
My rise to fame: They will regret it soon

Joe was hated, not only by his family but people around him. He is a loser and a disgrace to the family. As if this wasn't enough, fate dealt him the worst card of all when he met, Sophie; the millionaire. Sophie was interested in Joe at first sight. And soon, she made Joe fall in love with her. Joe was introduced to the family, Sophie's family hated him. They don't even want him to associate with them. And when Sophie forcefully married him, they mocked and frustrated his life. Soon it extended to Sophie. Sophie fell out of love for him. On Sophie's birthday, Joe caught her cheating on him with another man. Joe was bitter and instead of her being remorseful, she handed over a divorce paper to him. After he signed it, she threw him into the street. After three days of living in the street, fortune came smiling at him when he met the owner of the richest company in the world and that man happened to be his father. Joe was hell bent on dealing with those that had made his life hell.

31 Chs

Chapter 26

Mathew's heart skipped several bits when he heard the voice of the judge. He swallowed the saliva in his mouth. He became restless. His ears were attentive.

Silence flooded the courtroom. Everyone was ready to hear the judgment to be passed. 

The judge continued to speak. "Mr Mathew is hereby sentenced to life imprisonment for attempted murder and false pretenses." "Mr Kim, is hereby sentenced to thirty years in prisonment with hard labor for been an accomplice." "All the assassins are hereby sentence to sixty years imprisonment." "However, Mr Joe has been proven not to be guilty of any alleged crime against him, he is set free and will be compensated with a sum of a million dollars by Mr Mathew's family for putting Mr Joe's life in danger and making him serve jail terms for no reason. This is my judgment." The judge hit the gavel on the table.