
My personal Black Magic

Amy a little girl of six years accidentally saves a boy who was a million years old from a coffin enchantment. The boy Who later she finds out he is a demon. What will happen to the little six years old girl who just fell into the devil's circle

Clyenemo · แฟนตาซี
16 Chs

He lives in us.

Amy sat in her room still sobbing it has been two days since found out her fathers death. She didn't eat or bath, her father was are world. He played with her. She loved him so much. He always made her feel special and any time she had her nightmares he was always making her less scared. 'Who will play with me now. Who will help me with my studies. Who will teach me how to shot a bow and arrow. Who will tell that I am special. Who.'. Amy said as the tears kept coming down her face. She sat on the bed as she buried her head on her knee and kept crying.

Meanwhile, Nori sat on her bed She felt her world had come to an end. He left after saying he wouldn't. He left after his promise. He left her alone shattered. Breaking her heart to a million pieces this was no what he promised. He promised he would be there for them. He promised he will not leave them but now he was gone leaving her all alone in this world. Leaving her to take care of Amy all alone with no one to fight for them. No one to keep out the evil from eating them. No one to protect them. He left are to suffer the pains all on her own. To carry the burden on her own. How she going to protect her daughter from the king of zanducag. How will she fight this battle. How will she win. The throne belonged to him but now that he was dead who will fight his fight. Will it be that ruthless and cruel king of zanducag.

The night was fast approaching and the rain was falling but a woman is seen crying her heart out. Her tears came down like the rain. She couldn't hold it back anymore. She loved this man so much. She looked up and she yelled to the sky.

'Why George, why die. What about me, what about Amy. What will happen to us. Will kill us or will he take me and Amy as his wife. She is still too small'. Nori kept crying.

As she remembered everything about George. His likes, his dislike and love for her and Amy. His mission and his Last word. She soon gradually smiled. She remembered his last words to her

Take good care of our daughter make sure she eats every day and make sure she is happy. And always remind her to keep fighting, she will eventually get there. Alright. And take care of yourself as well. I love you'. Nori remembered those words and she also remembered what he said. 'Take good care of the kingdom'. She smiled and stood up.

'Gorge I will do what you want. I will not cry. I will fight for Amy and i will not anyone ruin and destroy the peace you have created in this kingdom. Not even Zanducag. That king. He may have killed you. But he will not kill me. I will make sure I kill him with my hands and bring his head to the ground. It's about time I did what I need to do. I will no longer cry. I need to be strong for Amy, for the kingdom, for you and'. She said smiling a bit

Amy kept crying as she sat on the bed. She had not still recovered the pain and traumas of her father's death. She looked at the window. 'Daddy, do you still love me'.

'Yes, he does'. Amy turned and saw Nori at the door.

'Mummy, she ran towards her'.

'I miss you.'. Amy said holding her waist. Nori picked her up and took her to the window.

'Who told you that daddy doesn't love you'.

'He doesn't that's why he left me all alone'. Amy said bowing her head.

Nori raised her head. 'Your father loves you. He left us because he was called . Nothing else. He loves you more than you know.'.

'But why didn't he stay with me'.

'He didn't because he thought of us. He knew we will never be strong if he stayed with us that's why he left. But he is all ways with you'.

'How, I can't see him'.

Nori smiled and looked out the window and pointed to the sky.

'You see that twinkly star. He is there. Looking down at you. Protecting you'. Amy looked at the window.

'Really mummy, that's daddy'.

'Of cos. It's him. And you know what. He loves you so much. '.

'Can I say hi to him'.


'Daddy. I love you'. Amy waved at the twinkling star.'he did not answer '. Amy said looking disappointed.

'Let me tell you something. He hears you. You can tell him anything. He listens. He is there. Just tell him. And do you know what any time you remember him the answer or reply to your words is always there. So don't cry anymore. Because daddy is there. Caring for you.'. Nori smiled when she saw Amy smile.

'Really mummy. Daddy is not dead. He is with me'.

'Yeah. Here.in your heart. He never lives even though he is killed or burnt physically but his love for you and I will never die. He still lives inside our heart. He fights for we all . And remember his words to you. He told you not to cry. So don't you cry. Because that hurt him'. Nori said as a tear fell from her eyes.

'I will not cry daddy. I will study and I will always keep smiling and playing. That's my promise'. Amy said as she smiled to the stars.

'And if you need anything. Am here. I will not anything happen to you. If you need anything. Tell me. If you want to play, talk, study . I will help. And know this I love you so much'. Nori said smiling as the tears gradually came down.

'I promise to tell you. I love you too mummy. Don't cry. Daddy doesn't want to see you cry'. Amy said as she wiped the tears from Nori face and hugged her.