
My Second Reincarnation isn't that Bad After All.

After his death, a brave warrior found himself in a dark void. Turns out he has actually been there once before. But he realized that he'd lost his memories of both his first and second life. Now he has to find out about his previous lives and be reinstated as a totally different person, in a different world.

Noel_Bagot · แฟนตาซี
9 Chs

Everything went wrong all of a sudden part 1.

"Are you feeling alright, Ced? I know you had a bad dream, but please don't cry!"

The woman who is apparently my mother said to me in a soft and gentle voice.

"Young master Ced, please don't cry! Everything will be fine!"

The maid who was with us joined in too...

So I'm a baby now, huh? But I thought that I would be able to communicate by using my voice.... well, I guess I should be grateful to have another chance at life. Even though I don't remember my past two lives.

The woman had placed me in a laying down position again. Even though I couldn't directly see outside of the carriage, due to the position I was in, I can still tell that it's late in the afternoon...

"Is everything okay, my Lady?"

"No, I guess not.... but I can feel that something's off..."


Suddenly I felt tired once again and my eyes were closing by themselves. I couldn't find the strength to fight against the sleepiness. Suddenly my eyes closed All to a sudden.

Well, I guess being a baby comes with its own set of problems....

Even though I've just woken up, yet I still feel sleepy and tired...

"Looks like Young master Ced has dozed off again."

The maid said to the woman who has Cedric on her lap.

"Oh, he must be still sleepy then. I guess he's still tired after all, hehehe!"

"Yeah, you're probably right..."

The maid responded to the woman, as they continued heading to the village up ahead. While Ced was fast asleep.

"How long would it take to reach at the village up ahead?"

The woman asked the guy who was driving the carriage once again. The guy didn't instantly replied to her questions, he just remained calmed.

"Uhh, it would take about another thirty minutes for us to arrive at the village up ahead."

"Alright, thank you very much...."

The woman leaned back her head and closed her voilet coloured eyes and kind of dozed off.

As the carriage continued driving through the denced forest, a group of men armed with swords and other weapons stepped out in front of the carriage.

And the carriage came to a sudden stop.  Upon the carriage stopping, the woman and the maid instantly woke up, apart from Ced.

"What's the matter, driver? Why did we stop so suddenly?"

The woman asked...

"What's going on out there?!"

"My Lady, there are some men blocking our path to the village. Can I have permission to confront them, ma'am?"

"Yes, you may. But be very careful..."

"Good luck."

Both the maid and the woman wished the driver good luck on his quest to confront the group of men.

As he walked up to the group of men, he clenched onto his sword at the side of him. He walked calmly to the men.

"Good afternoon, gents. How may I help you?"

The guy asked the group of men.

"Ah, to be honest with you, a very important package was supposed to pass through this area today. And the description of the package matches yours!"

"Package...? What kind of packages are you talking about? We don't have any such thing..."

The driver responded to one of the group of men's question.

"Hahahaha! Is that so? Men go and search his wagon! It doesn't seems like he have any Adventurers accompanying him."

The leader of the group of men ordered the others to go and search the carriage. Seeing that the woman and the baby would be in danger, he took out his sword and dashed towards some of the men heading towards the carriage.

"No!!! I won't let you bandits get close to the young lady and her baby!!!!"

He dashed towards them, and took most of the men out, and reached to the front.

To him they were low-level bandits who doesn't really know how to fight.

"If you take another step, I'll end you!"

The driver declared to the bandits.


(Breathing heavily)

Sorry for changing up the perspective on you guys. I didn't know how to write this scene in the MC's perspective.

Noel_Bagotcreators' thoughts