
My OC/SI Stash #24 - The Prestige by TheInnerHollow (MHA)

-I cannot believe I'm still hearing about Kaitou Kid to this day man, I always loved his appearances in the series and the movies~ Honestly making me wanna rewatch Detective Conan again!

Synopsis: You want to know what magic is?

True magic?

It isn't easy to explain.

Not with words.

But if you look close enough...

If you really pay attention...

Sometimes you can see it.

Me, though?

I'm impatient. I can't stand waiting.

That's why I make the magic happen myself.

Rated: ???

Words: 42K

Posted on: https://forums.spacebattles.com/threads/the-prestige-my-hero-academia-si.851734/ (TheInnerHollow)

PS: If you're not able to copy/paste the link, you have everything in here to find it, by simply searching the author and the story title. It sucks that you can't copy links on mobile (´ー`)

-I'll be putting the chapter ones of all the fanfics/originals mentioned, to give you guys a sample if you wan't more please do go to the website and support the author! (And maybe even convince them to start uploading chapters in here as well!)

Chapter 1

A slight buzzing sound reached my ears, disrupting what had been probably my first night of good sleep in at least five days.

Or maybe six days.

What day was it again?

I groaned, swearing silently beneath my breath as I reached blindly in the dark, trying in vain to find the infernal contraption that had roused me from my slumber.

After several fruitless attempts, my hand latched around the noise making object and I dragged it before me, swiping my phone across the answer button.

"You better be dead or dying." I mumbled into the phone, sleep still refusing to release me from it's grasp.

There was silence on the other end.

Then a deep inhalation.

"GOOD MOOOOOOORNING SUNSHIIIIIIIIIIIINEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!" A boisterous voice blasted from the phone like a physical force.

I found myself no longer asleep in the slightest. I also found myself out of bed as the wave of sound that had blasted me off of it.

I staggered to my feet from the wall that I had been thrown into, ears ringing, feeling like I had just been dropped into a mosh pit at a Metal Concert halfway through their main set.

With a brief bit of concentration I felt my ears pop as sound equalized again, and the sound of my door opening heralded the lights illuminating the room.

My bed was in shambles, my outfit having been removed haphazardly after returning from my emergency call out.

My desk and my bookshelves were mercifully still intact, the heavy texts having not been disturbed by my literal wake up call, or my semi-conscious staggering.

That being said, there was no way I was going to be able to wear it today.

The stains on the clothes were long since soaked in, and knowing my luck it was far too long for me to have done anything to it except send it off to be professionally cleaned.

"Yo Yo Kaito!" Yamada Hizashi half shouted as he walked into the room, a broad grin on his face and finger guns at the ready. "Are you ready for the big day?"

I stared incomprehensibly at the loud blond peacock for a moment, once more swearing my eternal and undying enmity with the eldritch abominations known as morning people, as the hamster wheel slowly began picking up momentum in my head.

That and the context clues given by Mic were a pretty big hint.

"That's today?" I groaned, turning my head to the calendar I'd had pinned to the wall only to find it no longer there, but collapsed on the floor with my signature white hat having obscured it.

I picked it up and found that reality had once again sided against me by revealing that today was indeed the day.

Worse, the clock informed me that I should have been ready to leave at this point, not just stumbling out of bed.

I rushed into my bathroom as Hizashi laughed at my no doubt panic stricken face, splashing water onto my face in lieu of a shower and sliding to a stop in front of my wardrobe, and attempting to pull on a suit that hadn't left it in well over a year at this point.

"Kaito, my man, how is it that you manage to be late to literally everything?" Hizashi drawled behind me, and even though I couldn't see it I could certainly hear the smug grin on his face. "I thought magicians were supposed to be good with timing?"

I stormed past him, repressing my urge to strangle the mouthy prick by instead nearly strangling myself as I pulled my tie too tight, opening the door.

"First of all, that joke wasn't funny the first time you said it to me, it certainly hasn't got any better now." I replied doing up my belt as I made my way down the stairs as fast as I could in suit pants with ripping them and having to stop halfway because I hadn't pulled a boot on firmly enough. "And secondly, a wizard…"

"Is never early or late, but arrives precisely when intended, blah blah blah." Hizashi droned back at me, having passed my stumbling form to take a seat on his…


"Yes Kaito?" The man in question responded chirpily, looking for all the world as innocent as a babe to those who didn't know better.

"What the hell is that?"

"That is your chariot to destiny!" Hizashi replied without flinching, hand gestures galore as always.

It looked a lot like a side car attached to a motorbike to me.

It would have been a tight fit for a regular sized person.

To fit my lanky form inside of it was going to be many things.

Pretty was none of them.

"When I asked if you could give me a lift while my car gets repaired, I was imagining, you know, an actual car." I said wearily accepting my fate as I began the awkward process of trying to fit my six foot four frame into this parody of a seat.

"And now you know differently." The Radio Hero said brightly having somehow smoothed his monstrosity of a hair cut into his canary yellow helmet. He went to start the bike before he snapped his fingers and pulled out a helmet from where it had no doubt been hidden on the side of the car, before throwing it towards me.

I stared down at the bright pink abomination in front of me, complete with cat ears and sparkly glitter plastered liberally across it and turned mechanically back to face my only possible means of making it to UA on time.

I found a smile entirely devoid of any form of mercy waiting for me. "Safety First!" He quoted, making a unfortunately familiar pose that no doubt had my cheeks burning a bright red until they were hidden beneath the blasted helmet.

So this is how my story at UA begins then, huh?

Alright then world what next?

I heard a loud rumble that was sadly not the sound of the bike starting up as the overcast clouds decided that now was the perfect time to start raining.

I sat there, in my best (only) suit watching the rain poured down and smiled.

Jokes on you world.

Now I don't need to have a shower.


By the time I'd stumbled UA I found myself nearly stumbling over a green haired little sprout of a kid when I rounded a corner too fast but managed to bring myself to a stop with time to spare.

Okay I may have cheated slightly but I hadn't knocked the kid over and that was all that mattered.

"You all right there kid?" I asked, drawing a blank on the kids name.

I mean I hadn't had him for any of my classes so I didn't feel too bad about it.

"I'm so sorry sir!" The kid replied, practically leaping into the air as he frantically gave his apologies, seeming to be unable to make up his mind about whether to turn away and run or to continue bowing as frequently as possible. "I was just sent to give a message to the teacher in room 6D but he wasn't there, and so I was going to go to the front desk to see if they kn…"

I held up a hand to get the kid to stop vomiting words for me, I mean I could understand him but he hadn't stopped to breathe in a while and I was pretty sure that he was going to collapse.

"Deep breath." I pantomimed, the stammering kid following my lead but seeming to calm down dramatically in the process. "Now what's your name kid?"

"Sorry sir, Midoriya Izuku sir." The newly named Izuku answered, no longer seeming quite as nervous.

Midoriya Izuku…

That sounds familiar…

Okay let's think.

First year.

Green hair…

Only thing I could have remembered him from is the Entrance exam and that means…

Oh right, the incredible bone breaking boy.

Chiyo had not been pleased when he'd shown up after the exam.

I wasn't there at the time, having been dragged away to that thing in Chifuda, but the medic had let me know at length of how this half-pint in front of me was apparently willing to shatter his own limbs to pass.

"I'm heading that way now, I'll take it for you if you want." I offered, still feeling at least somewhat bad for nearly bowling the kid over in my moment of inattention.

"Thank you so much senpai!" Midoriya replied, his face suddenly breaking out into an honest smile that had me suddenly thinking of my neighbour's Shiba looking up at me with a grin. "Do you have any classes with…"He stopped and looked down at the name scribbled down on the piece of paper before looking back at me. "Kanetsuki-sensei?"

I twitched.



Remain calm.

Deep breaths.

I did my best approximation of a smile and turned to look at the innocent first year in front of me.

"I have indeed, yes." I responded, feeling a part of my soul attempt to leave my body as I said it.

Why did this always happen?

Was it my face?

Is there something about it that just screams that I'm not an adult?

Is that it?


"I'll be sure to take it right to him." I continued mechanically pulling the note from the confused looking boy's hand and pushing past him. "You should get back to class."

I continued walking down the corridor, keeping my smile forcibly upon my face until I opened the door leading to my office and slid it shut behind me.

I let out a sigh and sank down against the door.

Damn it.

Alright then, let's see what they want.

I looked down at the folded note and opened it to stand at the needlessly fancy cursive that only the head honcho used.


I apologize to ask this of you, but it seems that one of your compatriots is unable to the excursion to the USJ due to poor time management on their part.

As such I would ask you to accompany Aizawa-kun and his class and provide your own considerable expertise and experience when it comes to rescue operations.

Many thanks,


I looked down at the message for a moment before a grin spread across my face.


A perfectly legitimate excuse to get out of lunch with you know who.

And they can't even get mad at me because it wasn't my fault!

How good is that!

I fired off a quick message to the contact labeled 'KFC' on my phone and then left it on my desk, deliberately ignoring it as the sound of a dozen replies met my ears as I locked the door behind me.

It was just going to be an excursion with a couple of fresh faced kids, with Aizawa riding herd on the whole thing.

This was going to be a walk in the park.


I stared blankly at the horde of people making their way out of the swirling black-purple void all doing their best to look intimidating and did the math.

Twenty kids.




On the other end of the spectrum.

Several dozen villains of unknown strength who all seem to have a point to make.

As well as what has to be someone with the strongest teleportation quirk I've ever seen.

Some guy standing at the back with what I most certainly hope are just replica hands clutched to his body as a poor excuse for a costume.

Oh yeah, and what looks to be a poor man's excuse for Gang Orca, just with only the brain showing and looking like it could bench press an aircraft carrier.

As Aizawa barked out a series of commands to Thirteen to take care of the kids, I stepped forward alongside him, pulling on my spare pair of white gloves as I did so.

"Well then," I said simply, slapping my palms together and feeling my power work through them.

"Let's make some magic happen."

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