
My Possessive Lover ❤️

*** YOUR COMMENTS ARE HIGHLY APPRECIATED *** she who loved CEO stories hated when these stupid female protagonist tries to run away from male lead turning them into yandere ....... " aah, stupid who told you to comment back to him...??" " Hmph, you deserve it, being stubborn will lead you to your downfall...!!!" "omg, male lead choose me not this stupid female lead who is sneaking away from you~~~" maybe god listened to her prayers and she found herself in super possessive CEO romance novel ' My Possessive Lover '. ~~ after 19th round of play ~~ male lead : where do you think you are going baby girl? our MC : god please help me.... ........ other books : 1) CEO daddy loves cute baby ❤️ 2) when life is darker than black.

Prachishukla04 · สมัยใหม่
80 Chs

chapter 73

'screw my luck...' when she started to feel overwhelmed pain in her lower abdomen her face twitched.

"hubby, please believe your cute wifey. this time ema (I am) not lying. pilige (please)" she looked at him with puppy eyes tried to hide her face for showing any pained look but as if her face was transparent jay clearly saw her painful look in her eyes.

this time looking at her pained face he felt urge to believe her, but still to carry on his act he said,

" let me tell you babygirl if you dare to hide away I swear I will let you know what it feels to be in bed for five days straight!" he moved aside making a way for Kriti to go.

horror was clearly visible on her face and she looked like a scared kid ready to cry at any moment.

'mummy... male lead is scarring me..stupid yandere.. shoo. .·´¯`(>▂<)´¯`·.'

looking at her horrified yet crying expressions he tried hard to not to laugh, she looked really funny. Kriti without wasting further walked toward bathroom and by coincidence jay's eyesight lowered to her ass.

when he saw red spot on her light blue pajama he embarrassingly looked here and there. getting out of his bedroom he slapped himself on his forehead in embarrassment, never in his life he felt such embarrassment.

' shit, stupid jay! she must be in pain and you let her wait so much... stupid!'

walking down on stairs he tried to hide his embarrassment but his ears turned into light shade of pink. ' she is having ladies problems' he thought walking further ahead.

Kriti closing bathroom door immediately checked only to find huge shock, she was bleeding heavily and her pain was increasing by seconds.

finding sanitary napkin in one of the drawer inside bathroom she immediately changed into another pajama and panty.

she sighed looking at her ruined clothes, washing them with her hands she dried them in washing machine.

it would be fine for her if she would've felt just a little pain but this body pains too much.

" don't worry Kriti, one day you will definitely feel what is real pain in those special days" her friend Namita one day jokingly told her when Kriti didn't believed their words but who would've known that this will all come true?

' aah, this body is paining too much... I am bleeding so much.. what if I got killed? omg... mumma, what to do????' her condition turned worst when all hilarious questions started to appear on her mind.

mood swings, pain, everything was common in those special days but she felt extremely angry.

'why??? why it's paining?? like seriously so much!! waaah waaah I miss my real body... waah' she faked cried in her thoughts as she slowly walked out of bathroom supporting her tired body.

'um,.. seems like have to eat noodles... yum... chocolate too... aah, where the heck is that stupid husband of mine ???' minute before she felt like crying, but soon she felt hungry, her mood swings were really troublesome.

"JAY" loudly yelling her name she looked here and there ' oops, energy got wasted' , poor jay who was drinking water that time, sprout out everything and coughed, immediately putting glass on platform he ran toward his bedroom.

'what happened to her? is she fine?'

when he opened bedroom door what greeted him was....