An 18 years old dude with ADHD gets transmigrated in Deku's body with a random system, literally, how will he survive in a world where 80% of people have powers, and he is part of the rest? book image, and plot, aren't mine
It was finally the day, I had been training these past few days just for this, and I am more than ready to crash everyone.
As if awakened by those words a thundering came from all around us, voices from men, women, non-binary( just to be sure), and heroes all filled our ears, thirsting for blood... or for a good fight.
I looked at the girls I had been training for the past days I can quite say they are at least 80% stronger than what they were in their canon history counterparts, I can say I am pretty proud of myself if I can say so.
The one who had advanced the most was Momo, I had been teaching her all I knew about science, in general, to help her with her quirk usage and helped her train her fighting skills, which rewarded me with the teaching skill, not very useful but I can teach things easier now, not much else.
And the reward? MONEY, like big ass lustrous absolutely fabulous glittering mouthwatering money, we are talking above the 7 zeroes, LIKE DAMN, I knew she was rich, but just handing me money for something like that?
Returning back to my current situation, like in the anime, Todoroki had deemed it necessary to tell me he would have crushed me with only his ice side, and all about his sad backstory, and like the good Izuku I am, I answered accordingly.
" Are you stupid or is half of your brain frozen?"
He was stunned for a second, but in the next second some ice had started forming around him, most likely an unconscious usage of his quirk fueled by his anger.
" What?" He asks with an ice-cold tone, get it? Cuse he has an ice quirk... anyway.
"Because that's the only reason you would connect your quirk to your asshole of a father, you are you and he is him, you have your cool ass quirk and he has his not exactly too of a hero quirk, like come on, you can stop your fire with your ice, you have both for a fucking reason, your body can't keep up only with the cold after all, while your father only destroy."
"... You don't know anything."
" Would you use your fire quirk if it meant saving someone?"
He didn't answer.
" If an ice villain is about to kill every single human on earth, and you are the only one able to stop him, would you use it? Or would you decide to just keep up with the ice? Would you destroy all of humanity just for petty revenge?"
" You don't know anything." This time his emotions were starting to appear in his voice too, and his body starting to show emotions for the first time since I had seen him.
" I don't know anything? You are talking to the dude who broke his body beyond recognition just to keep up with broke ass quirks like yours, and here you are, saying * I WoN'T UsE My FathEr QuiRK Cause He Is Bad*, Fuck off."
I walked away shoving his shoulder, I know, not very hero-like and all that bullshit, but I am not Izuku, he isn't 15 like in the anime, and I don't have to deal with Trauma, so he either grows up from his stupid ideology for stays behind.
But while Todoroki remained silent and didn't follow me, another guy did.
I know who he is, he doesn't know I know, and I know how to fuck him up.
" Kid."
" Yes? How can I help you Endeavor?"
" I wanted to thank you for trying to make Shouto Use his fire said, he has been stubborn since the day he got into UA and I-"
I immediately stopped him from talking, the mere thought of his thanking me for helping him accomplish his dream made me want to puke, he has had 17 years to change, I don't care that he does in the anime, here he didn't, and I won't let it slide.
I activate all my aura-centered skills while engraving my soul the rune for fear on my chest.
" Listen you piece of flaming hot shit, I don't care who you think you are, I don't care if you are made and try to burn me, I don't even care if you are actually able to kill me."
Due to the unexpected change of manner, he was stunned and let me grab his throat and bring him, eye to eye level.
" Dare to associate yourself with me ever again and I Will make your body burn from the inside I don't care how resistant you are, I will tear your heart from your chest and make you eat it, do I make myself clear?"
I didn't wait for an answer and simply moved away from him deactivating all my auras and removing the rune, I expected a comeback or any type of answer from the supposed Number.2 Hero, but nothing he stayed there, too stunned to speak or even try to react, even his breathing was too rugged to be called normal.
'I guess my skill set has already reached an acceptable level for this world, The only current being that would be able to fare against me in one vs. one fight is All Might at the start of his Buff Form, Nine if he even exists, Overhaul, Re Destro and All For One, that is all without counting possible quirk powerups and stupid power rises because of the plot, unless I discover something to seriously make me able to overpower them, my easiest way to fight them is One For All.'( any other villain I forgot with mentioning?)
I continue thinking of ways to fight them, thinking it might be time to start creating my own equipment and use the Edgerunner class to its full potential, actually, Cyberpunk would be a cool world to go to, mostly because of the technology I could gain from it. ( What do you all think?)
After waiting for 30 minutes, it finally arrived, the first challenge of the Sport Festival, the course race.
In that split second of hesitation, few were able to start, Bakugo immediately exploding himself off the ground, Todoroki freezing everyone on the ground and creating himself a path to move forward, and Iida with his machine-like speed.
But I wasn't behind, I right in front of them.
Using three quick I.M.s (instantaneous movement) I had already reached the first stage of the course the robot area.
Without hesitation, I didn't stop and in case any of the zero pointers tried to hit I quickly answered with a rune-enforced Multi Strike+ Avenging Strike, each time, the part of the robot that got hit always was destroyed.
Unfortunately because of this, I was surpassed by Todoroki and Bakugo who were able to freeze and surpass the robots.
' Oh, you wanna play like this? FINE BY ME.'
I activated Rage, fueling my strength with Runes, who covered the body under the cloths with tattoos and started using Computer Personification to make the robots target the two other brats.
From my previous controlled and perfect Running form, I turn into a beast, running in all four while simply tearing apart any robot who was able to get out of my control to try and hit me.
I was forcing my way through, and thanks to the two kids having been slowed down I once again got first place.
The second Obstacle is the pit.
Mic explained the rules, but this was the easiest part of the course for me, Using I.M. to jump from landing area to landing area until I was able to reach the other side, leaving the other two to the dust.
Don't let me even start in the mine area, I could have used my senses to pinpoint the location of the mines but it would have taken too much time so I simply outrun the explosions, quite easy considering the mines were weak to prevent any kid from dying.
Using everything they had Todoroki and Bakugo were able to almost reach me, almost is the key word.
I got first place, and I won't lose it.