
My Reincarnation Is As Abnormal As I Expected

Before reading the synopsis, I will warn you in advance. This fic has NO NTR. However, for you, who think that having your BIOLOGICAL SISTER raped is NTR, not TRAGEDY, this won't be your cup of tea. Also, the TRAGEDY — which many people like to call NTR, despite not being one — only happens in the Prologue — the MC's past life. What can I say? A great hero needs a tragic background! This fic is made to be light-hearted. MC will get the girls, and many surprises later. --- In my life, I have been taught that the world is only one. I believe that. The logic behind that notion is sound. Upon growing up, some people say there is a parallel universe, where many things we don't think exist exist. I have always brushed the notion off, and laughed it off. However, upon dying myself, I get to know that the notion is ridiculously true. ... "Ugghh! Who is the imbecile that ran over me?!" "Oh, my God! I'm sorry. Are you okay, kid?" "What do you think?" "You look ... fine?" I was so outraged that I passed out. Later, when I woke up at the hospital, the lady who had run over me was by the side of my bed. Finding her somehow familiar, I asked her name. She answered simply, "Hiratsuka Shizuka." I was confused. The lady was confused. The Four Dimensional Beings got confused. What the fuck just happened?! --- This fiction is made when I need escape from my premium novel—visit my profile and boost the viewer count! Therefore, the update will not be stable. I can't guarantee a beautiful plot either. I have warned you. Disclaimer: Cover doesn't belong to me. I wish I could draw, but reality is harsh.

Frona_Gorgophone · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
56 Chs

How He Lives His Life (2)

{Homura Daiki's POV}

I am a firm believer of hardwork never betrays the result. Therefore, I have always been working hard. The result indeed doesn't betray the hardwork I have done.


The expectation does!

I expected I would be rich, if I kept working hard. I do get money, but I am not rich. I can buy whatever my eyes fancy, yet there is still limit.

Simply, I am not rich!

But, hold up. That's not even the best part. Since I have been working hard for most of my life, I missed my youth. Yes, what you are thinking is right. I am already 30, and I haven't married yet.

I can't help it. I don't know how to talk to women. I have bang some, but all of them were paid. No, you don't have to tell me. I know I am pitiable!

Anyway, I am now registering the scores of my students for the midterm exam's report. Needless to say, I am surprised. My eyes are planted solely on one name.

Hikigaya Hachiman, the enigma.

Hachiman was already bright even before. He was always on the top 10. But, this "new" Hachiman is just baffling. This guy is not bright anymore. He is blindingly shiny!

His intelligence makes him the highest scorer of the midterm exam. However, it isn't what makes me and the other teachers baffled. It is his answer sheet.

—I'ma get 97 for this.

—The question is lame. I'ma go with 92

—Kuhahaha! This Lord likes the stupid narration. He will take 98!

—Excuse me, is this math or America? Too many taxes! 94!

Those are written on his sheet papers. Ignoring the stupid things he wrote, he predicted every score he will get correctly.

No, he didn't predict it. He chose his own score! That is as brilliant as it is maddening!

How can this guy be this smart? Who is his mother? Microsoft?!

"Huuh... he will be the best student ever born in this world, if not for his lazy ass."

Yes. Hachiman is a lazy ass. He joined a Basketball Club a month and a half ago, and everyone respects him for his skill. But, this guy is really creative to find a reason not to do a team practice.

Although he has never missed a single training day, he rarely does team practice. He merely attends the club, practises by himself, and leaves. It is like he is merely borrowing the school's court for his whim.

Igusa-sensei has talked to me about that many times, saying how wasted hachiman's talent is. But, I can't help it. He has always an answer everytime I ask him for his reason.

—Today will be a leg day. I can't let my feet get tired because of the practice.

—There are literally 12 people on the court, and I feel not wanted.

—Igusa-sensei is hitting on me. I don't swing that way.

—Those guys are too dumb, they can't even dribble the ball, despite having two.

Yes, I can see it. All of them are completely unrelated reasons. Still, I can't rebuke him. He does practice after all.

But, by himself!

Knock. Knock.

As the door was knocked, I turn my gaze to it.


Then, comes in the person who has just knocked the door.


"What is it?"

"I want to forfeit my position."

It is no other than the enigma himself, Hachiman. I sigh, and look at Hachiman, who has already sat himself on the chair in front of my desk, in exasperation.

"Firstly, you can't reject the position that you have willingly agreed to take. Secondly, almost everyone from your class voted for you."

"Tsk. This is the reason why democracy sucks. They are just forcing jobs to the other people."

"Don't get political on me."

"Anyway, about my request—"

"No." I said resolutely.

This kid must have been eager to get away from the task he has been given to.

A day before the midterm exam, my class was holding a meeting for the school festival's committee.

Hachiman was scribbling busily, doing some maths I don't understand, and completely ignored everyone. When the vote began, surprisingly, everyone chose him to be the head committee. Because he was too busy doing his thing, he instantly agreed to it.

And now, here he is.

Hachiman sighed. "Huuh... Can't be helped then." He takes out a paper, and give it to me. "Here is my medical checkup result. I got a disease called Somnolence. Therefore, I have to take a leave from school for a few weeks."

At his word, I'm instantly perked up. I have never heard of this disease. Taking hold of his medical checkup result, I ask him for the details.

"Tell me more about it."

"It is a rather simple disease. Basically, my brain will shut every activity of my body, when it deems my body doesn't have enough energy to do any activity. When I spend too much energy, I will get sluggish, and Somnolence will assault me."

Hachiman said all of that with a completely neutral face. He keeps his eye contact, and never once he faltered. Yet, I know he was bullshitting.

"Hachiman, just take the responsibility of your choice."

"Sensei, didn't you get what I just said?"

"Body deactivation whenever you lack of energy, right?" He nods, and I continue, "I know Hachiman. It is called sleep!"

Hachiman clicks his tongue, before muttering, "He is smarter than I thought."

This little shit!

"Don't worry, sensei. Just take my medical checkup result as an alibi."

"This is not even your medical checkup result!" I slam the paper on my desk.

"What are you— oh. I forgot to change the name."

"Are you forging fake documents now, kid?!"

Hachiman shrugs. He has the audacity to shrug! This kid is infuriating.

I sigh to calm myself down, before looking at Hachiman seriously.

"Assume your role as the head committee, or I'll tell your mother about the 'Gambling God Hachi'."

"Are you blackmailing me, sensei. Too bad—"

"Hello, Ms. Hikigaya. I am Hachiman's—"


I smirk in satisfaction, and put down my phone. Even if the kid is rebellious, he gets cooperative whenever his mother is brought up. Still, it doesn't always work. I am just lucky I coincidentally managed to lay my hand on that piece of information.

"Now, we're talking."


I can't even tell if he is agreeing or grumbling. The kid is too steady for his own good. I can't read him.

"Have you chosen the one who will help you."

"It's Saki."

"Have you asked her consent?"



"I can manage."

Not the answer I expected, but it's fine. Since they are both good friends, I believe Hachiman can really manage.

Hachiman stands from the chair, and heads to the door. But, before he steps outside, he turns to me.



"Two days ago, I saw an unfortunate man entering a love hotel."


"His name is Homura Daiki. I got the picture here with me."

"H-hachiman.. w-wait, we can settle this matter peacefully."

This brat! When did he lay his hand on one of my embarrassing moments?! Ah, I shouldn't have used any sex service!

"Wait, Hachiman!"

"¡Hasta la vista, puta!"

He leaves, after saying words I don't understand. But, strangely I am feeling insulted. Still, that's not the point.

My photo! What will he do with my photo?!


{Hikigaya Komachi's POV}

It is almost three months since Gomi-chan got amnesia. It is weird, but I miss my edgy and ever gloomy Onī-chan. The current him is so different. He is no longer exuding that dark aura that I used to see on him.

Now, he exudes nothing. Yes, nothing. Sure, Onī-chan will smile — a very gorgeous smile if I may add — from time to time. But, it feels different from the previous Onī-chan. The current him feels so empty.

I mean, it's like he's smiling, because he feels the need to. You know, like when you know your friend is joking but it's a lame one, and you have to laugh to not hurt their feelings. That is what I basically feel everytime Onī-chan is smiling.

"I'm home."

Ah, Onī-chan has just arrived. I need to greet him!

"Welcome home, Gomi-chan!"

"I'm home, Kumacchi."

"Mou~ how many times do I have to tell you I am not a bear?!"

Onī-chan merely chuckles and pats my head. I look up to him, while staring at him in grudge. But, it doesn't last long. When I see his smile, I'm instantly melted.

Get yourself together, Komachi!

I sigh in exasperation, before heading to the kitchen to cook some balanced food for Onī-chan, and a dinner for me.

"Go take a shower, Onī-chan. I'll prepare the dinner!"

"Let me help you too." Onī-chan comes my way.

I stop him in his way, and push him towards the bathroom. "No, I don't need your help. Just go and take a bath! You stink!"

Onī-chan chuckles, and replies, "Okay then." Then, he takes a towel, and enters the bathroom.

I sigh. Although I said that. In truth, Onī-chan doesn't stink. He is extremely fragrant for a boy. That's why I love to wear his t-shirts. Onī-chan's smell calms me everytime I smell it. It reminds me of our childhood.


"Get yourself together, Komachi!"

I shake my head to clear the unnecessary thought, and head to the fridge to take out the ingredients. But, something in Onī-chan's bag attracts my attention.

I approach the bag, and take the thing out. It turns out to be a love letter. Well, love letters. Another thing that changes from Onī-chan is his popularity.

With his dead eyes gone, he becomes a highly sought boyfriend. Still, he has always rejected all of those girls. He is too smitten by Komachi after all!



Onī-chan has finished his bath, and I have also finished my cooking. It is now time to eat dinner!

Onī-chan sits himself properly on the chair, and waits for me to come to the table. He always eats at the same time as me, whenever we have dinner together. Since I am currently washing my hand, he has to wait a little bit.

"Sorry for making you wait, Onī-chan!"

"I'm cool."

I take a good look at Onī-chan. His hair is still moist due to the water, and he swept it to the back. He wears a tight t-shirt and an equally tight shorts. He looks like those idols in the TV to be honest.

"Why are you wearing tight clothes lately, Onī-chan?"

"Oh, this? They are all my old outfits. Since I have grown a little, they are getting smaller. I haven't gotten the time to buy the new one."

Oh, so that's the case. Well, it makes sense. Onī-chan has been growing bigger lately.

When I pick my chopsticks up, Onī-chan also follows suit. Right after that, we eat while talking about miscellaneous things. When the dinner is finished, we wash the dishes together like usual.

Now, we are watching TV on the sofa. I lay my head on Onī-chan's lap, and he is caressing my head. Even if the TV is on, we are focused on our conversation instead. Onī-chan will sometimes chuckle and smiles, and I am always enamored by it.

Still, there is something different.


"Yes, Onī-chan?"

"We haven't spent some time together lately. Do you want to accompany me to the mall to buy some new clothes?"



"Yes, I do! Let's go shopping together!"

Onī-chan chuckles at my enthusiastic response.

Ah, I guess I finally get it. Onī-chan didn't become empty. He is happy. He is enjoying himself. I am the one who became empty. Because, I thought I wasn't included in Onī-chan's happiness.

But, I was wrong. Onī-chan is still Onī-chan, despite how much he has changed. He is my Onī-chan, and he still spoils me. I guess, I am just jealous.


Extra POV.

{Raphtalia's POV}

Nyaa~~ nya, nyaa. Nyaaa~~~ nya~ nya~ nya~.

Nyaaaaaa~~~~ nya~~ nya~~ nya, nya, nyaaa, nya.

Nya~ nyaaa~~ nyaaa~ nya. Nyaa~~~!

Nyaaaaa~~~ nya~~ nya~ nya!

As you can see by the other people's perspective, Hachiman (Chris) is not as expressive as what he thought. Still, he always managed to make a good comedy.


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