An 18 years old dude with ADHD gets transmigrated in Deku's body with a random system, literally, how will he survive in a world where 80% of people have powers, and he is part of the rest? book image, and plot, aren't mine
After 15 minutes of eating, I had a small chat with my mom and then headed for the attic of the house, where a lot of dad's items that he couldn't bring with him are.
Strangely, Izuku had no memory of what he looked like since he left when he was young, and no photos of him were around the house, in of the memories Izuku asked why there weren't any, and she simply said at the start they were supposed to go with him so he had taken all the photos, but in the end, we stayed here, so all photos remained with dad.
... Yeah something smells fishy, but currently, I have no clue what my father could look like, I only know his name is Hisashi Midorya, and that he has a fire-breathing quirk if even this information is true or not I don't know.
I finally reach the attic, and after holding my breath to open the door and let some of the dust get out I got inside and started to search for the books.
To my surprise, apart from the books I also found training weights and martial arts manuals, was my father a hero? Or did mom wish to be one? Well not my problem, because I will be sure to grind my skills with these things.
I take out all the books and decide to start with the smallest one, around 100 pages, a thriller book with an assassin, a pretty basic setting but good as a starting point.
Thanks to Izuku's memories apart from understanding and speaking Japanese I could also read it or all of this would have been a problem.
Silence spread in the room, the only sound hearable is my breath and the almost systematic turning of pages.
I was so focused on the story I didn't even notice my reading speed slowly increasing, reaching a point no normal human should be able to do unless the words are stationary.
I was so focused that I didn't even notice the arrival of the last page, which kinda shook me, did I read that fast?
I take out my phone to check the time and I noticed that it had only taken me around an hour to finish the whole book.
Thinking it might have been caused by a new skill I had ignored I open up my status, and surprise, surprise, a new skill appeared.
Speed Reading Lv.4
Your brain is used to reading, makes reading faster by (skill level)%, gets boosted by ( intelligence)%
From the reading, I also gained a point in Wisdom but not intelligence, was it because it is already pretty high?
already having my status open I click on the quest tab to get the reward from the quest.
Reward: Since you have read a 139-page book thriller, you have gained the skill Tracker Lv.1
Tracker Lv.1
You have the senses to become a good detective, you can find tracks and/or clues (skill level)% more easier.
'Not that useful for the immediate but might be in the future.'
I take another book, this time a romance book of around 200 pages, not my best pick, but the possibility of gaining a skill related to charm made me hopeful.
I head downstairs and head to my room, only to get stopped by my mother's shout.
I blocked in steps, and neither of my memories helped me interact with human beings outside the family, in my previous life I was an 18-year-old with ADHD and social anxiety, and so was Izuku, so what the fuck do I do now?
I sigh while heading downstairs, and to my surprise, apart from my mother, I see next to her a woman with pink hair and small horns chatting with her.
She strongly resembled a character from MHA but ignored the fact for now and headed towards my mother with a trembling smile, trying to look as natural as possible.
This resulted in an almost robotic movement, but at least I wasn't trembling, resulting in my willpower rising maybe?
I reach the side of my mother, I look at the woman and do a small bow.
" Goodmorning, it's a pleasure to meet you," I said with the best smile I could make, which didn't look natural at all.
The woman smiles and looks at my mom.
" He as cute as you said he would be." She said trying to embarrass me, it worked.
" I know right? I have so many photos where he looks just so cute, but I can't find the ones where he is taking a bath."
Yep, okay and that's my cue to leave.
" Mom I am heading to my room," I said and didn't wait for her answer.
But as soon as I turned around a voice came from the entrance.
"Mooom have you finished? I am bored."
Pink hair? Check, Yellow Horns? Check, Black sclera with yellow pupils? Check, wearing casual somewhat kinda revealing from Japanese standards clothes? Check.
...Of course, I had to fucking meet Mina Ashido on my first in this world, one of the friendliest members of the anime met me, a fucking concentration of social anxiety.
" Mina, be more respectful, I am having a nice talk, why don't you go with Izuku to his room?"
" Ohh what a great idea, I will bring tea and biscuits in a few minutes so why don't you both go up?" Said my mom with a smile, what is she thinking?
Ex-fucking-cuse me? Do I not have any words in this matter?
" Fine, but we will go shopping later," Mina said while approaching me.
" So? Where to?" She asked me with an annoyed face, not because of me, fortunately.
I wanted to say something, but like usual, social anxiety took the better of me so I sighed and headed for my room, hoping Izuku didn't have anything embarrassing him outside of the monstrous amounts of All Might gadgets I had already hidden.
I open the door to my room let get her inside and then I get inside( her *wink), LEAVING THE DOOR OPEN.
She looks around an almost empty room, there only is a bed, a desk with a computer, a shelf with some books about heroes, and a wardrobe with my clothes.
She sits on the bed while I sit on the chair in front of the desk while opening the book and starting to read.
When I see her taking her phone out I sigh in relief and decide to take mine out to put some music with my earphones, nothing better than reading with music.
Not feeling like listening to Rock I decide to put on some relaxing music, deciding on Coldplay, and playing Sparks.
The silence was never embarrassing for me while I had music, or while reading a book, in those moments my chaotic mind was able to focus, something rare, but the feeling of absolute focus became like a drug, making me addicted to music and book in my previous world, and it looks like that addiction got carried over in this world too.
I continued reading for an unknown amount of time, turning page after page, while the music continued being blasted in my ears, but my train of happiness got interrupted by someone touching my shoulder.
I look up and I see a way too close Mina Ashido saying something I couldn't understand.
I remove my earphones and I ask her: "What?"
" You like Coldplay?" She asked with a smile and hoping eyes.
" Yeah," I said, starting to feel a little anxious.
" Really? What's your favourite song?" She asked while grabbing my hand, a smile on her face and her eyes sparkling with happiness.
... Should have I said no?