
My Roommate Is Actually A Writer

I am Lan Xing and I became roommates with an infamous transfer student. But, when I lived with him, I proved the rumors are wrong. I also discovered something as I lived with him: I started liking him, in a romantic sense. I am Hong Yue and I became roommates with a famous athletic student. As we lived together, he showed me where I was wrong. I discovered something when I lived with him: I like him, in a romantic sense.

HuilongShenghou · LGBT+
41 Chs

Chapter 2: Retribution comes when you beat up the mandarin ducks*.

*mandarin ducks - couple

Everything started during the first year of our college. I met him when I was sitting on the bleachers and was typing on my laptop. I am a writer... a BL writer to be exact. I thought and placed my fingers around my eyes as a binocular to spot a pair of men sitting on a bench. My eyeglasses glinted and I lowered my hand to start typing in my laptop. My fingers are moving very fast like Paganini playing La Campanella.

The two men are laughing while talking to each other. They must have been friends for a very long time. Their body has the same built. One has a darker skin tone while one is as fair as a snow. The darker one must be an outdoor person while the fair one must be an indoor person. The darker one is definitely the going-type while the fair one is the shou-type...

No, wait. I thought and paused. My eyes narrowed as I looked back to them again. It can be a reverse CP! I thought when I noticed the fair one is taller than the darker one. Could it be...?! I thought as my eyes behind the lenses of my eyeglasses widened in epiphany. That's right! I thought when I saw the shining eyes of the taller one. His gaze is doting!!! I covered my mouth when I gasped. And the shorter one has bright eyes. He's a vibrant shou!!! I held myself back not to squeal as I fanboy-ed.

Wait! Wait! That's not only it! I thought and my eyes narrowed to take a closer look at them. The gong looks like a soft one while the shou... oh. My. God!!! I screamed in my mind and my fingers on my keyboard pressed harder to stop myself from exploding. A soft top and a power bottom! Kiyaaaa!!! I screamed as I felt my heart beating faster because of the excitement.

I closed my eyes and felt the hand covering my nose is wet. I got a nosebleed. "..." I immediately took out my handkerchief to wipe my hand and my nose before I resumed writing. "..." I saw a group of garbled words on my laptop screen. Crap. I was too excited I forgot I am still writing.

I sighed and immediately fixed the words. Half an hour later... "Whew!" I exclaimed after I finished writing a chapter. As a writer, when an idea struck in your mind, your writing will easily flow like a tide. "Hmm... what to write next?" I muttered and stared at the wide track and field where some students are walking around despite the heat of the sun. "Lucky them... basking in the heat..." I sighed. I can't stand the heat the most. For example, the ceiling lamp in my room. I feel like I am sunbathing when it is switched on.

As I dazed off, I didn't notice my eyes have drifted to a person and met the person's pair of deep and dark eyes when he turned after noticing my inattentive gaze on him. As my mind wandered around, I remembered what happened three days ago.

I enrolled in a famous university when I was kicked out the same day. I skipped the opening ceremony and went to our dorm. I carelessly placed my luggage on the side and immediately opened my laptop to write. When I noticed the time, I didn't expect it was already late. I had skipped lunch time and afternoon snack time. I had no roommate so it was convenient for me to write, but then no one would remind me to eat on time.

I sighed and immediately took a cupped noodle from my luggage before I crunched on the hard noodles. The water dispenser is at the end of the hallway. It was too tiring for me to walk five steps and I don't like going out so endured my hunger and satisfied my stomach with the hard and dry noodles.

"Ah." I muttered when I saw the internet connection is very slow. "..." my face darkened. That's right. I thought. Every night the students would go back to their dorm and spend their night away in the internet world before they go to sleep. Thus, the internet connection would definitely be slow since many people were already using it.

I breathed a sigh and walked outside carrying my laptop. I still had to update before midnight. Where could the internet... the Ethernet! I thought and my eyes brightened up. The computer room! I thought and dashed to the computer room in the next building, didn't notice that I broke my fastest record.

Time is of essence! I must update! I thought as I staked my remaining HP and climbed up the stairs. Since it's already night, the elevator is not working. Fortunately, the computer room is only in the third floor.

"Lucky!" I exclaimed when I noticed the door is open. I quietly came in and immediately plugged in the ethernet to my laptop while hiding under the table. I opened my laptop and immediately posted an update when I suddenly heard someone moaning and panting.

My eyes widened in shock and I paled. Don't tell me... a ghost?! I thought. The next second and the table above my head fiercely shook.

"AH!" a woman cried. "Ah! Ah!" she moaned while the table continued to shake.

"Ha... haaa – " a man's voice panted.

"..." me hiding under the table just to save my job.

"AH!" both cried out at the same time, and the smell of musk permeated in the air.

"..." me who had a live audio stream of porn.

"Oops – " the woman muttered when the table's leg cracked. The next second and the table moved to the side and crashed, revealing me under the table, and is sitting on the floor in a lotus position. "..." the woman stared at me who had a pale face that looked transparent because of the light coming from the laptop.

"..." the man who's clutching the woman's breast and butt.

"..." me who had witnessed a live porn.

"AAAAAAAAHH!!!!" the man and the woman screamed when they finally found their voice. "GHOST!!!" they both said and immediately ran outside the computer room half-naked.

Hello. I am Hong Yue - a first year in the Shuihua University and a shut-in. Not long after I enrolled in my previous university, I was kicked out after scaring a teacher and a student when they rendezvoused and I happened to be there, hiding in the corner and writing because the internet connection in the dorm is too slow. I transferred in Shuihua University with a humiliating reason. It was the first in the history, as the dean told me when he accepted me with his eyes full of pity as he looked at me.

People said I'm scary after they heard I was kicked out because I was caught at night. Some said I am a delinquent, while some said I was having a tryst with one of my flings. They also said I am a pervert because I watch porn. Is BL anime a porn? They also think I am Dracula's descendant because of my pale skin. All the Americans must be Dracula's descendant, then, since they have a whiter skin than me. I also am gloomy and never talked. Is it necessary to smile and speak when I'm very sleepy after waiting for my update time to arrive?

When I would start to live with my roommate, he will prove the rumors about me are wrong. I will discover something when I will live with him: I like him, in a romantic sense.

The author has something to say:

I really don't understand romance when it applies to myself, that is why I am still single for ** years XDDD

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