
My personal Black Magic

Amy a little girl of six years accidentally saves a boy who was a million years old from a coffin enchantment. The boy Who later she finds out he is a demon. What will happen to the little six years old girl who just fell into the devil's circle

Clyenemo · แฟนตาซี
16 Chs

You are my nightmare

In front of her laid a coffin. And inside it was a little boy. He must be of age 7 or 8. Her already tensed body seemed to add tension to itself. Her thought were clouded by the thought of this little boy falling into this hole like her and dieing in it since he could not get out of it. ' if he died here, then who built this coffin. Her frightened and enthusiastic body seemed to move towards the coffin rather than running from it. She got close and bent down close to it. She starred at it. Taking a closer look. There was a writing on it. Which was written in blood and it says

' γιατί σε εσένα 'which means cause be on you in greek. Lucky Amy was a guru in greek mythology and words. So she could read the writing. She felt a utterly suprised why a little boys cage will be caused in such a cruel way.

'Why will some one cause a little boy's coffin' she taught and shocked her head trying to stop the thoughts playing around her head. Looking at the right, she saw another writing which says

είσαι δωρεάν which means you are free. She looked at it and saw the bowl of blood close to it. Little Amy had soon forgotten are fears and was glued to this dead boy coffin as she stood there, she took a the shape stone near it and cut her hand. At that moment she felt pity for the boys poor soul which had been restless and wanted to try and see if she could break the cause. She didn't care why the person caused him only how she could help him to be free. And so as her blood flowed down into the bowl she repeated the words ' είσαι δωρεάν ' and immediately an heavy wind blew underneath the earth and the whole ground started shaking. Amy sat on the ground crying as she covered her head with her dress. The earth was falling to the earth . She cried and she patiently waited for it to fall on her.

After few minutes the earthquake stopped and the little Amy stopped crying and gently removed her dress from her head. But that was her mistake as she came to meet was her nightmare. In front of her was her dream for over 4 years now. Her breathing soon stopped or rather she held her breath. Her fears came to her like a rushing wind.

The person in front of her was the boy from her dreams. She has seen it all before only these time it was really happening. Her fire lamp soon turned off. The only light that could be seen were the one from his eyes.

His eyes were red with gold like sprinkles on it. Which emitted a sort of light. The darkness was soon gathering around him and his half skeleton body was gradually repairing itself. His nails were long. And when he opened his teeth his two incisors were very long. She kept staring at him and waited patiently for what will happen next . She remembered that in her dreams he suddenly grappled her and drank her blood. This thought of hers made her scared and she clunged to her dress like it was her protector.

She gradually stood up and looked the boy In the eyes . It was not moving. Soon she felt it was a statue but as she stepped closer to it . The mouth of the boy said

' Am back. Yes... ' The boy shouted. His voice was like thunder. Crawling like fear in her skin. She looked at him and was about to run when the boy suddenly grabbed her by the neck and started strangling her and pushing her back on the floor of the passage.

' what do you expect that I will bow down to you, ah. Did you think I will say thank you. You witch. I will kill you and drink your blood cause I am draco'. He skweezing her neck harder. Amy found hard to breath as her hand tried to pull his hand away but to no veil is hands were too strong.

Finding a little voice ' p...leas..e leave me ...' she begged.

'Never, I will never let you put me in this coffin ever again '. He said. This time Amy was no longer able to breath and her concious state was soon fading. Her mind soon wandered to her imagining telling her father and mother good bye. But as she was about to give up, he suddenly removed his hands from her neck and moved 3 steps backward trying to stand on his feet . Amy fell on the ground gasping for air but she couldn't and she suddenly fell unconcious.

The boy who suddenly fell backward was suprised,he didn't know what threw him backward almost making him lose his balance. He looked at the girl. She had already fallen unconscious. Something was about this girl that made him almost fall down as his thought was about pondering on that. The rocks on top of the cave started falling. He wanted to quickly run. But his thought went to the girl. The evil part of him said he should go and let her die but something said he should save her. He listened to the evil and disappeared.

The rocks fell down opening an open sky. A heavy and big rock soon suddenly was falling on top of Amy. This was the end . We will all say but as it was about to hit her some graped her. Thus, saving her from almost death.

Please show love to this book. Love clyenemo

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