
My Researching Journey (HxH)

Yasuo Zoldyck, an assassin who was once a biologist seeking to extinguish the limits set upon him- To no avail. Now, in a world where the impossible is possible, how far will his researching mind push him? Can he break those limits? ..................... If you want to support the novel and want to read ahead go check out my Patreon: Patreon.com/VQuintessence Join my Discord Server: https://discord.gg/p8QrmkxhDr Disclaimer: I do not Own Hunter X Hunter nor do I own the cover.

VQuintessence · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
219 Chs



Chapter 32: Visit


Yasuo then walked on a vast green hill next to his house... until he suddenly jumped with his speed accelerating as he flew into the horizon with the mansion as his destination.


In the perimeter of the Zoldyck's main mansion, a massive Hound could be seen lying down with his eyes closed.

Mike is an enormous hound with purple fur and a pink tongue. he has a slender body, pointy ears, long legs, thin and elongated snout, and a long bushy tail.

His forepaws have long, curved claws and resemble that of a human hand rather than a hound's paw.

In the sky, a black dot could be seen approaching with a high speed enlarging as It came closer though no sound can be heard from it all.

As It came close enough to be clearly seen, Yasuo Zoldyck, and in less than a second he came down with the same speed leaving no movement in the wind and no sound whatsoever.

He landed silently and elegantly with a tranquil smile on his face. he was wearing a white long-sleeved shirt with black pants and black combat boots.

A special leather black belt loops around his pants with two dagger sheaths at the right of the belt. a small part of what could be presumed to be a black dagger could be seen from the sheaths.

His hair became a little bit longer almost reaching his eyes, his usual black eyes with a silver long chain earring on his left ear with the same tranquil air surrounding him.

"Mike!!", Mike didn't notice him at all until he heard the calm shout making him jump back with his hair standing in fright as he started growling.

That's until he processed the familiar voice as he looked at Yasuo making his growl turned into a whine of happiness, he then ran closer to Yasuo bending his head.

"That's a good boy." Yasuo patted him making the dog release moans of happiness, " You're still in training, huh, you should be able to complete the training this year. well, see you later." Then he entered the mansion.

He directly headed to the family room where Illumi, Maha, and Silva are, thanks to his control domain making everything inside the mansion within his senses, he noticed Kikyo in her room noting her pregnancy.

He also noticed Milluki in his room as always while Killua and Alluka playing around in the playroom. We are in the year 1989 so Killua is about a year and a half while Alluka is only a few months old.

He narrowed his eyes noting that her aura is still the same with no change, Yasuo paid special attention to Alluka though there doesn't seem to be any abnormality as of yet.

What he wants to know is whether Nanika was born within Alluka or something that only appeared during her childhood.

'In the manga when the flashback was shown, she appeared to still be a toddler. So Nanika should appear approximately somewhere between her being 8 to 24 months old considering all the circumstances...'

He looked thoughtful as he opened the massive brown wooden door to the family room.

Silva could be noticed sitting on a comfortable-looking chair, and Maha in another chair close to him, Illumi facing them and a round table between them.

"I'm back..." Said Yasuo before taking a seat.

Silva nodded, "Let's wait for a while, Zeno contacted me, he is only a few minutes away."

Yasuo nodded then everyone waited until a servant knocked on the door and only entered once he received permission.

The servant enetered with a large plate with five cups of coffee on it. The servant then put it on the table. each took a cup then they started drinking in silence after the servant left.

It wasn't long before Zeno entered Yasuo's domain and only about a minute before he entered the room, "Wait until I tell you the story, it was a very interesting mission..."

He started with his usual stereotype attitude as soon as he entered the room.

"Yeah yeah, you always say that. Every mission you take, you find interesting." Said Silva interrupting him, "Anyway, let's start, Illumi how were your missions for the last year?"

"Easy, I have only faced one Nen-user In the entire year though he was a rookie so not much of a challenge," Answered Illumi in an absent-minded yet joyful tone.

Silva nodded then turned to Yasuo waiting for him to answer the same question.

"I haven't faced any Nen-user for the last year so just the typical missions." Casually responded Yasuo.

"Ok, If you have any questions or if you need any advice, ask now." Silva then said. This is a meeting where they all assemble together to exchange information and more in-depth experiences, a ritual of the Zoldyck family.

"I already asked my mother about what I need," Illumi said as always since Kikyo is a manipulator, he always learns from her or Yasuo though the latter is rarely available.

"Is any one of you interested in going to the dark continent?" Suddenly Yasuo inquired making their face twitch.

The Zoldyck's mansion has two libraries, the one opened for everyone that has only general knowledge books, and the small one that only has a few books but all of them have some interesting pieces of information.

From Information about assassinations to information about the dark continent, though when Yasuo read it, he didn't find it to be too useful considering it only describes one unofficial expedition, still useful nonetheless.

"Not really, but maybe later if I found any interest in it or if it's needed for a job.", "No", "Hmm, I'm too old for such a thing..." Illumi, Maha, and Zeno all answered in the same order.

"No, do you?" Silva answered before asking back with a look of interest.

"Yeah, though not until much later," Yasuo honestly answered while paying attention if anyone is actually interested.

There is a chance that he won't be as strong as he wants to be by the time he goes to the dark continent which will be the result of unsatisfactory results in a few experiments he is planning.

In that case, a backup plan is needed, people he can trust to a certain extent which will help a lot in the dark continent, after all, the place is too dangerous...

The meeting was as always professional, mostly about the family business and about Killua being the heir and his training progress. After spending some time in the mansion, Yasuo then went back to his house.


In front of his house, Yasuo could be seen standing with his eyes closed, his domain enveloped a vast area around him as he focused completely.

His domain of 60 meters started expanding slowly by a few cm, with this small expanding his senses inside his domain started decreasing as the domain became unstable. This is how Yasuo expand his domain's radius.

He stopped expanding it then focused on stabilizing his Domain though It proved to be quite hard. expanding his domain only got harder and harder the larger it is.

He kept persisting in stabilizing it for a while then retracted his domain to his previous shape though the domain was extended about a couple of cms.

'Amplify...' Suddenly his domain started shrinking rapidly until It only enveloped two meters around though what could be noticed is a purple layer surrounding the bubble.

This is a state where Yasuo reduces his domain's range and makes his amplification domain equal to the rest of the available domain which in this case is two meters. he calls this state Perfect Domain.

This increases his sense in the domain and increases his control though nowhere near when he use Amplification on solely ten cm which increases his senses to a cellular level.

The reason It increases his control is that his brain will only focus on the specific space without further consumption since keeping his large domain activate needs a certain amount of input into the brain.

This allows his brain to handle much more input since all the load on his brain disappears Allowing more control. He then used 'In' making the purple color transparent and lowering his presence.

'It's time to take the hunters exam...' And with a small smile, he disappeared flying with a speed much faster than the last time...