
My personal Black Magic

Amy a little girl of six years accidentally saves a boy who was a million years old from a coffin enchantment. The boy Who later she finds out he is a demon. What will happen to the little six years old girl who just fell into the devil's circle

Clyenemo · แฟนตาซี
16 Chs

Am not a kid

Amy woke up and found herself in the same room she saw are self earlier. She was suprised. She was already dead then how did she come back to life. She jumped from the bed and ran towards the mirror and looked at the snakes bite she must have sustained. When she unveiled her legs. She saw the bite. They were 2 actually. 'This means I was actually bitten by a snake. Then how did I survive'. Amy thought as she went back to the bed and sat down. She couldn't have survived but here she was still breathing. Impossible. The venom if the snakes didn't kill how. She knew she was bitten several times. And she knew the venom spread around her body because it was painful. Amy shook her head. This was new.

'What are you thinking about '. A familiar cold voice jacked her back from her position in the bed and made her stand up. She starred at the face. Yes It was Draco. But this time. She could see him clearly. He was actually a small boy with a fine face . Actually very cute face. Making look like the finest boy ever. His eyes were really black and long. They curled at the tip. Making his golden black eyes to be breathtaking. His lips were very pink. His pale gloomy skin gave the beauty of an angel. His hair was very dark. It glowed a bit. They were long getting up to his shoulder blade. His smallish yet muscled body gave a fitted body for a very well structured boy. His fine fingers. Although quite small but they were very fine and added to his beauty. His body was an exact work of art.

'What are you starring at girly'. Draco looking at the girl.

Amy who returned from her trance. Looked back at him. 'Although he was cute, he was very mean and evil'. She thought.

'I am thinking of the fact that am alive'. Amy said folding her arms to her chest.

'You were saved by a certain someone girly, you should thank your stars maybe you did be telling your grandparents the history of your life's. Draco walked towards her. And stopped in front of her. 'You were very lucky little girl '.

'Tell me are you a lunatic. How could you throw me into the snakes net. Are you a fool. What If I had actually died'. She said hitting his chest. Draco starred at her. It seems the girl had grown wings over the last few hours and he hated it. She was too bold. He pitied her she was getting him too annoyed. It wasn't good.

'Little kid do you want to die. Don't you know that no body dares talk back at me. Have your parents never told you to respect your elders. Ah'. He said holding her hand. And he looked at her patiently waiting for her reply.

'First thing first stop calling me little kid am six almost seven. Then second, what elders. I don't have an elder in this room. It's only both of us and am a kid so are you're. Amy said but soon regret her words.

Draco looks at her, he was dumbstrucked. Did she think he was a kid. She thinking he was her age. What kind of brain did this girl ask. Her brain was not working at all. Him of all people a kid. He was suprised and was forced to ask.

'How old do you think am I girly'. Draco said holding her chin. Amy starred at him and turned her head to a side depicting that she was thinking. By the time she answered him. The boy looked backward.

'Five or six'. Amy said judging from his height and small hands. He either was her age or she was older than him.

'Five or six'. Draco thundered and held her neck. 'You think am five or six, how dare you han. Couldn't you find another age above that. How small do you rate me in that small brain of yours'.

Amy held his hand and tried pulling his hand away but couldn't. Yes his hands were small but they gave the hardest of grip. What is he. A demon. After a few minutes,Draco let go of her neck and looked at her. He was annoyed.

Amy who gasped for air looked at him. She asked Him.

'What did I do. Aren't you age five or six'. Amy said looking straight at his red eyes.

'Am not, am Draco. Am not a child. Am not a kid.kiddo'. Draco shouted. He then walked closer to her and looked straight into her eyes am more than a million years old'. Draco whispered into her ear. He smirked. But it died as Amy words hit him like a slap in his face.

'Lier, you are a kid. A million years. Have you looked at your statue. That's a kid statue. My age like statue. In fact you are smaller than me. If you are a million years old. Then you are short. A dwarf. A short'. Amy said as she walked past him to the mirror to show him his reflection. 'You are short, shorty'.

Amy said she didn't know why she suddenly got bold around him. Especially when he just attempted killing her a few hours ago. But she liked the boldness if he said he was a beast then I am a stronger beast.

Draco looked at the girl. What was going on in her head. Why was she suddenly bold. And did she just say he was short. Is she mad. Great Draco a shorty.

Draco appeared before her and his eyes changed colour. He looked at her. He and smiled before starring.

'Am a bad person . I kill. Destroy. Burn. I don't play, smile and sweet talk. Kid I am your worst nightmare. Am a beast. Am a DEMON. The beast the world bow down to you. They all fear me so should you'. Draco smirked.

Amy quickly swallowed. What he said just now scared her to her bones. Her limps became weak.

There interaction got interrupted by a knock in the door.

Amy wondered who was there. It's been a few minutes she been here and she hasn't seen anyone. So then who was knocking on the door.

Draco glanced at her before leaving her to attend to the stranger knocking on the door.

He was about to open when the little Amy stood behind him. He looked back at her.

'Now where are you going. '. Draco ask her.

'Nowhere in particular, just following you'. Amy said retracting her steps.

'Do you realise that you may have followed me into the devil's den'. Draco said .

'Sorr'. Amy could only say.

As she said it the boy before her disappeared. Leaving the shock Amy standing there. Did she just see a ghost. The boy disappeared. Was he a demon. Or a witch. How did he disappear. Yes she didn't dispute the fact that the way his eyes changed colour when he was angry. Pondered her but she thought maybe its was a medical problem. But disappearing is definitely not a medical problem. Was he telling the truth when he said he was a demon. Amy awed.