
My Rare Class is Artificer!

"Engineering is the closest thing to Magic that will ever exist." - Yoshi Yoshimura, a genius Engineer recreates the schematics for a next-generation weapon but is betrayed by a spy, killed and then reincarnated in a fantasy world in the body of a lesser noble's son. Can he use his rare class to save his people from economic ruin? [Isekai, Fantasy, System.]

Uchiha_Laruto · แฟนตาซี
32 Chs


On his way to Newtown, Remus began to understand why it was called Newtown.

The building's construction looked like they were completed not more than a few years ago on the West bank of the Alto river and unlike Oldtown, which was a bustling city with medieval walls forming its boundaries, Newtown was a secluded enclave with restricted access and Rennaisance walls formed its boundaries except for an Arch across a moat and a bridge that formed the only entrance.

After crossing the bridge, Remus noticed that the streets were cleaner, wider and less crowded.

There was a beautiful woman reading a book on a bench near a stream. She had bronze skin, dark hair and ruby-red lips but when she noticed Remus she looked up with a fierce expression that stopped his heart cold.

Remus made a mental note to stay away from her. The last time he ignored his instincts about a girl like that, he died and reincarnated in another world.

The messenger led him down a winding path to a featureless block building with a strange crest above the entrance.

General Tacitus was waiting for Remus inside.

"I thought you would be much taller," the General said with a smile. "How did someone so small defeat 1,000,000 Orcs by himself."

The General had large hands, a large face and a gravelly voice. His hair was beginning to grey and there was a tiredness in his eyes.

"Are you going to allow me to study your magic swords?" Remus asked.

"In a minute," the General replied with a flick of his wrist. "There are some things that I would like to discuss with you first. Do you know what the people of the Midlands have taken to calling you?"

"Tell me," Remus said.

"The Bane of the Orcs," he said. "You've established yourself in their minds as a Champion for the common people."

"Arch-Maester Pompey said something similar," Remus said. "To be honest, it was just about 100,00 Orcs and they surrendered after losing 35,000 fighters."

"Why did you decide to go up against them by yourself?" Tacitus asked.

"I don't like seeing helpless people suffer unnecessarily," Remus replied. "That's why it saddened me when I heard that the Imperial Army wasn't coming."

"Undoubtedly a shameful decision," Tacitus said. "We cannot mobilise without the King's assent and he refused to give it to us."

"Why?" Remus asked

"The Human Kingdom is doomed," Tacitus replied. "We haven't had a well-trained army in a long time. Our top ranks are bloated with brothers, cousins and nephews of the powerful including women."

"I get the cousins part but why women?" Remus asked

"They make fine soldiers 3 weeks of the month," Tacitus said. "But once their time of the month comes..."

"Say no more," Remus said. "I was able to secure a treaty with the Orcs and I don't think that they will break it soon but there's no guarantee."

"Perhaps an Orc invasion would've been good for us in the long run," Tacitus said. "At least if we fought a war with our homes as the battleground we would've been forced to rebuild. Nothing here changes and carcasses rule."

"How do you suggest we bring about change then?" Remus asked.

"What I'm about to tell you is treason so you can't repeat it to anyone," Tacitus said. "We need a new King. Preferably one that is skilled at building and cares enough about his people to defend them. If you were King, I'm sure you wouldn't have sat on your hands while your people were slaughtered by Orcs."

"I don't know if I want that responsibility. Why don't you become King then?" Remus asked.

"I'm one of the carcasses," Tacitus said. "I was put in my position by King Belsarius the second, the current King's father many years ago. Since then, my sword has been allowed to rust in its scabbard. I haven't done anything for the people that I once swore to protect in a very long time."

"I will consider it but right now I have 3 days to learn the necessary enchantments for creating magic swords."