
My rise to fame: They will regret it soon

Joe was hated, not only by his family but people around him. He is a loser and a disgrace to the family. As if this wasn't enough, fate dealt him the worst card of all when he met, Sophie; the millionaire. Sophie was interested in Joe at first sight. And soon, she made Joe fall in love with her. Joe was introduced to the family, Sophie's family hated him. They don't even want him to associate with them. And when Sophie forcefully married him, they mocked and frustrated his life. Soon it extended to Sophie. Sophie fell out of love for him. On Sophie's birthday, Joe caught her cheating on him with another man. Joe was bitter and instead of her being remorseful, she handed over a divorce paper to him. After he signed it, she threw him into the street. After three days of living in the street, fortune came smiling at him when he met the owner of the richest company in the world and that man happened to be his father. Joe was hell bent on dealing with those that had made his life hell.

31 Chs

Chapter 8

Joe's heart was heavy. "It's a pain that I couldn't meet my biological mother." His voice came out thin. It was as if he was sobbing.

Morgan's mind relaxed when he realized Joe believed him. For a moment, there was silence between them before Morgan broke the silence. 

"Son. How has life treated you for the past years?" Piercing Joe's ear, he raised his head and he looked into the eyes of his father.

Morgan felt slightly inconvenient. Joe's countenance fell and he lowered his head.

"Father. You can't believe what I have passed through for years." Morgan could feel the pain through Joe's voice. He guessed he had gone through a lot.

"Tell me. I want to know."

And so, Joe began from when he was young. He narrated his life escapade and tears dropped down from his father's eyes. Morgan was held with so much pain that he felt his heart tightened to his chest.

'My son has gone through this much pain and here I am, living a perfect life without pain. I am such a disappointment.' Morgan thought in his head and that made him sob. He looked at his son and he wiggled his head.

"I… I am sorry that I was not there for you when you were going through those pains." Morgan couldn't speak fluently. He stuttered to explain himself. 

Joe nodded his head. "I guess that was my fate. You don't have to feel bad. It is fine now." Joe's word was comforting and it surprised Morgan.

For a young man that passed through that much and still has a comforting word - he admired his courage and his strength.

Morgan nodded his head. "You are right Joe. And that is why I am here to set things right. Enough of your turbulence and pains. I am here to put an end to your misery." 

Joe raised his head when those words crawled into his ear. A glimmer of hope showed on his face. "What do you mean?" 

Morgan breathed out. He stood on his feet and he turned his back to Joe. He opened his mouth to speak.

"What I meant is…" He paused for a while and he faced Joe - looking at his eyes directly. "I want you to take over my company." Joe couldn't believe his ear. 

"What?" Joe's mouth widened with shock. 

"Yes, son. I want you to be the CEO of my company. As you can see, you are the only heir to all I have. I am an old man. I can't possibly take on those tedious tasks. But with your tenacity, I am certain that my company will move to greater heights."

For a moment, Joe was blank. He didn't know what to do at that moment. Reality hit him in the face. He didn't know whether to jump up or dance around - he was going crazy and at the same time, he was trying to process it all.

"Do you mean you are making me the CEO of your company?" Joe wanted to get the point. Morgan wouldn't hesitate to reply.

"Yes, son. You are not only the CEO but an overseer of all the properties that I have."

Joe's tongue cleaved to its roof. He was in a state of shock. He could feel his heart hitting hard against his chest.

'From nothing to a big shot in one night?' It was hard for him to believe. Joe never thought his reality would change within an eye blink. It felt like a dream. Nah… reality had just hit him in the face.

Finally, Joe processed it all. A bright smile curved his lips. Intense breath proceeded from his nostrils. "Father. I promise not to let you down."

Morgan patted his shoulder. "I know you won't. I will take my leave now."

After Joe embraced his reality - his new found identity would be a big shock to the outside world.

But because of what he had faced. He clenched his fist and he grinded his teeth. He made a decision that would change everything.

'All those that have unjustly dealt with me will pay. I will start with my ex wife.' Those were Joe's thoughts. Nothing pained Joe other than what his ex-wife did to him. 

What happened next was a big twist of fate. 

The second day. Joe was still asleep but he was woken by the doorbell. "And who the heck is that?" Joe felt disturbed. He wasn't used to that life.

"Young master. I am really sorry if I disturb your sleep. Please forgive me. I will leave immediately." She voiced with panic. 

Joe was surprised at that. 'What's up with her? Why did she act so strange?' He thought in his head but that was the least of his worries. What his father told him yesternight was something big and he couldn't break the barrier of thinking about it.

Joe freshened up, but he soon heard another doorbell ring. Joe exhaled. He went to the door and he opened up.

Joe was surprised to see his father that morning.


Morgan exhaled. "I know you are surprised to see me, but I have something important to tell you. Today, you will be following me to the company so as to acquaint you with everything."

That sounded more like fun. Joe was ready for what was coming. "No problem."

His father excused him. Joe walked up to the wardrobe. He was just expecting one or two clothings, but he was soon surprised with what he saw.

His wardrobe was more like a boutique. 'Huh! Why are there so many clothings?' Joe expressed his shock. He picked one of them and he wore it.

Little did Joe know that the cloth he wore that morning would create a drama that would make him make a hard decision. The decision that would change the fate of someone he loved dearly.

He wasn't prepared for the ruckus coming for him. Joe came out of his room.