
My Sect Only Accepts Ordinary People

Ning Qi is a diligent young man, whose goal is to typically become a 'humble' billionaire so that he doesn't have to worry about anything anymore. But instead of the God of wealth, the God of luck strikes him on the head. He one day suddenly finds himself waking up from 'beloved' sleep with a 'Ding' in his mind. That day he got to know he latched onto the thigh of a powerful 'System' that will assist him on the road of 'Cultivation'. He knows that his peaceful life is about to turn upside down from then on. All his previous aspirations to become a 'Financially free bird', at this moment, felt utterly trashy for him. His current goals shifted to something, which he previously cowered away from the utter helplessness against them. A full future of 'dominance' flashed in front of his eyes and he genuinely felt that his new goals are not too challenging. Ning Qi knows, that he is about to be detached from this 'Ordinary' mortal world and even felt a bit sad about that fact. "System! You are with me on this, right? " He asked, as he geared up for the prosperous future ahead of him. But what Ning Qi doesn't know is the system that binds him doesn't merely require him to become a cultivator. It also wants to turn this entire earth into a cultivation world. As such, Ning Qi doesn't need to worry much about departing from the ordinary world. When he contacts his longtime colleagues or lifelong friends or even someone who he merely met once or twice the next time, he may need to cordially greet them as a "Fellow cultivator." Note: My Book may be a bit slower than what many familiar readers expect from such a system-based novel. And also, I'm not a professional editor... Therefore, if you discover anything that can be modified, please add a specific comment to that paragraph. Much appreciated.

Smiley_God · สมัยใหม่
106 Chs

Liyuan wedding resort

"You both stay in the car, first! We need to report this document here before we are able to conduct any operations."

Gong Chou said, as he finally looked back at these two 'immortals'. Even though he is calm on the outside, he always feels a certain amount of pressure in front of these two.

"Hm! Please come back quickly. We need to go to the location quickly, and we also need to arrange our stay."

Shen Yue responded back, still looking out the window of the car and letting her hand get drenched in the rain, which had now started pouring down.

Xia Lan and Gong Chou looked at each other for a second before hurriedly getting out of the car and rushing into the building with hands on their heads.

"Junior brother! What do you think is the purpose of those people? Why are they still waiting? If they have demands, they would have already made them, right? Why are they just keeping the captives without announcing or threatening the government?"

Shen Yue finally took her hand back and asked as she took a small towel from the car, probably Xia Lan's, and started drying her hand.

"I have no idea what they wanted to achieve. I just hope they won't kill any of those captives and also hopefully won't torture them."

Kang Xuan responded after a brief moment of thought. He couldn't think of a proper answer no matter how hard he tried. Even if they are some kind of terrorists, they should have already made their demands.

"They better not, or else I will make sure to torture them before killing them too." Shen Yue expressed her sympathy for those who had been held as captives with no help from the outside world.

This itself is a kind of torture for them, not knowing how, when, and who will help them or what will happen to them. Sometimes that kind of torture is even worse than physical torture.

"It's good to have a helping heart. But, senior sister, I hope that won't get impulsive when the time comes or that may lead to more disastrous situations."

Kang Xuan warned her after seeing her like this. After all, she was only 19 years old, and he couldn't help but sigh.

"Ah! Don't worry, junior brother. I will be very careful till the end of our mission."

Shen Yue also reflected back on her words and hurriedly promised Kang Xuan.

"Do you have any plans on how to proceed next, junior brother?" Shen Yue asked, as the time to act for them has already come.

"Hm! Let's discuss this once we settle into a room with both of them. We don't have any specialists that have been working in this field. As such, it's better to have their input before we proceed with anything."

Kang Xuan said it straightforwardly, as he was just a taxi driver and not a detective or some special officer or even a police officer to deal with this kind of thing.

"The same here... I just have some ideas on how to approach this from the movies I have seen. But I doubt it will work that easily."

Shen Yue said, a bit embarrassed, and Kang Xuan rolled his eyes.

Just as they had finished their discussion, Xia Lan and Gong Chou came back quickly. But this time they are holding umbrellas. Soon they got into the car without wasting time.

"Now everything is done, and we have permission to perform the operation here. But! We do not have any permission to open fire, unless the enemy is armed, hehe!"

Xia Lan explained as Gong Chou started the car. She felt like they cheated this bureau in the name of investigation, even though they were about to perform a rescue mission.

"Why are you laughing? You aren't going to perform in the final rescue, or else we won't be able to do the mission peacefully."

Shen Yue hurriedly busted her bubble, instantly making Xia Lan's face go discouraged.

"Hmph! I'm not going to talk with you for the next hour." Xia Lan humphed and moved her gaze to the front.

'I think I am the younger one here, right? Why is this sister still acting a bit 'immature'?'

Shen Yue muttered to herself but ignored her.

"Let's go to the Zhongshan residential district, young man! I will direct you along the way, and we will quickly check in to the Zhuxi hotel there. From there, our target Liyuan wedding resort is around two hundred meters."

Kang Xuan said as he opened his phone to look up directions. From the mission information, he knew only of the place where the captives were held. After reaching Nanning, he checked for hotels in that place.

Both Xia Lan and Gong Chou suddenly turned back as they heard Kang Xuan's words. Gong Chou made an apologetic face before turning to the front again with a frown on his face.

Xia Lan, on the other hand, looked at him weirdly, making Kang Xuan a bit uncomfortable. She doesn't know how these guys, who are driving an old taxi, dared to want to spend so much on such a big hotel.

The minimum cost to spend a night there per person will reach 1500 yuan. It is regarded as one of the best hotels in Nanning and the entire Guangxi region.

Gong Chou gritted his teeth and started the car, deciding to sacrifice himself. His salary is only around eleven thousand yuan a month. For the four of them to stay there for a night, it will cost him six thousand yuan.

He decided to ask for some compensation from Deputy Wang when the mission is complete.

Of course, the thought of Kang Xuan or Shen Yue paying for their stay never crossed his mind, as he felt they may be poorer than him. All the time, they probably spent their time doing 'practices' and may not have had much chance to earn money.

No one said anything along the way until they were about to reach their destination.

"This is the target location that we are going to perform at."

Shen Yue abruptly said, pointing to the Liyuan wedding resort. The entire resort only has one big building, and the remaining buildings are all small ones that are on the back side of the big one. Further along, the resort is a golf course field.

At the entrance, big stairs and a wide plaza lead to the reception hall of the building. No one can be seen inside except for a middleman sitting at the reception desk.

Gong Chou didn't stop the car, as that might cause doubts among the people inside.

Four of them soon made it to their hotel and quickly parked their 'police' car, much to the confusion of the staff.

Even though none of them are wearing cop dresses, it is a common occurrence to assume that something is going to happen whenever there is a police stop at their place.

"Hello! Is there any problem here, officers?"

A middle-aged woman with professional attire soon came to them in hurried strides and asked calmly.

"Nope! We are just here to stay. Don't worry too much, miss!" Xia Lan went forward and said. She had seen this happening many times, wherever they went, and couldn't help but assure this woman.

"Oh! My apologies for such an obvious mistake, Miss! I mean, you know... "

That woman got visual relief after hearing Xia Lan. She couldn't help but almost comment that police are meant for trouble.

"Alright miss! Can you quickly book a big room for all of us?" Shen Yue doesn't want to waste too much time with this.

"Oh! All four in a single room?" The middle-aged woman couldn't help but ask a bit weirdly.

Gong Chou felt happy about Shen Yue's decision. Even if they take a bit bigger room, it may only cost him three thousand yuan at best, compared to all of them taking separate rooms.

Kang Xuan and Shen Yue simply nodded their heads, while Xia Lan doesn't care much about that. Except she also felt that this bill was going to get on their heads, and it was a good choice to reduce that as much as possible.

"Hm! If all of you want to stay in a single room and have separate beds. Then I suggest you go for the elegant triple housing option. It contains a double bed and two single beds with all other amenities."

The middle-aged woman thought for a moment and couldn't help but say something meekly.

She thought they wanted to stay in the hotel and probably doesn't want to spend much. But for the requirements they stated, it is the only bedroom that's available in their hotel.

It's just that the cost of that room is a bit higher than other rooms combined if they take them separately, which will contradict their intention.

"Alright! Quickly arrange that for us and also send us the best dishes available on your menu today."

Kang Xuan said, a bit excited. It is the first time that he is staying in such a big hotel, and it is also the first time that he has felt a bit lavish in his spending.

In his entire life, he worked every day to make the days ahead better, and it always used to seem near but far at the same moment. Whenever he felt that he was able to touch it, it would move a bit, asking him to chase it a bit more.

He has done that for more than 25 years, and now he feels like that untouchable thing is wailing at his backside.

Kang Xuan couldn't help but look back as if he was gloating over the unthinkable.

"What is it, Junior Brother?" Shen Yue couldn't help but inquire because she sensed an uneasy atmosphere around Kang Xuan. He is the calmest of them all, according to the sect master, which means, according to her, he is.

But just a moment ago, she felt some fluctuating moods in him, which concerned her a bit.

"Nothing! I'm just a bit overwhelmed thinking about my past life. Don't worry about that, let's quickly finish this mission, senior sister."

Kang Xuan said in hushed tones as they entered the reception hall.