
My Second Reincarnation isn't that Bad After All.

After his death, a brave warrior found himself in a dark void. Turns out he has actually been there once before. But he realized that he'd lost his memories of both his first and second life. Now he has to find out about his previous lives and be reinstated as a totally different person, in a different world.

Noel_Bagot · แฟนตาซี
8 Chs

A Long Awaited Arrival to the Royal Capital

The Royal Capital City of Fredonia, a bustling Port City on the Eastern part of the Kingdom of Amadonia, is well-known for its scenery and landmarks.

The city of Fredonia is situated on a hill, with the castle situated on top of the hill. And all of the smaller streets and the main roads connecting to the castle.

The city is separated into three zones; Upper, Middle, and lower levels. Each level is special in its ways, with the lower level where the everyday residents live, and where the marketplace is located.

The middle level, this level is located on an inclined hill. The people who live in this area are mostly businessmen and merchants.

Small shops were set up on both sides of the main road, going up the slope. People were walking around and checking out the businesses, and also shopping.

The Port was at the bottom of the hill.

The Upper levels are where the Royal Palace is situated, and where the other nobles live. The City of Fredonia is separated by class.

The City of Fredonia is mostly powered by magic; from the houses to the street lights and other everyday things.... magic is an everyday essential in the Royal Capital.

The weather was sunny and bright in the Royal Capital. As it always was.

Meanwhile, a man was standing outside of a mansion on the Upper levels of the Royal Capital, along with a bunch of Knights.

Hopefully, they get here soon... I can't wait to meet my baby nephew...

But... Shouldn't they be here much easier today? They are late.

The man pondered to himself as he stood there in the compound, he was worried about something or someone...

He was waiting patiently for the thing or person to arrive.

"My Lord, why don't you go inside and wait for them to arrive?"

"No. I can't do that... My Sister-in-law and nephew are coming to visit me today. What kind of uncle would I be if I did so?

The man answered the person who suggested to him to go inside. The man who was standing outside was wearing fancy clothes, which the Nobles of this world wear to host guests. He has a cubby exterior and is kind of short in height.

He is a high-ranking noble who's living in the capital and who enjoys the perks of being a noble. He doesn't own any lands in the countryside, but his family owns lands all around the vast kingdom. To be specific, it's his older brother who owns most of the family estates.

They will arrive soon, I know that... But what if they were attacked by bandits?

Why didn't I send some knights to accompany them...?

But I can't wait to finally see them!

The man couldn't contain his happiness any longer, and he started to smile softly. His bodyguards and servants were in shock when they saw him smile or even be in a happy mood.

"Don't worry, they will come soon. Do you want anything?"

A woman's voice said to him. The man nodded and went inside the mansion.

"I know that. But I can't help but worry about them..."

Hopefully, they get here safe... I wanted to send some of my knights to escort her... but why didn't I?

What if they were attacked by bandits? My brother wouldn't be happy with that...

It's a waste thinking about that... i should have faith that they will arrive safe.

Sometime later, a carriage entered the city and began making its way up the hill, through the marketplace, and the residential area. Until it arrived in front of a mansion. 

The man who was driving the carriage got down and opened the door for the person he was transporting. It was a beautiful woman with long black hair, violet-colored eyes, and pale white skin. She was wearing a fancy white dress, and she was carrying a baby.

And a maid was there with her.

They entered the mansion, with the baby in her hands. They were greeted by the owner of the mansion and the servants.

"Welcome, My Lady! We hope that you had a safe travel!"

The servants greeted the woman, who had just arrived at the mansion.

"Welcome, sister-in-law, how was the travel?" He asked as he looked at her. "By the way, how is elder brother doing? I hope everything is going well with your marriage and the territory."

The woman sighed, not wanting to inform him about what had happened to them on the way to the Royal Capital.

"Everything is going well. But may we get some rest? The journey was stressful," She said in a tired voice.

"We will continue this conversation after my Lady has fully recovered from the toll the journey took on her." The maid who accompanied her chimed in defense of her.

He reluctantly allowed her to go and get some rest.

When they reached their room, the woman put the baby to sleep and then went to sleep herself. Both her and her maid, and Luke, the driver rested.

This journey was stressful, although I slept throughout the journey. So my name is Cedric, huh? I wonder what's in store for me in this world... (Cedric)