
Furnace! Resources Overflowing!

นักแปล: EndlessFantasy Translation บรรณาธิการ: EndlessFantasy Translation

As the treasure chests were removed from the storage space, they scattered all over the floor. The dim storage area was immediately lit up by the glow from the twenty-plus treasure chests.

There were a total of twenty one treasure chests, and the loot they were carrying shone in their respective colors, a preview of the different tiers that those colors represented.

Who knew what the chests were made of; no matter whether it looked like wood or bronze, the surface would feel completely smooth like flawless jade.

"Looks like it's still the same, I'll start with the wooden chests first to try my luck…"

Other than the twenty one chests, the whole living room also had a shining wall comprising hundreds of treasure chests. It gave Su Mo the feeling of being a 'billionaire'.

He planned to open them slowly but, with a wave of his hand, Su Mo had already opened 11 of the wooden chests at once.