
My personal Black Magic

Amy a little girl of six years accidentally saves a boy who was a million years old from a coffin enchantment. The boy Who later she finds out he is a demon. What will happen to the little six years old girl who just fell into the devil's circle

Clyenemo · แฟนตาซี
16 Chs

Do not cry

'Amy,Amy, Amy. My child,where are you '. Nori said while crying.' Please find my daughter '.she said as she continuee weeping

Many soldiers have gone back to royal hill in search of Amy. The first batch went and came back with nothing. Others have also be sent. Amy suddenly disappeared. After Nori came down she went to her daughters carriage to get her down but she was not in the carriage. All the maids have searched around but they all said they did not see the princess.

Nori kept weeping. As she sat on the floor remembering the seer's words about her daughter. All the maids went to help her and counsel her while a few were sent to get water.

' I do not want water all I want is my daughter a please find my daughter's. Nori said kicking the water from the maid's hand.

Amy woke up and found her self under the earth. All she could remember was that she was about to climb up on her horse. When the guards were summoned by her father. Whim seemed to be given them some instructions. And then suddenly she was sulked into the earth. Before she fell unconcious she remembered as she fell she saw that the fire lamps lit up immediately.

The little girl wa terrified, unhappy, and clearly missing her parents. She soon started as she out to them.

'Mummy,daddy were are you come and get me out of here'.she said wiping and sat down on the floor. She buried her face within your her legs and kept crying. But as she kept crying, her fathers word rang in her eyes like jingle.' Do not cry and always find your way out'. She soon stood up and wiped the tears although the fear was still present but it was not as hard as it was before. And gradually the girl took the fire lamp and noticed that there was a passage within this earth. And with the little courage and hope she could muster she walked into the passage.

As she kept walking, she held her lamp high. And when she will hear any creepy sounds she will instantly turn to its direction. 'The passage seemed to be never ending'. So she thought but as she walked further she noticed light coming from somewhere and she ran towards it. By the time she got to the source of light what she saw was not what she expected to ever come in contact with. Her little sign of hope seem demoralised by what was in front of her. ' this is something you don't see everyday'. She said while her hands kept trembling. And her face were sweating. The room soon fell suddenly too hot for her to breathe. Or was it her who was making it too hard for herself to breath. She thought she will soon pass out. Time kept ticking and the little girl kept looking at the light source and what she was seeing was something you will pray to never see.

Please help me. By commenting to know if I should proceed all you know. Thank you

Clyenemocreators' thoughts