
My secret master

Life seemed the same to Levia. wake up,go to work, and day dream about dirty things she would do with her co worker Kareem. That is until she stumbled upon a sex shop. The brightly colored toys and wide displayed selves called to her. Eventually she went inside and a handsome store clerk names "Ben" awkwardly caught her fancy. After, an embarrassing moment she rushes out of the store and quickly returns home to face the same routine over and over again. One day she gets a text message from a friend inviting her to a party. When Levia gets to the party it's beyond. anything she ever imagined. It's a......BDSM PARTY?!? Disclaimer:. I am writing this with the experience I have in the field. If you do not like anything, please return back to your happy place.

Honey_butterfly97 · วัยรุ่น
3 Chs


Disclaimer: This story contains BDSM. If you are not okay with

BDSM I would suggest you stop reading and go back to your happy place :)

I dedicate this book to those who are in

need of some heat in their life like me.