
My Rare Class is Artificer!

"Engineering is the closest thing to Magic that will ever exist." - Yoshi Yoshimura, a genius Engineer recreates the schematics for a next-generation weapon but is betrayed by a spy, killed and then reincarnated in a fantasy world in the body of a lesser noble's son. Can he use his rare class to save his people from economic ruin? [Isekai, Fantasy, System.]

Uchiha_Laruto · แฟนตาซี
32 Chs


As the sun began to set over the distant hills, Remus and his three new acquaintances rode on the back of three flying wyverns.

Remus held on tight to Malak's mid-section as he struggled to stay mounted while Akira and Mira snickered at them from their own mounts.

"How did I end up here?!" Remus said. "I said I wanted to go with Mira."

"You shouldn't be the one complaining," Malak said visibly annoyed. "I'm the one that has to keep the mount steady while you fondle me."

"If I let you ride with me then Akira would feel bad so Malak was the neutral solution," Akira said with a chuckle."

"I think I like this solution," Akira chimed in.

The wyverns continued to soar with their powerful wings beating a steady rhythm through the clear sky. Remus and the others had been travelling for a few hours but were not closer to their destination.

</ Skill Activated: Search! />

"I thought you said the Temple of Balance was this way?" Akira said.

"I know it is even though I've never actually been there before," Malak responded.

"So we might be lost for all you know," Remus said.

"I think we might already be there," Mira said. "I sense people even though I can't see them. Let's land and wait for nightfall."

They landed and waited in a clearing as the light from the sun began to wane.

"I don't understand what we're doing here," Malak said.

"Just shut up and be patient," Mira said.

At last, as the sun disappeared below the horizon, the travellers spotted a flickering light in the distance and approached it until they arrived at the temple gates.

Deep in the heart of the forest, they found a grand temple, surrounded by a moat of sparkling water. The temple was constructed of gleaming white marble and is surrounded by a large courtyard filled with lush gardens and fountains. The temple's entrance is adorned with ornate carvings depicting ancient symbols of balance and harmony.

"I just remembered that the Temple of Balance can only be seen at night," Mira said.

"Why didn't you tell us sooner?" Malak asked angrily.

"It doesn't matter, we're here now," Akira said.

As they entered the temple, Remus was struck by the peaceful and serene atmosphere. The interior of the temple was spacious and airy, with high ceilings and large glass windows that allow the moonlight to filter in. The walls of the temple were decorated with intricate murals depicting scenes of heroes of old from myths and legends.

"Look at this," Remus said. "This is very peculiar."

He was pointing at a freshly made mural of four people riding 3 wyverns. 2 girls and 2 boys. The boys were riding together.

"Why does it look like us?" Akira asked.

"It's just your imagination," Malak said.

Their bickering was interrupted by an old monk, who bowed low and welcomed them to the temple. "You are expected," he said with a knowing smile. "The blind sage who resides within these walls has had a vision of your coming."

The four of them were taken aback by this revelation. "A blind sage?" Malak asked incredulously. "What could he possibly know about us?"

The old monk simply smiled kindly and led them through the winding corridors of the temple, past ornate gardens and intricately carved statues. Finally, they arrived at a small, secluded room at the end of a long hallway. The old monk knocked softly on the door, and a gravelly voice from within bade them enter.

Inside the room, they found the blind sage, seated cross-legged on a cushion. His eyes were white and vacant but he seemed to see into the very depths of their souls, piercing through their defences and laying bare their secrets.

When the sage spoke in a voice that was both gentle and commanding. "I've been waiting for you," he said. "Are you ready to know yourselves?"

"Yes," Mira said.

"What does that even mean?" Malak said.

"Let's not argue with an Elder," Akira said.

"I think he's about to tell us our futures," Remus said.

"Yes and no, outsider," the sage replied. "The future is constantly changing and therefore unknowable. I want to arm you with knowledge of yourselves to help you bring about your destinies."

"We're listening," Malak said impatiently. "On with it."

"You see young ones, your spirit animals exist together as a quad - the four of you and they only manifest once every 1000 years which could either be an omen of triumph or doom," the blind sage said.

"What does this mean?" Malak asked. "

"It means that your fates are linked," the sage replied. "Let's start with you child."

"Me?" Mira said.

"I see that your spirit animal is a Lion. You are very bold and courageous and are willing to take risks but you must be careful because you may sometimes overestimate your abilities," the sage said.

"Unfortunately true," Mira replied.

"What about me?" Akira asked.

"Your spirit animal is a badger, you are kind and loyal yet fierce when challenged but your gentle and forgiving nature may sometimes lead you to make decisions based on emotion rather than logic."

"That is deadly accurate," Malak said visibly amused.

"You, my young fire starter. Your spirit animal is a serpent. You are cunning, ambitious and resourceful but your lust for power may blind your moral compass and cause untold suffering for anyone who stands in your way."

"I'm always last," Remus said. "Let me guess, My spirit animal is something weird."

"You are not from here. Not from this plane of reality. Your spirit animal is a raven. a symbol of intelligence and wit. You have a hunger for knowledge and a knack for solving problems but that can lead you to ignore the big picture. No matter how much you try, you will never be able to solve the mystery of people. We are too complex and too unique for you to comprehend and that may be your undoing. I would advise you to find a confidante that has an instinct for people and your burdens will be somewhat lifted."

"Is that all?" Malak said. "Can we go?"

"In a moment. I have two gifts for you, Outsider. One is a Raven's claw and the other is a piece of wisdom," the blind sage said.

"I came to learn about Nature Magic and find balance," Remus said. "Whatever that means."

"What you seek is at the bottom of the Abyssal Maelstrom, the blind sage said. "But be careful. Even venturing a small distance inside has been known to drive great men to madness."

"Daegon," Remus said.

"Exactly," the blind sage responded. "Happy travels."