
Chapter III:dinner party

The exit of the green passage is in an underground garage, and it is very dark...

A terrible thought suddenly came to him, and David was covered in a cold sweat and his heart beat violently. "This is not

There will be... "

Suppressing the fear in my heart, I secretly looked at the front and back around again and again, and made sure that I thought more, which was a relief.

David touched the cold sweat on his forehead and laughed at himself: "I will never watch criminal investigation TV series in the future. It is too horrible to scare myself!"

Quickly walked out of the garage and came to the open street, surrounded by people, and no one noticed when there was a black-faced young man on the roadside.

David thought a lot along the way, but he didn't remember what he thought. He went downstairs to the dormitory in a trance, paid the fare, went back to the room, didn't even take off his clothes and shoes, and went straight to bed and fell asleep...

I don't know how long it took for David to sleep, but he was awakened by the hunger in his stomach one after another. He only felt that his insides had been hollowed out. It was a long time before he recovered his breath...

Touched the belly that was still cooing, looked at the mobile phone, and it was already five o'clock in the afternoon. This sleep was heavy enough!

There are too many things in these two days, and the pressure is too great. From morning to start, the nerves have been tense, until the huge bonus is received, which is a real relief.

And as soon as this breath was relieved, David felt a flood of indescribable weariness, and on his return he fell into a deep sleep, and if he had not been awakened by hunger, he would not have known how far he would have slept


Thinking about what to eat downstairs, I feel that a person is not enjoying it. No one can share the lottery, but I should find someone to share my happy mood.

Calling some of his best brothers in Mali, David went to a nearby barbecue called Crazy Wings and picked a stall.

The fame of this crazy roasted wing is quite big in the surrounding area, which can be baked by yourself or brought back directly by the store.

The key is that the taste is good, spicy, and the price is quite affordable. David used to come every once in a while to play tooth sacrifice and improve the food, but that was before the accident at home, and he hasn't come for a long time recently...

After waiting for 20 minutes, three old classmates and good friends arrived one after another. The first big fat man who arrived with the most agility was Allen. Now he is the marketing team leader of a small loan company in Mali, and he can mix well.

The second one who came over was called Colvin. His occupation was sales planning, which was actually advertising. After graduating two years, he changed no fewer than five companies.

The last one to swing by was Ben. The hardware condition is relatively good, tall and handsome. At present, he is an external account manager of Mali Agricultural and Commercial Bank. To put it bluntly, he is a temporary worker who can be kicked off at any time...

When everyone arrived, David ordered 10 skewers of grilled wings, eight scallops, four fried cuttlefish, mutton kebabs, crispy bones, etc., and a case of beer.

The three people next to me didn't dare to make a sound. They all knew about David's family, but David was a face saver and never asked them to borrow money. Instead, they took the initiative to collect 30,000 yuan and gave it to David Du...

Looking at the silent three, David let out a smile, "Why, you are not afraid that I can't pay the money?"

The three looked at each other, and Alan said seriously: "David, if you have difficulties, don't hold it in your heart, what relationship do we have, do you still take us as outsiders?"

Colvin nodded and said in a deep voice, "Yes, David, when we are short of money, we don't come to you directly, how come you are divided?"

Ben threw his mouth aside, "You don't look down on me as a temporary worker, do you? I'm not paid less than you..."

See several brothers are angry, David decided to stop teasing them, find an excuse: "I said you just don't believe, some time ago, the lack of money is because my funds are all set in foreign currency markets, and now a big profit has all withdrawn back, after David I am poor only money, ha ha..."

David smile freely, laugh crazy no bogey, as if to put all the previous depressed hard to vent out!

The stall is semi-open, there is no door, and the diners who come and go look at four people like fools, three people are looking at a face of embarrassment, hurriedly covering their face interrupted: "Good, good, we believe it is not OK, you low-key..."

David smiled and shook his head, and said no more, while several people chatted over a drink and a barbecue.

Allen's traffic is the worst. After drinking two glasses of beer, he began to scold his mother. "He, this world is really bad. Now it is uncle who owes money. If he doesn't pay back the money, he has to beg him. This thing is embarrassing!"

David laughed and joked: "No, don't your small loan companies sell their wives by breaking their hands and feet to those who borrow money and don't pay it back?"

Allen laughed and scolded. "Bullshit, you think it was ten years ago. Now the network is so developed. We sell people's wives today and it is estimated that they will make headlines tomorrow...."

This is a fact. The world has changed. Although there are many bad sides, the overall development is still in the good direction.

David asked curiously, "Have you had a lot of loan problems recently? I remember you didn't make much last year?"

Allen rubbed his face and smiled bitterly. "Last year, I took more because I put more money, and this year, there are many problems when the loan expires. Now I don't need to market loans every day, and there is not enough time to collect bad loans..."

Colvin was eating next to him, and he said with a bad smile, "Then you are miserable, didn't you work for nothing this year?"

"Get out, you can't stop your mouth with food!"

Colvin smiled and said shamelessly, "Cut, I always block other people's mouths with Liu whip..."

David said to Colvin in silence, "I said, can you control it? Be careful which day you get into trouble and get cut!"

Colvin, his pants cold with fear, quickly covered his baby and said in horror

"Don't talk nonsense..."

But in a blink of an eye, he turned into a bitter melon face and cried, "Hey, I've been in trouble again recently..."

Ben grinned sideways. "Who did you send a hat to? Was it discovered?"

Colvin smothered a glass of beer and coughed tears. "Grandma, I'm afraid I'll be found out when I give gifts? It's a big deal to change the company and start all over again. What are you afraid of?"

"Then what do you mean by screaming?"

Colvin looked up and whined, "Hey, someone's killed!"Looking at Colvin who was sprayed with beer foam, David didn't feel guilty at all, but gloated: "I often walk by the river, how can I not wet my shoes? I told you you'd do something big.Of... "Touching a handful of beer on his face, Colvinson looked at David helplessly and said, "That's really thanks to your crow mouthFinish...""Don't, just remember to invite me to drink the wedding banquet...""....."Or Ben is more human and helped him come up with a bad idea:"Talk to her, go to the hospital and don't want a few dollars. I'll lend you money when I'm short!""Yes, yes, I can lend you a whole ocean!""Hey... his father is engaged in real estate development..."

David listened dumbfounded. "You raised your boss's daughter?! Awesome! I'll obey you if I don't even hold the wall!"

"Not the boss's daughter..."

They were relieved, and Colvin continued, "It's the boss's brother's daughter!"


David sighed. "Every family has a difficult story. I don't understand the story of fireworks. You'd better solve it yourself. Come on, brothers, have a drink!"

Yes, there are difficulties in every family. Although David became rich, many problems can't be solved immediately, such as the misfortunes of his brothers, his father's injury and so on.

In the evening, he drank wine, boasted and complained until eleven o'clock.

David asked for leave to go to work tomorrow, but the others had to work. Allen had already got down, but Jianghui was awake. "David, we are relieved to see that you are all right. Let's get here tonight. I'll take a taxi to send Jin Erfat back. You go back and pay attention by yourself

Point ·... "

Not waiting for them to pull, David ran to the front desk to settle the account, three people with a big fat walk to the roadside taxi.

Unexpectedly, Alan suddenly threw up, David several is agile, a small step away from a ling wave, but a BMW sedan is waiting for the red light has been a disaster

Looking at the car door full of vomit, beer and barbecue, as disgusting as it can be, this is embarrassing...

Sure enough, the car came down a man and a woman two young, looking at the color paste on the door, the man's face are green, the woman directly ran to the roadside a dry heaving.

After all, David stepped forward and apologized: "I'm sorry, my friend drank too much and didn't pay attention, you see how much cleaning costs I'll accompany you..."

Young but not old but a face of obduracy, despise to look at David a few eyes: "I this is what car do you know?"

After saying that, he also raised his hand and pointed at David several humanely: "Only you several eat roadside stalls, can you afford to pay?"

Cannon Hui not only likes bubble, temper is also violent, come forward to grab each other's collar mouth, spray wine and roar: "Go to you mb." Who are you talking about? How much money is a big deal? Do you believe I'm gonna kill you? "

"Well, wait a minute, I'll check out first."

"You guys..."

David was angry in the heart, thinking of taking the black to give him a few times, suddenly heard a woman's scream from behind, "What are you doing? Do you want to hit someone in our car?"

Three drunks who just found out there's a real person who forgot about it.

The three people looked at each other, and Cannon Hui pushed the young man to the ground, and the spitting star flew straight away and threatened: "I am in a good mood today to let you go, but not fast!"

Said ready to go up to give him two feet, scared two people even climb and drag on the car, finally, David actually heard a threat: "You give me wait, I must..."

Not hearing what he wanted to say, David picked up a stone on the ground and smashed it in the past, and it was dark. ...

Looking at the little treasure horse whose ass was smoking and ran away, David squatted on the ground with a smile, too happy!