

"Her heart was cold as dead yet he embraced her with so much love" ----- Xavier: Sleeping Beauty, listen to me Frustrated by her lack of attention, he gently pushes her against the wall and draws near, so close that he can feel her heartbeat against his chest. Xavier: My dear Sleeping Beauty, please don't be upset with me. I can't bear your anger. Reina looked at him, eyes flashing with hurt. Reina: Why did you act like that at the party? He was just a young boy! Xavier: I can't stand anyone looking at you like that. You're mine, Reina. Mine to touch, to look at, to love. I can't lose you. Please understand. He wasn't looking at you… right. His voice breaks on the last word. He buries his face in her neck, his grip tightening slightly. Reina shivers, a mixture of fear and something else she can't name rising within her. Xavier: You're my peace, Reina—my only peace. I love you. Don't ever leave me. The room is silent, save for their ragged breaths. Reina closes her eyes, clinging to him. ----- It's a short story, I hope you all like it

icyy_queen · สมัยใหม่
15 Chs


Throughout the day, she was occupied with meetings, completely forgetting about yesterday's incident. She arrived at the mansion at 6 pm.


In the lounge

Mia Knight beckoned Reina over, gesturing towards an array of sparkling jewelry on display. "Come, Reina. Have a look at these exquisite pieces. If anything catches your eye, take it. It's yours" she offered warmly, her eyes twinkling with generosity.

Reina's gaze flitted over the glittering gems before alighting on a particularly elegant necklace. "I'll take this one. What's the price?" she asked.

Mia Knight's smile widened, her tone gentle yet firm. "There's no need for payment, my dear. Consider it a gift from me to you," she insisted, her eyes conveying sincerity.

"But it's too expensive, Aunt," Reina protested, her brow furrowing in concern. "I can't accept such a lavish gift. Let me pay for it."

Mia Knight shook her head gently. "You're family, Reina. And family deserves to be spoiled from time to time," she declared, her tone leaving no room for argument.

Reina's lips parted in surprise, her mind swirling with conflicting emotions. "But—"

"No buts, You are my daughter too" Mia Knight interjected softly, pressing a tender kiss to Reina's forehead.

From his vantage point, Xavier remained hidden. His heart hammered a frantic rhythm against his ribs, its rapid beat echoing in his ears.

His hands gripped the rough wooden sill with white-knuckled intensity, a smile he hadn't consciously formed tugged at the corner of his lips.

He watched his mother and Reina with love.


"Gold digger," Julia spat, her eyes narrowing with disdain as she observed Mia Knight's generous gesture towards Reina.

Julia clenched her fists, her jaw tensing with resentment. "Just wait, Reina. Once I become Xavier's wife, I'll whisk you away from this mansion," she vowed bitterly. "I'll show you what real care looks like. That old lady never loved me like this," she seethed, her voice dripping with venom.


Next day:

"Lara, we're going shopping. Want to come?" Lara asked, a hopeful look in her eyes.

Reina hesitated, feeling a bit out of place. "I have some work to finish, and honestly, I'm not experienced with shopping. You guys go ahead," she replied politely before excusing herself to her quarters to freshen up.

Meanwhile, Laura turned to Xavier, a mischievous glint in her eye. "Hey bro, want to hit the shops with us?"

Xavier smiled. "Sure, let's go," he agreed, and the trio—Lara, Laura, and Xavier—set off for a day of shopping.

When they reached the shopping mall, Lara turned to Laura with a look. "First, let's find dresses and shoes for Reina, then we can focus on ourselves," she suggested.

But Xavier interjected with a practical suggestion. "That might take too long. You two go ahead and pick out your things. I'll take care of finding a dress for Ms Romano."

Lara nodded in agreement. "That's a good idea. But what if Reina does not like it ?"

"Of course, she will. Bother's choice is impeccable." Laura said confidently 

"Call me when you're done," Xavier said with a smile before they split up and headed in different directions, each on their mission in the vast expanse of the mall.

After exploring numerous shops, Xavier finally stepped into a NICOLE MILANO boutique. His eyes scanned the racks until they landed on a stunning red mermaid-style dress. The vibrant hue and elegant design caught his attention, and he couldn't help but envision Reina wearing it. 

"I will take this," Xavier instructed the manager as he handed his card over.

"Yes, sir," the manager replied promptly, processing the payment for the chosen dress.

Exiting the shop, Xavier waited patiently for Lara and Laura to join him.

As they approached, Lara voiced their exhaustion. "Bro, let's head home. We're worn out,"

Xavier glanced at their full hands and smiled. "Are you both done shopping?" 



Meanwhile, Bella remained indifferent to everyone around her, seated with a man who was her boyfriend. She hadn't told anyone about him and they met secretly every time.

Today, she skipped her university and had lunch with him

During lunch, Bella's boyfriend, Zack, leaned in, his tone casual yet probing. "So, I heard your brother's wedding is coming up. Are you excited about it?"

Bella's expression flickered with a hint of discomfort at the mention of her brother's wedding. She hadn't known much about it,

"Oh, uh, yeah," she replied, her voice slightly strained. "It's going to be a big event for the family."

Her boyfriend nodded, his eyes lingering on her face, searching for any signs of deception. "Is this a love marriage?" 

"Why do you want to know that?" Bella got confused 

"Nothing, just casually" 

"Are you going to bring me as your plus one?" he asked, diverting her attention 

Bella's heart skipped a beat at the question. She hadn't even considered the possibility of revealing their relationship at her brother's wedding.

Caught off guard, she forced a laugh, hoping to deflect his question "We'll see," she replied evasively, her mind racing with uncertainty.

Zack chuckled, his eyes narrowing slightly as he detected her hesitation. "Come on, Bella. You know I'd love to meet your family," he pressed, his tone gentle yet insistent.

Bella shifted uncomfortably in her seat, torn between her desire to keep her relationship with her boyfriend hidden and his persistent requests. "I... I don't know," she stammered, feeling the weight of his gaze bearing down on her.

Sensing her discomfort, he reached out to gently grasp her hand, his touch both reassuring and possessive. "It's okay, Bella. Whenever you're ready, I'll be there by your side," he murmured, his voice laced with a hint of manipulation.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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