright runner carpets. Looking out the windows, I saw high walls surrounding a well manicured estate. Beyond the walls was a tropical paradise, white sand, and palm trees. Sparkling blue water lapping at the beaches. It was probably worth being abducted by porn producing aliens just for this mansion.

The top floor (where I had started) was entirely bedrooms. The largest, and most central one, was the one with Nana tied up in it. The rest were a mix of large, and larger rooms. The larger rooms had private baths and giant beds, walk-in closets larger than the majority of the bedrooms I've ever lived in, rich wood furniture, in mahogany and walnut and fancy hidden televisions and computers that slid out of the walls, or from inside curio cases.

The smaller (still large) rooms were about half the size, they had normal(ish) walk in closets, with the same furniture and electronics, but only had regular king sized beds, and no bathrooms.

The building was square, with a hallway running the entire perimeter. Each of the smaller rooms had windows opening into a central courtyard, while the larger rooms were illuminated by several skylights. After pacing around the entire perimeter, I counted four of the largest rooms, one in each corner, sixteen of the less large rooms, and eight bathrooms.

Each of the large rooms had a bathroom sandwiched between them, and in the center of each hallway was another hallway that led straight to the giant master bedroom. My exploration of the top floor done, I walked downstairs to the second floor.

Huh. The Master Bedroom was free floating over the central courtyard. The building was a square ring, with a large courtyard in the center. It was an interesting effect, providing a shady square that moved with the sun overhead. The rooms on the second floor were all empty, waiting for me to decide what to do with them. There were only 2 room types on this floor. The corner rooms were the size of the largest bedrooms upstairs, but the rooms that ran directly along the courtyard took up the entire side. Not sure what I'd end up doing with them, maybea library? Or a Lab if I ended up with any Sciencey women. Maybe the magical equivalent first. Since I was heading to Highschool DxD after all.

Finally I made it to the ground floor. Excluding the corners where the stairs were, the outside wall was nothing but open arches, allowing a pleasant breeze to blow across my skin. The rooms here were also empty for now. They were mostly the same size as the largest bedrooms upstairs, but there were more of them, twelve in total, three in each corner, and they flanked by a room the size of the smaller upstairs bedrooms.

The only rooms already furnished was a kitchen suitable for a full sized restaurant, in one corner flanked on each side by a pair of luxurious dining rooms. One was dominated by a single giant table, and the other was full of smaller tables, each seating four people.

Allright, time to try out one of those Lure type abilities. Let's see if a meal cooked by me would be enough to calm down Nana upstairs. So… Nana was Japanese, and I was going to be heading to weebland myself, might as well, try making a traditional Japanese breakfast. Rice, miso soup, fish, and sweet Japanese omelettes. I made enough for four people. I don't know about Nana's appetite, but I was starving.

I carried the covered tray of food up three flights of stairs, and walked down the hallway to the master bedroom. I probably should try and figure out where to put a couple of elevators. "Honey! I'm Home!" I called out when I walked into the bedroom. "Oh dear." I sighed, upon seeing her. She had managed to free one hand, by dislocating her thumb and was in the process of ripping the other manacle off when I walked into the room. I gently placed the food on the room's table, and walked over to her.

"Look," I told the struggling woman, "there's two ways this can go. You can promise me that you'll behave, and I can release your bindings. Or you refuse to behave, in which case I will tie you back down, and sit on your chest until you give up."

"You do realize I can fly right?" she asked me.

"Yes I know how your Quirks work Nana," I told her, and she froze, part way through ripping the manacle off. "And even One for All's strength won't help you here. We're in an alien pocket dimension."

When I named her secret Quirk she snarled and nearly pulled free of the wall, in one surge of strength, "How do you know about One for All? Did that asshole All for One send you to capture me?"

"Listen. We. Are. In. An. Alien. Pocket. Dimension. This has nothing to do with All for One." she seemed to relax a little, "You see, we were captured by interdimensional porn making aliens."


"Yeah, that was my reaction too. Not sure how exactly it works for you, I didn't read the fine print. But I was kidnapped, and coerced into starring in some weirdo's fetish fuel. They made a bunch of changes to me, tossed me into this pocket dimension, and gave me a specific task on an alternate Earth."

"You expect me to believe that?"

"Tell you what, I let you go for… half an hour. If you can find your way out that's fine by me. Otherwise, I can reset the outside, apparently, and you'll be teleported back inside."

"And if I can't, you'll what? Rape me?"

"Gods no. The weirdo wants to watch women throwing themselves at someone. So you're safe from that fate at least." I tried to placate her, "Tell you what, return before the half hour mark, and I won't have you tied back up. We can sit down together and eat breakfast like normal people."

"Fine…" she grumbled, and I whipped out the fancy looking smartphone the Greys had shoved into my pocket before booting me into the portal, opened the app, (apparently it was called the Waifu Control App) selected Nana, and clicked the only button that wasn't greyed out, her chains fell off of her and she flew out an open window and disappeared.

While I waited, I sat down and started on breakfast. Hey, I was really hungry, and made more than enough. Barely fifteen minutes later he floated back in through the window. I raised an eyebrow at her sudden return. She looked pretty shocked to be honest. "We're not in a pocket dimension." she told me. "I flew as far aways as I could, until I hit the edge, beyond an invisible, unbreakable wall, was a desolate hellscape. Like the surface of the moon, but on fire."

"Huh, they described it to me as an expanding pocket dimension, that could eventually reach the size of the earth if I spent enough of my pay on it." I shrugged, but gestured to the meal in front of me. "Take a seat, have some food, I'm sure that'll make you feel better."

She glanced at the food I was in the middle of eating, before sitting down and helping herself to a healthy portion. She pushed the food around her plate for a moment, probably trying to work up the courage to risk eating it. "So…" she said, "How does a Middle Schooler think he could tie me down?"

I put my fork down, "First of all, I'm not a middle schooler. I'm a dragon." she scoffed and rolled her eyes, and I'm pretty sure I heard her mutter something about chuunibyou. That stung. "Fine, allow me to show you." I growled, stomping to the largest open space in the room. I clenched every muscle in my body, and bellowed in pain as the transformation took hold. I powered through the intermediary form, and grew until I was full sized. "Believe me now?" I rumbled.

"You look like a middle school dragon." She giggled, "I bet if you had ears they'd be floppy and too large for your head."

I let out a sigh, and released my hold on the dragon transformation. There was a rush of displaced air returning, and I sulked my way back to the table, "Shut up and eat your food." I told the Hero.

Her giggle turned into a chuckle but she picked up a forkful of rice and put it in her mouth. Her eyes went as round as saucers, she let out a throaty, moan, and shoveled another bite of food into her mouth, "this is the best rice I have ever tasted." she moaned between mouthfuls of rice.

"Thanks I made it myself."

"No way."

"Yep, that's why I was gone for so long."

"I haven't eaten anything this good in years."

"Tell you what, you behave, and I'll make sure you get three square meals of my cooking a day."

"Trying to bribe me?"


"Well, if every meal is that good, then it might just work."

Just then my phone beeped, by reflex I pulled it out of my pocket and checked to see what message I got. "Looks like playtime is over." I sighed. "Just got a message from the Producers. I need to check out the base of operations on the alternate Earth, and familiarize myself with them."

"Am I going with you?"

"We can try, but I'm pretty sure you won't be able to, yet."

"And why is that?"

"Because I need to mark you so the security system will let you through. And I'm not sure how comfortable you'll be with the process."

"How bad could it possibly be?"

"You do remember that the aliens make porn right?"

"Point." she sighed, "So what do they want a middle schooler to do?"

"To mark someone for the security system? Ride them until orgasm, then bite them as a show of Draconic dominance. That they'd have to willingly submit too."

She wrinkled her nose, "Maybe when you're older, kid." she suppressed a shudder, 'fucking weirdos."

"Yeah," I sighed, "the girls I'm being sent after are closer to my age at least, so it's less weird."

"Well, good luck. I guess I'll be here sunning myself on the beach until you get back." with that she floated back out the window.

I went to return to my delicious, delicious food, only to discover she had eaten all of it. My portions as well. I wanted to cry. And there was no time to waste making a second portion. With a sigh I walked down to the "front gate" where there was a garage, and a giant circle of stone, with four curved prongs perpendicular to each other. They reached nearly twenty feet into the air, and together formed a hemisphere with the stone circle.

Next to what I assumed was the portal device as a touch screen. I tapped it and it opened a screen showing me possible locations I could teleport to. There was only one option, [My room at the Galactic Love Machine hotel] I pressed the button and the inside of the portal lit up. It was one part hyperspace from Star Wars, and one part of the Warp. I took a bracing breath and stepped into it. For a fraction of a split second, I ceased to exist. Maybe it was the element I picked for my Dragon, but it wasn't worrying, or terrifying, or anything like that. It was comforting, and relaxing, and over too soon.

I found myself inside a dark closet. A few fumbling attempts later and I found the door knob and pushed the door open. Okay… I was not expecting this. The room I was standing in was one of those cheesy Love Hotels. Complete with a giant heart shaped bed with red silk sheets, open air hot tub in walking distance of the bed, a completely mirrored ceiling, and finally a giant TV, currently playing some trashy porno.

Scattered across the room was evidence that a fourteen year old boy lived there. Clothes strewn across the floor, a pile of pizza boxes by the door, dishes piled in the sink. Various anime knicknacks covered every flat surface in the room. All in all it was a very strange room. With a sigh I pulled the remote control for the TV out from under a pair of used boxers and shut the TV off. Alright, I had less than half an hour to get this room livable, before I had to "sync" with the Hotel, whatever that meant. Time to get started. There was no way I was going to live in a teenager's pigsty for the next however long I was going to be 'working' here.

Chapter 1.2

I barely finished cramming the last of the dirty laundry into a tiny hidden washing machine when the doorbell rang. I opened the door and…

… …

Nope. I shut the door.

The bell rang again. Opened it. Still there. Shut it.

My phone beeped. I checked the message. "Stop goofing around and get to work, you're on a tight schedule."

I braced myself and opened the door. "Why the hell are you dressed like that?" I growled at the Grey on the other side of the door.

The Grey curtsied politely, tugging on the edges of it's maid outfit, "I don't understand, I'm a maid, isn't this how we're supposed to dress?"

"You know what? Never mind. I really don't want to know." I suppressed a shudder, "apparently I'm supposed to bond with the hotel? Or Sync, or some shit like that."

"Correct." the maid shoved a neatly folded stack of clothes into my hands, "Here. Get dressed."

It only took me a second to notice the cleverly hidden velcro. "Um… this is a stripper outfit."

"Correct. You will be serving drinks, stripping, giving someone a massage, and finally having sex for cash with them."

"What? Why?"

"The contract for this perk states that you will not ask anyone to do something you wouldn't do yourself. To fully activate it you need to perform each service at least once."

"... Please tell me we have female customers? Men really don't do it for me…"

"We do indeed have female customers." I breathed out a sigh of relief, "once you're dressed, attach this ID to your vest pocket."

I took a look at the ID, it had my name, face and age on it, except… "This says I'm eighteen."

"Of course it does. We don't let anyone under eighteen work here."


"That's what your ID says. And it looks real to me. Do you want to argue ?" the Maid Grey asked.

"... If I end up in jail for this I expect Steele Inc. to bail me out."

"It'll be fine. Now hurry up."

Five minutes later I was fully dressed. Crisp black pants, white shirt with fancy cufflinks, a black vest, and silk bow tie. Id was clipped onto the vest pocket, and I left my room and followed the Grey, who was impatiently tapping their (high heeled) foot.

"We'll start you off easy." the Maid said, "You'll serve drinks to female customers, and flirt with them. Do try to make a good first impression. Afterwards you'll strip at the men's stage. If any of the women you served drinks for seem interested try to keep them entertained, afterwards you'll serve drinks again, this time focus on the ladies who were the most interested in you. If they're grabby, lustful, or otherwise show signs of interest, offer them a massage 'on the house.' From there it should be easy enough to get them to fork out cash to ride you."

"Gee thanks."

Serving drinks wasn't too hard. Even if there didn't seem to be a single woman interested in me. I don't really blame them, I wasn't even five feet tall, and was scrawny as hell. Especially compared to the male dancers, who were all built like shit brickhouses.

I figured, I'd probably end up having to do this for ages, before someone bit. My shift serving drinks was nearly over when a couple I recognized walked in, arm in arm and giggling. I nearly dropped my tray. Holy Shit! That's Issei's parents. What the hell were they doing in a shady strip club?

They claimed a seat in the middle, between the male and female stages. A tiny blonde with short hair and almost no breasts served… whatshisname, Mr. Hyoudou, drinks. He seemed pretty receptive, even flirting back with her, while his wife giggled. Sensing an opportunity I sidled up and offered her a drinks menu with my most charming smile.

"Thank you, sweetie." she smiled at me. Every time her drink was empty over the course of the next fifteen minutes I returned for a refill. I raised my eyebrows when Mr Hyoudou pulled the serving girl into his lap. They climbed higher when not only did Mrs Hyoudou giggle,she helped him surreptitiously unbuckle his belt, and placed her jacket over their laps.

Noticing me staring, "Want to sit in my lap, too?" she asked me.

"I would love to." I said honestly, "But It's my turn to perform, maybe when I'm finished?"

"I would love to watch you dance." winked at me.

I'm not sure which upgrade taught me how to dance, let alone how to strip, but considering I was nothing but left feet before, I really appreciated it. Mrs. Hyoudou seemed to appreciate it too. Her eyes never left me, even as her husband came in the serving girl next to her. She only stopped to kiss her husband goodbye, as he headed to the back rooms with the now bow legged serving girl. I couldn't help but notice the trail of white leaking down her leg.

As soon as I finished my set I returned to Mrs. Hyoudou. "Ready to sit on my lap?" she purred.

"I have a better idea, how would you like me to give you a massage. On the house."

"Mmm. A full body one?"

"Of course, Front, back," my voice dropped to a whisper, "inside."

"Sold!" She stood up grabbing her and her husband's jackets, along with a pair of discarded panties. They were blue and white striped with a little bow on the front. Judging from the size they belonged to the serving girl Mr Hyoudou had taken into the back. She tucked them into her husband's jacket pocket.

I offered her my arm, and led her out the back, there was a service door between the strip club and the hotel, allowing us to 'sneak' into a room. We slipped into an elevator, and I took us up to the floor my room was on.

I was really glad I cleaned the room. She didn't notice anything really out of place, other than the anime figurines, but now that the room was clean they kind of blended into the decor. I smoothed out the sheets, "There's a hot tub if you'd like to soak first, other wii…." the sound of her clothes hitting the floor told me everything I needed to know.

"I want that massage, Gorou's had ages with his girl. He has a head start on our little competition. You'll have to work hard to catch up."

I swallowed nervously, despite her age she was surprisingly attractive, "Lay down please." she sauntered over to the bed, hips swaying seductively the whole way. "Um… I can't help but notice you arrived with your husband," she hummed a confirmation, as I started massaging her back, "what's this competition about?"

"It's our twenty fifth anniversary." She said, "we decided to have a little fun. We heard about this strip club from a friend, and decided to do something we haven't done in a decade and a half."

"And that is?"

"A little swinging. We'd each pick up a partner for the night, the group with the most orgasms wins."

"Well then," I said with an evil grin, turning up the output of the 'sticky fingers' massage trait i bought, "you have nothing to fear about losing."

By the time I finished her neck, she had already cum once. By the time my fingers made their way down to her ass? She was on her fourth. When I finished her feet she had hit six in a row. "Come on, it's time to roll over so I can do your other side." she was glassy eyed, and panting when I started making my way back up her legs. By the time i made it up to her hips she was on orgasm number nine, and her legs were spread wide open. Her slit was drooling, soaking my bed with her juices.

"Inside, want you inside."

"Not yet." I said while working my way up to her breasts, drawing another orgasm, and a tiny squirt out of her. "We have to finish your frontal massage first, after all.

By the time I had finished kneading her surprisingly plump breasts, I had coaxed out 12 orgasms without touching her pussy. Finally my hands wandered down to her crotch, my fingers brushed over her clit, drawing a moan out of her, with one hand spread her lips apart, with the other I slid in…

"No." Her hand grabbed my wrist pulling my fingers out of her. "This."Her other hand wrapped around my cock. Pulling me in. "Stop teasing me. I want to feel it inside."

"Let me get a condom from…"

"No condoms." she slurred, "too old anyway. I want to feel you inside me. Not latex. I want to feel you cum in me. Like I was young again."

"If you insist." I slid into her smoothly. She took all of me inside her on the first thrust. The tip of my cock brushed against the entrance to her womb.

"Oh god!" she moaned as I started thrusting. She wasn't tight, if a woman her age was I'd be surprised, but she was skilled, and surprisingly strong, when she clenched her walls fit me like a glove. Neither of us lasted for long, she let out a real squirt, easily two or three times the volume of the ones she had had during the massage, and the feeling of it splashing against me was enough to push me over the edge. With her legs wrapped around me there was nowhere to go anyway, so I emptied my balls directly into her womb. "Fi...fifteen orgasms." she said. "Definitely going to win."

"We're not done yet." I said grabbing her thighs, and pushing her legs up over her head. She was surprisingly flexible, "Ready for round two?"

"Oh fuck yes." During round two I managed to make her gush like a fountain twice in a row, during screaming orgasms so intense I was sure people heard her through the sound proofing.

When I finally came again, she gave me a bleary smile, "Eig… eighteen. New record for us. He'll be so jealous."

I stared down at her, soaked in sweat and oozing cum, a blissful smile on her face. And I decided there and then, that I would claim her. Hyoudou Miki would be my first "capture" here. "We're not done. We still have round three." She let out a happy moan as I rolled her onto her front. As I lifted her hips up she struggled to prop her front up with her arms. "Don't worry I'm going to fuck you into the matress anyway…" I whispered into her ear, the very thought of what I was about to do to her drew another small orgasm out of her.

Round three wasn't gentle. The slap of flesh on flesh rang out nearly drowning out her tired moans, and exhausted orgasms. Her legs gave out when I hilted myself in her for the last time. As I pumped her womb full of yet another load of cum, I bit down on the point where her shoulder met her neck. She let out one more orgasmic cry, and drenched my bed in the largest orgasm of the night. I rode out her wild thrashing, until my teeth broke her skin, and a few drops of her blood entered my mouth. I pulled out of the exhausted milf, and watched my mark spread across her neck.

Too tired to even move, I collapsed next to her, and passed out.

The smell of cooking bacon woke me up. I cracked an eye open, and saw Mrs Hyoudou, humming to herself happily, and kind of dancing, while she cooked breakfast. She was completely naked, other than my apron, (which was far too small for her).

She must have heard me sitting up, "I hope you don't mind. I invited Gorou and Yumia over for breakfast." she gave me a beatific smile, "We need to decide who won the contest after all."

"In that case, let me help you cook." I wrapped her in a hug that made her giggle, especially when I grabbed two handfuls of her ass.

"You naughty boy." she purred, before leaning forward and stealing a kiss. Our first kiss as a matter of fact. "I will definitely be coming back to see you again." Before we could get carried away, her phone let out a jaunty whistle, "Hmm, what's the number to your room? I could have sworn it said 6969 on the door."

"It is. Why?"

"Yumia says that none of the girls are allowed in here. Owner's orders." she quirked an eyebrow at me, "I had wondered, this room looks more… lived in, then is normal for a hotel."

"They're outside?" when she nodded, I continued, "let me grab some pants." I opened my closet, and I could feel her staring at the mess inside, another clue that I actually lived here. I pulled on a loose pair of basketball shorts, and nothing else. I opened the door and was greeted by the incredibly nervous serving girl from last night, I glanced at her ID, which hung from a collar around her neck, and saw her name was Yagami Yumia, and she was also apparently eighteen. I was also annoyed to notice she was four inches taller than me. My new body was really fucking short…

"Mister Kyotatsu!" she squeaked in fright. "I'm sorry! B-b-but Gorou insists this is the room he was invited to!"

"It's all right Yumia." She squeaked again at the casual use of her first name, I was going to have to either get used to being super polite, or just embrace the path of the Shonen Protagonist, and be rude as fuck, "He was indeed invited."

"In… in that case I will return to my…"

"Don't worry, you were invited too." She trembled in fright, torn between running for the safety of her room, and the clear invitation in. She glanced up at Mr Hyoudou, before gulping nervously, and grabbing his arm for safety."

"My name's Hyoudou Gorou." He bowed, "it is nice to meet you."

"Kyotatsu Ryu." I returned his bow, "likewise.

Once they were inside the room, and the door was shut I gestured to the table, "Have a seat, Um…" I glanced at Mrs Hyoudou, suddenly aware I hadn't asked for her name last night.

"Miki" she supplied, seemingly unconcerned that we hadn't exchanged names last night.

"Miki and I were in the middle of making breakfast."

"I can help if you like." Yumia offered nervously.

"It's fine."

As we set the table Miki asked Yumia quietly enough that a normal person would have trouble hearing, "Why are you so nervous, Ryu's a wonderful boy."

"You don't know!" Yumia squeaked, I pretended not to notice. "His family owns this place! They're really scary!" Looks like being inserted as an "extra" came with more baggage then I assumed it would.

"Nonsense," Miki interrupted,"look how cute he is he couldn't hurt a fly."

"His father's seven feet tall!" Yumia hissed. The memories I was given to help me fit in, bubbled to the surface, informing me that she was, if anything, understating his height. An image of my 'mother' flitted through my mind, and my brain screeched to a halt.

"And my mother's shorter than you," I said, placing a plate of food in front of her, and making her squeak in fright again, "we're really not that bad."

"Wait… that's your mother!?" Yumia's jaw all but hit the floor, "I thought she was your sister or something!"

"Eat your food before it gets cold." Miki scolded us, "we can talk more when we're done."

"Yeah! I want to brag about breaking our records!" Gorou cheered. "I'll get to pick what we do next for sure."

"Don't count your chickens before they hatch." Miki said smugly, "We broke the record too."

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