
My Phoenix System: Cosmic Rebirth

In a world where magic and beasts roam, Xavier, a young teen whose existence seemed to be frowned upon by the God of bad luck has been plagued by relentless misfortune, finds a clue to hope from an unexpected source. Xavier's fate takes a dramatic turn when he is chosen by the Cosmic Phoenix, a celestial entity of unimaginable power. Bestowed with the incredible Phoenix System, Xavier gains the ability to grow stronger with each challenge he faces, attaining greater strength with each rebirth. Tasked with a monumental mission, Xavier is appointed by the Cosmic Phoenix to save the world from an impending disaster. With his newfound powers, he embarks on a perilous journey to confront formidable adversaries, unlock the mysteries of the Phoenix system, and avert the cataclysmic fate that threatens the entire cosmos. As Xavier embraces his role as the world's chosen savior, he must defy the odds and harness the Phoenix System's extraordinary abilities to ensure the survival of all.

Three_Sins_Studios · แฟนตาซี
38 Chs

King Boar

The sun hung low on the horizon, casting long shadows across the dense forest as Xavier and his hunter team ventured deeper into the wilderness. The air was thick with the scent of earth and foliage, and the rustle of leaves underfoot echoed through the tranquil surroundings. The group moved with purpose, their senses heightened in the heart of nature's embrace.

As they traversed through the dense foliage, the atmosphere shifted. The birds' melodic songs turned into hushed whispers, and the wind carried an underlying tension. Aria, with her keen perception, signaled the team to halt. They crouched low, eyes scanning the surroundings.

Suddenly, a low rumble emanated from the thicket ahead. The team tensed, hands gripping weapons tightly as they awaited the source of the disturbance. Emerging from the shadows were four massive wild boars, their powerful forms charging toward the hunters.

The grade one beasts were formidable adversaries, their coarse, bristly fur covering robust bodies. Sharp tusks protruded from their snouts, and their eyes glinted with a feral intensity. Each boar was a muscular force of nature, their breath visible in the crisp air as they closed the distance.

Aria whispered a brief analysis to the team.

"Grade one King Boars, ferocious but not impossible. Keep your distance and aim for vulnerable spots."

Garret quickly took charge without hesitation.

"Felix, provide support with your bow. Aria, cover Xavier. We'll take them down one by one. Stay focused, team."

The team spread out, each member finding a strategic position. Xavier, with a deep breath, unsheathed his short swords, his eyes locked on the approaching beasts. He had faced challenges before, but the direct confrontation with wild beasts was a different realm altogether.

As the boars closed in, the first clash erupted. Garret met one of the beasts head-on, his saber striking with precision. Felix, positioned at a distance, skillfully fired arrows, aiming for vulnerable areas. Aria moved with agility, her daggers slashing through the air as she engaged another boar.

Xavier, however, found himself hesitating. His usual tactics involved traps and his concealed fire abilities, but in the presence of the team, he dared not reveal the full extent of his powers. Instead, he opted for a more conventional approach, attempting to match the strength of the wild boars with his short swords.

The forest echoed with the primal fury of the grade one King boar, its massive form charging with thunderous force toward Xavier. The air vibrated with the intensity of the impending collision, and the ground seemed to quake beneath the beast's powerful strides.

Xavier, adrenaline coursing through his veins, had only a split second to react. With reflexes honed by training and the instinct for survival, he rolled to the side with agility, narrowly evading the direct path of the oncoming juggernaut. As he executed the evasive maneuver, he unsheathed his left-hand blade with a swift motion.

In a seamless motion, Xavier initiated a fast slashing attack as the King boar pushed past him with incredible speed. His blade met the thick, bristly hide of the beast, and for a fleeting moment, there was a satisfying resistance. The blade cut through, leaving a good, albeit shallow, gash along the beast's flank.

The sheer force of the boar's charge, however, proved overwhelming. The collision of beast and hunter was like a clash of titans. Xavier's body was sent airborne, a mere plaything in the wake of the King boar's power. The impact was bone-jarring, and he tumbled through the air before landing with a thud on the forest floor.

The world momentarily spun around Xavier as he lay sprawled on the ground, the taste of dirt and leaves on his lips. Pain radiated from various points on his body, and he could feel the dull ache of the impact.

The King boar, having turned to face Xavier once more, fixed its intense gaze upon the hunter. The eyes, filled with primal rage, shifted to the shallow cut inflicted by Xavier's blade. For a brief moment, a flicker of recognition and something akin to fury crossed the beast's countenance.

Then, with a snarl that reverberated through the forest, the King boar revealed an even more enraged look. Its massive form tensed, muscles rippling beneath the bristly fur as it prepared for another charge. The murderous gaze, filled with unbridled anger, locked onto Xavier once again.

Xavier, battered and bruised, struggled to rise from the forest floor. His limbs ached, and the taste of blood lingered in his mouth, a bitter reminder of the recent clash with the grade one King boar.

As Xavier barely managed to stand, his vision blurred with the remnants of the boar's powerful charge. The forest seemed to sway around him, and he could feel the dull throb of pain reverberating through every fiber of his being. Yet, even in the midst of his own physical turmoil, the hunter's gaze focused on the impending threat.

The King boar, undeterred by Xavier's resilience, charged once again. The massive creature, driven by primal rage, tore through the underbrush with a ferocity that left little room for strategy. The beast's approach was swift and unyielding, a relentless force of nature seeking to crush anything in its path.

With no time to devise a calculated plan, Xavier's instincts kicked in. In a desperate bid to withstand the imminent collision, he raised his blades over his chest, forming a makeshift barrier. The forest fell into a brief silence as if holding its breath in anticipation of the impending clash.

The King boar, with thunderous momentum, struck Xavier head-on. The impact was cataclysmic, a collision of primal forces that seemed to echo through the very core of the forest. The sheer power of the beast's charge surpassed Xavier's expectations, and for a moment, time seemed to stretch as he braced himself for the inevitable.

The collision hit with a force that defied description. It felt as though Xavier had been drop-kicked by a creature with the strength of a charging horse, each hoof delivering an unrelenting blow. The hunter was sent hurtling backward through the air, a ragdoll caught in the throes of nature's wrath.

Mid-air, Xavier's body contorted in response to the relentless force. He expelled a mouthful of blood, the crimson droplets scattering like macabre confetti in the forest air. The impact of the boar's charge left him suspended in a moment of agony, the world spinning around him.

As Xavier crashed to the forest floor, a guttural gasp escaped his lips. The wind was knocked out of him, and his body felt like it had been wracked by a tempest. His vision swam in a sea of blurred colors, and the oxygen seemed to abandon him for a few agonizing seconds.

Gasping for breath, Xavier lay sprawled on the ground, battered and broken. The forest, now a surreal tableau of shadows and light, witnessed the aftermath of the brutal clash. The King boar, having momentarily halted its assault, eyed Xavier with a primal satisfaction.