
My personal Black Magic

Amy a little girl of six years accidentally saves a boy who was a million years old from a coffin enchantment. The boy Who later she finds out he is a demon. What will happen to the little six years old girl who just fell into the devil's circle

Clyenemo · แฟนตาซี
16 Chs

Interpreting Amy's dream

In the morning, the sun pierced through the window. Amy worked up. Her father and mother were no longer in the room. She slipped out of bed

and walked over to the phone beside and checked the time. It was 10: 32 am. She sat down on the bed before she decided to step out of the room. She walked to her room. While she walked past the hall, she heard some maids gossiping about her.

' didn't she have one of her episode last night. Maybe she is realy caused and that's why she keeps having nightmare'. They all giggled

' or maybe she is having a mental problem. I pity for the king he has to put up with his wife who can't even give him another child compared to having a boy'.

'Maybe she fell barren after giving birth to this insane child'. She heard one say.

Amy stopped her tracks and starred at the lady who said such a thing. Everyone fell silent and bowed to her. She shocked her head and ran to her room. By the time she got to her room, she meant 2 maids making the bed and the other ironing her uniform. They were Teresa and Patricia, her personal maids.

When they saw her, they bowed. Teresa walked up to her and told her mother would soon be here to get her ready for school. And then Patricia asked if she was alright and doing fine.

' yes, I am already late for school. I don't want to get a canning from my teacher. I don't want to go to school'. Amy said smiling

' nonsense, you will go to school, you will learn all your subjects. Alright'. Nori said while she walked into the room and the maids bowed. Nori smiled. ' how are you two, Teresa and Patricia.' Unlike other queen who are elitist snobs, she was friendly with her subjects and treated them like family.

' we are fine, your majesty. We were on our way out'. They said and bowed again and left the room.

' why no school,come here'. Nori told her

' I slept late and woke up late. Mummy i don't want, maybe tomorrow'.

' no, not a menacing dream will put you in such an agony and

disrupt your academics. Learn to love books they change lives'.

' fine, then. Thanks you mommy.' Amy smiled her middle teeth showed.

' come on, let's get you ready'. Nori said and took her to the hot tub

'Seer, if you are going to stand there and give me a no meaningful explanation on my daughters recurring dream, I will have no choice but to send you to the dungeon. I don't care if you are an old man'. George said while he properly positioned himself on the throne. Nori who had been quiet time set her attention on him before starring back at the seer.

'Please tell us that you understand and can fully interprete my daughter's dream'. Nori said almost tearing up.

' yes I can your majesty'. The seer said and smiled knowing how painful the interpretation will be on the family.

' Please proceed'. George said with a smile. After so many years he was finally to know why the dreams keep on comingand what it means.

' gour daughter is a very special child your majesty. She is a cause, a freak. She deserves to die'. The seer said shouting.

' enough, have heard more than a enough. I told you to interpret my daughters dream and not cause her with those lose tounges of yours'. George said while standing up and walking towards the king. ' men, get this old imposter of a man. Make sure you cut his lips and that wide tounge of his. The men ran towards the seer, they tried dragging him out of the room. But the old man kept struggling. He began his words again. And George stopped on his tracks

' your majesty, on the day of the full moon, your daughter release a beast to this world. A slaughter beast. And on that day you will die your majesty. Your daughter shall his own personal blood farm'. The seer said and George told his men to leave him let him speak. Nori after hearing the seer announced the death of her husband she started weeping. While George motioned for the seer to proceed with his words.

'He will kill many your majesty, slaughtering them with no remorse. Your majesty the full moon is only a day from now. You must sacrifice your daughter to goddess Apollo and worship her in her holy shrine unless you will die and your daughter shall realise the beast...'. The seer couldn't finish his words as the king held him by the neck.

' are you a Greek seer' George asked arrogantly and the old man nodded. ' how dear you come in here and suggest me to sacrifice my daughter. You are a fraud, an imposter and a scam. You deserve to be beheaded or hanged for your choice of dreams interpretation. Men, I want you to cut his legs and hands and the his head. Do that now'. George said angrily while his men took the seer away. George paid a deaf ear to the seer pleads. He was very angry. By the time he turned he saw his wife sobbing on her seat. He ran towards her and held her in his arms. He tried to calm her down.' Please stop crying, dear wife nothing os going to happen to me. Your daughter won't release a beast it's going to be fine'.

Still sobbing,' you heard what he said you will... please don't leave me, please don't. I can't lose you, I will die' she kept sobbing. She didn't want to lose him. Although the old man may be a fake, he may also be real. She didnt want to lose this him. Oh she prayed the seer was an imposter and nothing he said is real. Her tears deepened. She hugged him tighter. She wont let him go. He can't die.

While she was still crying a guard came in and told the king that he was needed. George gave her an encouraging smile and whispered in her ear. ' it will be fine alright'. Before he left.

She ran to her room. She finally let the tears lose again immediately she got to her room. All her pain and anguish came flowing like river to her brain. She loved George so much. She didnt want him to die . Her mind soon wandered to the time she first meant him.