

Inside the carriage, Su Daji, amidst the continuous cheers of the people outside, recalled her father's instructions.

"Embrace the King's affection for women, and when you enter the palace, advise him alongside Empress Jiang. Don't let His Majesty continue down the wrong path."

Her thoughts paused, and she blushed at the memory of the initiative she took the previous night.

Outside the city of Zhao Ge, the Nine-Tailed Fox watched as Di Xin personally brought Su Daji back to the capital. She was slightly annoyed.

If she hadn't been distracted, she could have found an opportunity to possess Su Daji.

"I miss the King so much; I want to be by his side right now!"

The Nine-Tailed Fox expressed her grievances to her companions. The task assigned by Goddess Nuwa was progressing slowly, adding to their frustration.

After lecturing the officials, King Wucheng was in high spirits. He relished the fact that he surpassed even the ancient saintly emperors.

While most couldn't convince a few Dragon Clan members to help, he had achieved the seemingly impossible.

Moreover, he established the Water Resources Department to control the weather, cutting ties with the feeble Heavenly Court.

Huang Feihu was very efficient; in just under half a month, the Dragon King Temple was completed.

Countless people now cheered for the the resolved floods with the help of the Dragon Clan.

On the day the Dragon King Temple was completed, a long line of people eagerly awaited their turn to offer incense.

The temple was now shrouded in thick incense smoke, creating a dark and cloud-like atmosphere.

That day in the Eastern Sea, a golden light tore through the sky.

The Dragon King, blessed by the incense and the essence of the ancestral dragon, broke through the bottleneck that had eluded him for years.

This breakthrough placed him among the top-tier powerful beings.

Li Jing congratulated the Dragon King on witnessing this glorious moment and promptly extended his congratulations.

"Thanks to the Emperor's appreciation," replied the old Dragon King, his joy evident.

A few days later, Di Xin led his officials to pay respects at the Dragon King Temple.

Although the national ceremony had already passed, it didn't stop Emperor Di Xin from making additional offerings this year.

The Dragon King Temple was indeed the apple of the Emperor's eye, a sophisticated blend of technology, capable of ensuring favorable weather for Great Shang and causing disasters for potential enemies.

With the assistance of the Dragon Clan, Great Shang could confront the Western Zhou without the intervention of the Jie and Chan Religious Sect.

On this day, the temple remained popular, though not as crowded as its first open day. The imperial guards separated the commoners, creating a path for Di Xin and his ministers.

"Long live the King!"

"The King is wise!"

Such praises lingered on the streets of Zhao Ge for a long time.

Di Xin was delighted; this was the effect he wanted.

However, Di Xin also didn't rule out the possibility of wanting to sell his own image to history. Although history wouldn't be altered, it would be recorded by people. Now, everyone was under his control, and he believed that no one would dare to disobey him.

After the worship, Di Xin returned to the palace, but not to rest.

He summoned his officials to discuss matters concerning the Dragon Clan's assimilation into education.

"Now that the Dragon Clan has been naturalized into our human race, we must naturally follow human governance and laws. However, there are significant differences between the Dragon and Human Clans, so laws must be adjusted, even drafting a new set specifically for the Dragon Clan."

Shang Rong was deeply moved, never expecting the king to be so attentive. This third-generation old minister felt somewhat ashamed.

Bi Gan was also extremely surprised by Di Xin's words. The king's changes were far beyond his expectations.

This was indeed a blessing for the Great Shang!

As Di Xin became wiser, their own shortcomings became more apparent. The harsh words from King Wucheng, Huang Feihu, still echoed in their ears, and the guilt was hard to shake off.

Di Xin had been considering the alliance between the Dragon Clan and the human race on his way back from Yi Province.

For a long-term and stable alliance, equality was crucial. If the Dragon Clan became too dominant, it would be like inviting a prince who needed constant attention.

He couldn't bear such an ignoble feeling and opposed his faiths.

On the other hand, if the human race became too dominant, it would be no different from the situation with the Heavenly Court. Sooner or later, the Dragon Clan would be manipulated back to the heavens, and all his efforts would be in vain.

Maintaining equality between the two sides was the only practical solution. Di Xin hoped for a world where all races could coexist peacefully.

"W will present an initial draft proposal to the king in two days.”

Modifying the letter of the laws was the responsibility of the civil officials. Following the morning court session, Shang Rong and Bi Gan promptly gathered a team to draft the new ones.

The matter concerning the letter of the laws for the Dragon and Human Clans had temporarily concluded, and the next focus was on the affairs of the Water Resources Department.

The Water Resources Department was a newly established department with the goal of ensuring favorable rain and wind conditions throughout the nation, unifying the rainfall in all regions. In essence, it aimed to control the timing, quantity, and frequency of rainfall.

Rivers had distinctions between upstream and downstream; excessive rainfall upstream could affect downstream areas, leading to potential flooding if not handled carefully. During times of drought, the frequency of rainfall must be determined based on the circumstances to ensure the normal growth of crops.

Another crucial aspect was managing celestial phenomena, particularly ensuring favorable weather for important festivals. After all, one wouldn't want to be caught in the rain while enjoying outdoor activities on a festive day!

All these mentioned matters fell under the jurisdiction of the Water Resources Department, emphasizing that officials in this department needed to understand meteorology and agricultural timing.