
My Second Chance System

"Am I in Heaven?" That's the question Alexander asked after learning about what happened to him. He was just a simple teenager, wanting to conquer a bunch of women. He wanted to gain strength, learn magic and fight countless opponents. With his main goal being freedom. But is all of this so easy to achieve? No, and soon Alexander will learn it the hard way. He will need to deal with his demons, pain and suffering that comes with the pursuit of power. Will this power consume him, turning him into a Monster, or will he be able to enslave the beast inside him?

Ultimatekua · แฟนตาซี
47 Chs

Chapter 31: Gaia's Descendent


When rocks from Boo's body started crumbling down, I followed each one with my gaze, until they fell on the bloody grass below our feet.

I saw how moss that grew on them slowly started to change its color to the same one the grass has and it felt like it was Boo bleeding herself. This sight and the thought of it, almost made me broke in tears.

Boo paid the ultimate priece to save me, she even gone against her own nature to do so.

(But was it worth it?) She did it because she had enough of her friends dying on front of her eyes, and her not doing anything to prevent it.

She got outcasted from her own race for being an innocent soul that only wanted to have friends and to spend time with them. And when she thought she found a new place she could call home, it got taken away from her, again.

I truly wanted to help her get it back, but now she died because of my stupidity. I didn't need to waste all of my mana on the meat grinder I created. I didn't need to let my anger take control of me.

"Why do I never learn?!" I screamed it at the top of my lungs and felt them being sore too. Even they reminded me of my reckless actions.

"Why, Boo? Why did you do it? Why you saved my life?" I asked those question and knew answer to all of them. I knew why Boo did it and I know that it broke her inside.

Her crystal eyes were empty, like they lost something inside them when Boo killed the Goliath. She could only mumble about her being a monster, about killing someone.

"If you're a monster Boo. Then what am I? A abomination?" I took over a houndred of zombie lives and never felt a shadow of guilt. I didn't care that a living being died by my hands, at least not about undeads that did.

(Why are good people always ending the worst?) Unfortunately I learned this lesson a long time ago. If you're truly good, then you will end badly, either by being taken adventage of, or by being yourself and helping them, even if it will come at cost of their own happiness.

I took a deep breath and felt a tear running down my right cheek, but it was only the start, as soon a whole stream of them followed suit.

Sadness soon turned into anger and blaming anything I could for what have happened.

I turned to Goliath's muscular body, which lacked head and started kicking it.

"You *Kick* it's your fault. *Kick* Why didn't you *Kick* come out when I first yelled into the cave? *Kick* Now Boo is dead because of YOU! *Kick*"

I let all of my feelings go and thankfully they numbed the pain I experienced while kicking the Goliath. (This fucker is tough. It's like kicking a metal plate.)

I stopped feeling my toes and I wasn't sure if my feelings were what really numbed them. I thought about stopping, when bloody grass appeared in my vision and made my sadness blossom again.

"I killed him." Suddenly Boo's last words rang out behind my back, but I ignored them. I was sure my mind mixed with pain from my entire body was playing tricks on me.

(I know Boo is dead. Don't try to create something that is gone.) I tried to order my mind to stop.

"I'm a monster." I heard Boo's words clearer, like she spoke behind me. But I didn't turn around, as I was scared to see her fallen body laying there.

"What have I done?" Now my mind even created sobbing sounds to torment me further.

"Enough!" I finally turned around and saw... "Who are you?"

What I saw behind my back was a young naked girl on her knees. She had long free flowing green hair, with bangs covering her forhead and wet golden eyes. I wasn't sure about her hight, but I would guess it's about 1.72 m.

She stared at her hands and I saw tears falling down on them. I didn't know who it was, but she looked mesmerizing and I'm not talking about her slim naked body, or her C-cup breasts. She looked like the nature If it was a person.

She made me experience the same feeling I had when I and Boo walked up the stream. She looked innocent and harmless, she brought comfort just by her presence alone.

(Is it?) I hopped my suspicion was correct.

[Name: Boo

Race: Pure Rock Golem

Gender: Female

Age: 16



- [Race Skill] Pure Soul

- As children of Gaia, rock golems desire to be closer to their mother. And to do so, they need to become pure, deprived of what could destroy their connection to nature. When they are able to achive it, their previous rock bodies strip away to reveale their ture form, one that resembles a human. [Rest of the information not accesable/ Hidden by Gaia's power]

After reading this status screen my eyes watered again, but this time out of immense joy that news of Boo's survival brought me.

I couldn't stop myself from running up to her and wrapping my arms around her back.

"Boo, you don't know how happy I'm that you survived." I kept her close and warmth of her naked body quickly comfirmed my mind wasn't playing tricks on me. (I wasn't sure about it even after reading her status screen.)

"I killed him." She only repeated the same words, like a broken record.

I let her go and put my hands on her shoulders. "Boo. Look at me." I spoke in a comforting tone, trying to reach her and thankfully it worked.

Boo raised her head to look me in the eyes and it let me see her captivating face. It mesmerized me not because of how pretty it was, but because of the feeling it gave. It was the same thing I experienced, while looking at her body, it stunned me so much that I couldn't utter a word for a moment.

"I'm a monster." I got literally ripped out from this state by her sentence. I can only describe it as Boo being here, but at the same time not being here.

Her shock made her mind disappear and left only a repeating itself shell on what it once was.

(I don't know what to do.) I keept my hands on her shoulders and had no idea how to help her. So I decided to at least try talking, I thought it wouldn't hurt her more.

"Boo, we did it. We got rid of the monsters that occupied your home and killed your friends." I smiled as a sign of good news, but Boo's reaction to me saying the last part was someting I never would have expected.

"Killing my friends? Yes...They killed my friends. Mr. Fluffy and now Alexander."

"I'm here Boo. I'm Alexander.... You saved me, don't you remember?" It seemed like Boo couldn't recognize me.

She again brought her gaze down and started screaming in fright. "AAAAAAAAA!"

I had no idea what happened, so I looked at the same place and saw blood on my boots.

"Wait. It's...."

I couldn't finish my words before I a vine hit me on my side. At first I felt spikes piercing my skin and then imense pain from the impact of the vine itself.

I fall to the side and saw Boo standing up with vines moving around her. All of them had spikes and were dyed in blood from the grass on the ground.

"You monster. You did it! You killed Alexander!" Boo looked at me with pure hate in her eyes.

"What are you taking about? Boo, I'm Alexander." My confusion only accelerated when Boo pointed at me and those vines shot in my direction.

I barely dodged the ones in front of me, when I felt one hit me in the back. I flew forward and fall not far from the stream.

I looked around and saw no blood around me, I realized that the bloody stream I created previously didn't reach here. But soon it would change, with bloody stream having a new source.

Spikes from those vines dug deep enough to make my blood leave my body at quick pace.

(Truly ironic.)

I had little time to think, as a next vine hit me in just a second. They were growing out from under the ground and I had no way of avoiding them.

With no other choice, I turned to Boo and saw her covered in droplets of blood, which dripped from the vines around her.

I yelled in hope of bringing her back "Boo look at yourself! It's not who you're. This is not a person I meet and made friends with. You're diffrent and you just need to realize you did nothing wrong by killing that monster."

She didn't even blink an eye at my words, pointing at me again.

I was hit another time and when I fall down, I felt something hard under my arm. At first I thought it was a rock, but when I gazed at that place I saw Mr. Fluffy's bones.

This gave me an idea "Mr. Fluffy wouldn't want to see you like this! Don't you remember how you wanted to be like him? To be brave. What would he think if he saw you now?"

This made Boo put her arm down and mutter sadly "Mr.Fluffy?" She looked down and soon yelled out "NO! YOU'RE DECEIVING ME. YOU KILLED MR. FLUFFY TOO."

She gazed at me like at a dead person and send more vines my way. This time they didn't hit me, but pierced through my leg, nailling me to the ground.

(What can I do?) When hopeless thought were occupying my mind, I saw system screen appearing before me.

[Quest: Home full of dangers (Completed)

Quest Description: While wondering on the borders of Kingdoom of Udela, you stumbled upon a friendly rock golem. When you saw Boo, the firsrt thing that come to mind was her enormous size, but when you get to know her, you learned that the real big thing in her, was her heart. Because of this one detail about her, she lost a lot, including her dear home. Now, Boo wants your help in getting it back.

Quest Requires:

- Kill every 'Monster' that occupies Boo's home [1/1]

- [Hidden Requirement Fulfilled] Help Boo activate her Pure Soul and achieve her real form


- Boo's Friendship

- 2000 SP

- [Bonus Reward] Minor Resurrection scroll x1 ]

My eyes shone with hope and I checked my bonus reward as quick as I could.

[Minor Resurrection scroll


Minor Resurrection scroll lets you resurrect small and medium sized animals up to 6 months after their death.]

(There's still hope.)

With this item, I throwed myself to my right and felt how vines ripped out from my leg. The pain was excruciating and almost made me pass out, but I endured it with idea of survival.

"It must work." I took [Minor Resurrection scroll x1] out of my inventory and aimed it at rabbit bones under my body.

I saw a green circle emerge on this scroll and soon a living rabbit bagan hopping around it. It looked like he seeked something he had lost.

[Do you want to resurrect Mr. Fluffy (Rabbit)?]

"Yes, I do." I said it in one breath, trying not to lose any of my priceless seconds.

After I confirmed my target, I saw rabbit on the scroll hop out from the circle and jump at the Mr. Fluffy's remains.

(Was that a soul?) I couldn't think about it any longer because when this rabbit touched the bones, they shine in bright light, temporary bliding me.

I tried to cover myself with my arm, but the damage already occurred.

With darkness in front of my eyes, I had no idea what was happening around me. I wondered if the scroll worked. if vines were sneaking up to finish their job.

(Why is darkness always present when I'm in a near death situation? Is that what people see when they're dying?... I always thought it was light.)

I waited for what's to come, when a scream broke my line of thoughts.

"Mr. Fluffy? Is that really you?"