
My Pregnant Ex-wife Returns

“W-what…what are you saying, Caesar,” Grace was in disbelief as tears lingered in her eyes. “Let's divorce Grace, she's back?” Caesar muttered coldly, shattering Grace's heart. Her grip on the envelope containing the divorce papers tightened. “This can't be… I'm your wife, and I'm…” she attempted to tell him the good news of her pregnancy. “The love of my life is back…you were just a substitute,” his words echoed in Grace's ears. She was simply a substitute and nothing else. Five years later, Grace made an entrance in Caesar's life. “You can't run away from me… I know you still love me…” “I don't love you anymore, Caesar, now let go!” Grace tried to flee Caesar's stronghold, but unfortunately, he shoved her against the wall gently. “Let me go…you're hurting…” “What are you doing to my mommy,” a small melodious voice of a little girl got Caesar's attention, he turned around only to find a little girl standing behind him with a stern expression. “Mommy?” Why was the little girl referring to Grace as mom? ~~~~ Grace always thought she had a perfect husband and happy marriage until her world shattered when Caesar's past walked through the door, disrupting their seemingly perfect marriage. A girlfriend, the love of his life, appeared out of nowhere, demanding her place in Caesar's heart. Instantly, their once-unbreakable bond crumbled, leaving Grace utterly devastated. Confusion and heartache enveloped her as Caesar made the painful request for a divorce, even when she was expecting his child. Five years later, Grace was back to where it all started. This time with a solid heart and a goal to protect her daughter.

Fairylove · สมัยใหม่
89 Chs

CHAPTER 59 Give him a second chance

  "Thanks…" Grace began, trailing off as a thousand questions swirled in her mind. She saw how calm Caesar was. It reminded her of the past when they were married. She wished her days were like that in the past. Unfortunately, everything was ruined.

  "Silvia delivered the files…but I sorted them out, you can check," Caesar said, his voice gentle but firm as he gestured for her to take a seat at the table. Grace wordlessly obeyed, her mind reeling with confusion and curiosity.

  "Silvia," her assistant, had gone on leave, but how did Caesar take care of her work? This was too much for her.

  As Caesar plated the scrambled eggs and garnished them with freshly chopped herbs, Grace couldn't help but watch him in astonishment. An image of him in his professional suits and confident demeanor was suddenly replaced by this domestic, nurturing version of him. Her thoughts raced as she tried to reconcile the two images.