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Revinsane · สมจริง
2 Chs

Learning a language

I was thinking that how well you know or understand a people, would influence how well or fast your able to pick up their language.


Say you know the Spanish, Greek and, Italian and French were ruled by the Romans. And therefore their language were heavily influenced by Latin. That's why they are called Romance languages.

Therefore when you see definite articles like l' La Le Les or a la being used in all these languages.

You would understand why and won't get completely confused.

Same way you would understand the meaning of the word 'Nigger' if you have learnt about the Slave trade of America.

And we all can probably speak English very well because we understand British culture, history and people to a certain extent very well.

They say context gives meaning to language. History and culture tends to give a lot of context.

You can also say that the French have the habit of shortening or contracting all their words, they also don't like capitalising because they are damn lazy people. We all know the French tendency to go on strikes every now and then.

Same thing with insults, the literal translation of this insult would'n t mean much. However the history associated with the word would be what makes it insulting.

Nigger's literal translation would be black person in American English.

However it's association with the Slave trade and it being used as an ethnic slur is what makes it insulting.

Even Indian- English word Sepoy for example we now the meaning of Sepoy because it was used to call native Indian soldier in the company army. And it was also a mispronunciation of the word sipahi.

Say even accents are influenced by history.

For example in the old days the English spoken by the aristocratic class would be different form the lower classes.

Because the upper class would begin to include French words and pronunciations in their English.

Whereas the lower classes would continue to use Saxon English.

Same in Tamil Nadu, the Tamil spoken by the upper castes in Tamil Nadu would sound different by accent because lots of Sanskrit words and pronunciations would have been added in.

And the Tamil spoken by the lower castes would have relatively less Sanskrit words and pronunciations making them sound different.

We also know Madrasi Tamil words such Baek:- Innocent faced which comes from Tamil and Hindi mixing with each other.

Grammer is also the pattern system in a language. It's also influenced by Is history and other languages

Such as pattern structures/grammatical structures in French were influenced by Latin in form of verb conjugations and use of articles etc

If you have a good understanding of the patterns of a language then you can play with it in a lot of ways

For example

Come Naruto! Let's eat dinner

Come! Let's eat Naruto