
My science makes me OP in another world

"All Earth's knowledge, a boost to my brain, and to be unbound by magic capacity or affinity, those are my three requests" said Colt preparing for reincarnation. To reincarnate in another world, a wish he held dear, and now, he's heading to a world of monsters, magic, elves, and riches only he knows how to use . Sworn to not repeat the suffering he went through, Colt will use any and all means to ensure his new life is a good one.

Eric_Wannas · แฟนตาซี
46 Chs

The village is under attack

after many thanks from Lana, Zenon, Liam and Zeno who came after dealing with Agnar to find Zenon with 2 arms … this happened

*Agnar bursts into the scene*

Agnar [freaked and pissed as hell] : "chief the humans are attacking !! they found us!!"

*looks at Colt*

*unsheathes his sword*

Agnar : "I knew we shouldn't have trusted him he led them here"

good to know he's still an idiot

Zeno : "don't you dare raise a sword against him"

Agnar : "but-"

Colt [ sighs, sitting with his head on his hand] : "what a pain… I'll deal with it"

Colt [stands up slowly] : "Liam , Levi, Can I count on you??"

The twins : "yes"

*the three leave the house*

[ outside]

Colt : "you go I'll be right behind you"

Liam : "sure"

*they run a few meters*


let's see here the fastest way would be…


wind magic

decrease air resistance

*Colt moves like a bolt between the twins*

Liam [ almost expressionless from shock] : "oh, look, he can fly too"

Levi [sighs] : "at some point, we'll need to stop being surprised at everything he does"

*Colt flies high enough to see a panoramic view*

* shows the scene*

*elves being cut down trying to protect their children, children being kidnapped and loaded in a wagon, elf soldiers fighting a losing battle*

well, I can't let this slide, besides it's a good way to earn their trust

* image of Luna smiling and thanking him flies into his head*

[internal dim quiet laughter]

it's not about manipulation anymore is it?

guess I'm going soft…

can't let the kid down

*big sigh*


*every enemy drops to the ground under the crushing weight of the spell*

*suddenly, the once roaring battlefield, became silent*

*in a mere instant, the battle has ended*

*as elves and humans looked up, they witnessed Colt hanging in the sky staring every single one down, with a serious terrifying look*

*Colt lands , the twins catch up*

Levi [a bit disappointed ] : "thank you for saving us… *sulks* but…"

Liam : "what was the point of us coming?"

Colt : "I need you to get the injured to come to me , they are more likely to listen to the princes, than a human… also most -if not all- the attackers are out cold…"

Levi : "so… we're on cleanup duty"

Colt[ laughing ] : "oh, no no no , here is what happened… you two combined your powers to create a very powerful spell to stop the attackers… and as expected, it worked "

Colt : "now go, unless you want casualties"

[shows the scene as Colt speaks]

there was no time for them to hesitate , so they had no choice but to agree

I hid in a house, and they brought the injured, civilians had it rough and were on the brink of death so they were unconscious , if I had been a little late… many would have died

guards however, were conscious, so they only knew I was a powerful healer, luckily, none of them lost any limbs , so I didn't need to regrow them

only burns and wounds and other side effects of magic and swords

aahhh, I may be OP but I'm still human



[ back at Luna's home]

*Colt walks in, throws himself on the nearest chair and sighs*

*The others especially Luna look at him with worry*

Luna [hesitant and worried] : "Colt . are you okay"

Colt [trying to fake a smile] : "oh, yes I was late because I was helping around is all"

truth is … after this whole fiasco I had Levi and Liam give a speech about how the village is now safe and that there were no casualties and whatnot

mainly, just to have a good laugh

oh, the expressions they were making when I asked them and after the speech were hilarious

Zeno : "that's good, and where are the others?"

Colt : "they're coming, I was faster is all"

Zeno [ with tremendous gratitude and respect] : "thank you again, young man, ever since you came here we've only caused you trouble, and yet, you keep helping us, mere words cannot express our gratitude, is there anything you desire, that we can provide to repay you?"

wow, he got serious all of a sudden

I mean not that I don't appreciate the sentiment , but, I'm doing this because I want to…

and yet, he doesn't want to take the favor , even if it's for the good of his people…

in other words, he doesn't want to use me

I can tell he's sincere…

Colt : "I'm only helping because I want to, I have dear friends living here…"

Zenon : "we're well aware , but, we still have to repay you somehow"

Lana : "please, Colt , say what you want"

what do I want?

I don't have anything in mind

Colt : "listen, I don't really have anything in mind right now, but if you insist, let's just agree that when I ask for something you'll do it, that's the best I have"

*everyone exchanges glances*

Zeno : "alright, we'll leave it at that"

Colt : "I think I'll go home… take care"

Zeno : "do you need an escort?"

Colt : "no, I'll come here a lot, so the way I'll use is different"

*faces Luna*

Colt : "sorry we couldn't play, I'll come again, to play later"

Luna : "you promise? "

Colt : "yeah, I promise"

"I gave her another cotton candy… though… am I spoiling her?"

anyway, "gate"

"gate" is a new spell I basically warp space to connect two places, it is like what we know as a wormhole …(now all that's left is to fight humanoid demons and fall in love with a blue -haired girl like that guy)

*Colt waves goodbye to the shocked family, goes inside, gate vanishes*

*Luna goes to her room*

Zeno : "I've never seen anything like this before"

Zenon : "you mean his spells? Or his character?"

Zeno : "both, I've never seen a human call an elf a friend so easily , not in the last 300 years"

Lana : "that's true, not to mention his powers"

Zenon : "what's most perplexing is actually Luna… why does she act this way around him??"

Zeno : "yeah, she's much more mature than her age… she is a princess after all, she's also very perceptive, so much so, that she can discern intentions"

Lana : "when I asked her why is she so attached"

[flash back]

Luna : "why?"

*Luna smiling a gentle smile*

Luna : "because… he calls me Luna"

[ end of flash back]

Zenon : "what does that mean?"

Lana : "it means that to him, she is not "the princess" she's just Luna"

Zenon : "I… see…"

*meanwhile in Luna's room*

*tastes cotton candy*

Luna : "it's sweet…"

*meanwhile, Colt*

*Colt standing outside of town*

Colt : "I'm finally home"