
The selection

5:30am. Another restless night to add to the others, the selection is today. I should rest but my stomach is flip flopping on what they will select for me, am I light or dark? I've wondered this my life no matter how many good deeds or bad deeds you've done it's up to them on who you really are. Being dark would be unsettling, although it has its perks I see myself as good but it's not up to me anymore. Laying in bed with my thoughts, I've been doing this for as long as I can remember I believe I was 10 when my clock started to tick down until the day of my selection I'm 20 now. Time has passed, 7am. I guess it's time for coffee, although I'm 20 my body creaks as if it's a 100 year old door. Whirling my coffee I still think who am I? Which side am I truly meant to be on? What if..? As bothered as I seem I've got more important things to take care of. As I head out the door I see news paper the headline seems to scream at me, SELECTION DAY. Can it really be happening? I mean it's been going on for about 1,000 years now I can't imagine they'd stop now, I suppose the system seems to work fairly well no one is causing riots or going on strikes to pull the system down, poverty is the past everyone lives in nice homes with clean water, food and diseases are just a ghost story to tell around a fire. It's exhausting to live in a rather perfect life, what was it like before? I've heard stories from my grandparents but I just thought they were delusional. 11am today is going by faster than expected but I suppose that's what happens when you don't pay attention to the time while stuck in deep thought, the streets are buzzing and everyone is celebrating but why do I feel as if today will be my last? 1:30pm the sirens are wailing it's time to go, the busses pull up in a line in the streets everyone seems so happy and what for? To be forced to be light or dark? We arrived at the building, we all pile out of the busses I start to shake a bit because this is going to be my reality for the rest of my life. We get seated listen to the same speech that everyone listened to before they were shipped off our names get called out one by one each name I can hear are getting closer to mine I tremble with each pronunciation. I think to myself can this really be happening to me? They call my name I feel as if my whole body is jello, I stand and I walk we get in the elevator and they walk me in to a dark room. I think to myself is this it? I hear my name I respond saying huh? Great loving making a fool of myself in front of the judge that's deciding my fate. Step onto the plate to discover who you truly are, I walk and it feels like a million years before I reach the plate. It glows pink? Pink? What does that mean? I demanded from the mysterious voice. Queen the voice strikes back.